THERE’S nothing better than seeing a smile on a child’s face especially a healthy smile.
Children from the ages of one to 18 can get preventive dental services at no cost, including visual exams, fluoride treatments and dental sealants, at several local clinics Saturday Feb. 25 and Saturday March 4 as part of the “Give Kids a Smile” program.
Parents can call immediately to make appointments at the clinics listed below to get free visual exams, fluoride treatments and dental sealants that can protect against cavities.
The Give Kids a Smile program was started nationally in 2003 to help children, particularly in underserved areas, with free oral health care. Here, the San Diego County Dental Foundation teams up every year with local dentists and community clinics to provide free oral health care to hundreds of local kids. This year’s program is sponsored in San Diego this year by the County Health and Human Services Agency’s Live Well San Diego campaign and First 5 San Diego.
Contacts and dates for the no-cost services:
Saturday, Feb. 25, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Cura Smiles
4101 University Avenue San Diego, CA. 92105
Appointments: 619-789-1832
- OpSam Health
2835 Highland Ave., Suite A National City, CA 91950
Appointments: 844-200-2426, ext. 1563 or ext. 1564
- Family Centers of San Diego
525 E. Main St. El Cajon, CA. 92020
Appointments: 619-906-4515.
Saturday, March 4, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Cura Smiles
4101 University Avenue San Diego, CA. 92105
Appointments: 619-789-1832
- OpSam Health
2835 Highland Ave., Suite A National City, CA 91950
Appointments: 844-200-2426, ext. 1563 or ext. 1564
- San Diego American Indian Health Center
2630 First Ave. San Diego, CA 92103
Appointments: 619-234-2158
- Vista Community Clinic
1000 Vale Terrace Drive Vista, CA. 92084
Appointments: 760-631-5000 ext. 1011.
So don’t wait! Call today to put a healthy smile on a child’s face. For more information, go to the San Diego County Dental Foundation’s Give Kid’s a Smile webpage at https://sdcds.org/sdcdf/give-kids-a-smile/.
(Gig Conaughton/County of San Diego Communications Office) n