THE JobsNOW! Program of the San Francisco Human Services Agency has teamed up with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development and Facebook to offer a program for 50 small businesses in San Francisco.
Facebook will train 50 candidates to become Facebook Digital Marketers, paid for by JobsNOW!. The first three months of employment wages are fully subsidized by the program*, and the next three months of employment, partially subsidized. The deadline to express interest in the program is by Friday, March 12.
Qualified businesses have the opportunity to interview several pre-screened San Francisco candidates who are deemed a potential good fit and will be completely trained by Facebook. In addition, participating companies receive free advertising credits from Facebook to get them off to a great start.
Qualified businesses will receive:
• Employee trained + vetted by Facebook + First 6 months of wages subsidized *up to $30/hr;
• Exclusive training, resources + support;
• Improved social media + digital presence;
• Networking opportunity with peers and Facebook program staff;
• A $500 Facebook/Instagram ad credit.
Learn more at https://careerconnections.fb.com and apply today! SIGN UP by Friday, March 12!
For queries or if you would like more information, email Emily Romero at [email protected] or Amelie Linde at [email protected].
(SF Chamber of Commerce Release)
Hi Asianjournal,
I see an important correction that is needed with the current article, where it states “Facebook will train 50 candidates to become Facebook Digital Marketers, paid for by JobsNOW!.” – This blurb is not quite accurate, the JobsNOW! program is simply placing job seekers with employers who qualify. The wage subsidy is then provided. The training is done by Facebook. The wage subsidy is paid to the employers for their hired staff.
If you need more information, please reach out to me.
-Gabriel/JobsNOW! Section Manager