Award-winning county buildings – Functional and beautiful by design

Ohio Street Probation Community Support Office won a 2nd place People’s Choice Orchid Award on October 5. File photo/

OCTOBER is a big month for architects. World Architecture Day was Oct. 2, and some cities celebrate good design all month with Archtober.

The San Diego Architectural Foundation honors buildings, parks or plazas in the region with Orchids this time of year. It also gives those that are not so beautiful Onion awards.

But good architecture is top of mind at the county every day. New facilities open every year and General Services makes sure the structures are not only technologically up-to-date, customer-friendly, energy-efficient and beautiful, but reflect and respect the communities where they are built.

“We want our facilities to be inviting, to make visitors feel respected as they approach the facility and when they come through the door. We want staff to be proud to work in our facilities,” said County General Services Deputy Director Steve Schmidt. “And we want the community in general, and all passersby, to feel respected by what we have built in their community.”

These efforts show, both in People’s Choice and other architectural awards.

The County won a second place People’s Choice Orchid Award Oct. 5 for its Ohio Street Probation Community Support Office. Earlier this year, the office won a Gold Nugget for Best Special Use Project at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference.

(Tracy DeFore/County of San Diego Communications Office) n

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