Hope grows: RHMC Las Vegas unveils new shelter from the storm for families in medical crisis

Las Vegas – Last June 20, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of Greater Las Vegas cut the ribbon on their brand-new, “home away from home” for families with hospitalized children.

More than 200 of RMHC’s donors, volunteers, community partners, and other supporters from turned out to witness this historic milestone for the Charity. Guests marveled at the unique design of the property, featuring eight independent patio homes, each with their own kitchen, master bedroom, children’s bedroom, family room, and in-unit laundry, all surrounding a beautiful central courtyard with a basketball court, children’s playground, and a shaded barbecue grill and outdoor dining area under the famous Golden Arches.

“The grand opening of this second House represents the culmination of three years of dreaming, designing, fundraising, and construction to unveil a first-of-its-kind Ronald McDonald House,” according to RMHC Chief Executive Officer Alyson McCarthy. “This beautiful new facility will house and care for larger families whose children have longer recovery times.”

For 26 years, RMHC Las Vegas has been providing the comforts of home for families who travel to Las Vegas to receive life-saving medical treatment for their children. In 2023 alone, RMHC Las Vegas served 285 families, with 65% of those families being a part of a long-term stay. This expansion of the cornerstone mission will ensure that these larger families with longer stays have all they need to make a fresh start in Las Vegas. The Ronald McDonald House of Las Vegas expects to welcome its first families by August 1.

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