SAN FRANCISCO – The Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco joined the Congressional Gold Medal award ceremony held on October 23, 2023 at the Kalayaan Hall, Philippine Center in San Francisco, organized by the Bayanihan Equity Center (BEC) and the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FiLVetREP) to honor Filipino Veterans of World War II.
In his remarks, Consul General to San Francisco Neil Frank Ferrer highlighted the contribution of more than 250,000 Filipino veterans to the cause of freedom. He paid tribute to the families of veterans who have passed on and were being recognized during the ceremony, and underscored that they are role models and heroes whose hardships and sacrifices paved the way for the peace and liberties being enjoyed at present. He also noted that the shared experiences of Filipinos and Americans during World War II serve as a foundation of the strong alliance between the Philippines and the United States.

“It is unfortunate that only a small number of our Filipino veterans were able to see how a grateful nation continues to remember their sacrifices and immortalize their legacy through the award. To the families of veterans who are no longer with us and are being recognized this afternoon, I say: They may be your fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, brothers or uncles, but for the rest of us, they are our role models and heroes. Their hardships and sacrifices paved the way for the peace and liberties that all of us enjoy today. Rest assured that the legacy of your ancestors will never be diminished nor forgotten by future generations of Filipinos and Filipino Americans,” Consul General Ferrer said.
Since the U.S. Congress presented the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian award in the United States, to the Filipino WWII veterans in Washington, D.C. in October 2017, California has had 37 ceremonies with 626 medals presented to living veterans or their next-of-kin. (PCGSF Release)