They are back!  The University of the Philippines Concert Chorus, UPCC, or simply Korus, the official choir of the University of the Philippines is back to Sacramento after sixteen years.  But they made such a great impression to us that we will never forget when they last visited.

It was about this time in 1996, that the UPCC participated in the World View Festival of the Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra.  They represented the Philippines as one of the countries invited to perform with orchestral accompaniment.  The UPCC was on their 12th International concert tour led by their conductor, the late Sir Reynaldo T. Paguio.  At one of the rehearsals at the Sacramento Community Center,  Mayor Anne Rudin introduced us to a Filipino Maestro, Eugene Castillio, who was a guest conductor of the orchestra for the Festival.

UPCC members stayed with very generous Filipino host families during their visit that time.  They were housed, fed, shopped for, spoiled to the hilt and toured around Sacramento.  They won the hearts of not only the audience at the World View Festival but also those who heard them at a UPCC concert with their full repertoire.

Friendships last forever.  On March 1997, on their 13th International tour, the UPCC re joined their host families this time for another sold-out concert here in Sacramento.  They traveled to different countries across America, Europe and Asia as they would again for several times, each time bringing home prestigious awards as winners in the various competitions.  (Please visit UPconcert to learn more)

In October 1999, with the sudden death of UPCC Conductor Sir Paguio, the leadership was passed on to Professor Janet Sabas-Aracama, current conductor, who was a faculty member of the UPCM, UPCC soloist and distinguished musician both as conductor and performer.   Last May 4, 2012, the UPCC celebrated their 50th anniversary and went on their 20th international concert tour.  In November of last year, the ALIW Awards Foundation honored the UPCC, already elevated to the Hall of Fame earlier as the best choral group,  with the Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest award given.

This December 2013, the UPCC will embark on their 21st International tour and will visit Seattle, Washington, California with concerts scheduled in Vallejo, Union City, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego, among other cities.  The tour,  S’Aliw Himig, Isang Lakbay Taglamig 2013, translated as Musical Entertainment, Winter Tour 2013, is scheduled as follows in Northern California.

On Sunday, December 22, 2013, at 4:00PM, The Filipino Community of Solano County Inc., and Friends of Korus Foundation Inc., will hold a UPCC concert.  It will be at the Filipino Community Center, 611 Amador Street (corner Florida Street), Vallejo, CA.  Tickets are $20 general admission and $50 sponsor – reserved seating.  For tickets and information, please call Marie Berenguer (707)642 5364; Norma Placido (707) 643-8057 or Eloise Scott (707) 642 5643.

On Saturday, December 28, 2013, there will be a concert at 6:00 P M at the Union City Apostolic Church, 33700 Alvarado Niles Road, Union City CA 94587.  Donation is $20 and for more information, please call Jim Navarro (510) 468 3402.  Sponsors are Itleong/Vera Cruz Coalition, Rotary Club of FUN Sunset, Knights of Columbus Oakland Diocese Chapter, St. James the Apostolic Church and the University of the Philippines Alumni Association.

The following day, Sunday, December 29, 2013, Eskwela Natin and the Friends of Korus Foundation Inc., proudly present the UPCC in concert at 7:30 P. M. at the Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish Church, 3235 Arden Way, Sacramento CA.  Tickets are $25 or $100 VIP sponsor with two reserved seats.  Partial list of sponsors are the University of the Philippines Alumni Association of Sacramento and Vicinities, Sacramento Pasay City/Manila Sister City, Eskwela Natin in cooperation with other organizations: American Legion Post 604, Bayanihan of Sacramento, USA, Crossings TV Channel, Filipino Community of Sacramento and Vicinity, Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento, Filipino Women’s Club, Golden State Lions Club, Maharlika Lions Club,
Operation Yolanda, Sinag-tala Filipino Theatre and Performing Arts Association, Valley Hi Lions Club, and the Visayan Association of Sacramento and Vicinity.

What started as a major fund raiser for Eskwela Natin, Sacramento, became a major fund raiser for Operation Yolanda, a community wide effort to raise funds for the victims of typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda which devastated the Philippines in one of the worst, if not the worst, super typhoons.  To be part of this humanitarian cause and for ticket information, please contact any member of the sponsoring organizations or Dolores V. Diaz at (916) 396-2351 or Ester Carrasco at (916) 386-2716.

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