Brain aneurysm

One of the most treacherous and challenging medical conditions is brain aneurysm, especially the leaking or ruptured variety. What is a brain aneurysm? The medical word aneurysm means ballooning out of an artery, causing the affected wall of the artery to stretch (from the high pressure inside it) to form a “bubble,” whose wall is…

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Productive not destructive

Despite the rising issue of sovereignty claims over Spratly Islands, the Department of Tourism (DoT) chief, Alberto Lim, remained focused on the goal of drawing in more Chinese nationals to visit the country. Citing the closer ties and proximity of the Philippines to China more than any country in Asia, Lim, said in a report…

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Dangers of ‘snoring’

What is sleep apnea? Usually associated with snoring, sleep apnea means the cessation of breathing during sleep. This breath-holding initially lasts for 10 seconds and progresses to 20 to 30 seconds, and each episode is immediately followed by gasping for air. This cycle could repeat itself several times (20 to 100 times per hour) the…

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THE issue of former Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos’ burial continues to be a fiery topic of discussion – even for Pinoys abroad. On Sunday, Vice-President Jejomar C. Binay flew back to the Philippines from an official trip to the United States, carrying an excess baggage – a message from Filipino-Americans who want the Aquino administration…

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What do you do when you’re granted the opposite of what you’ve been praying for? I fly by the seat of my pants. Last week was a challenging week, and even as I wallow under the weight of my thoughts, I always fail to realize that the world goes on. No matter how I want…

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Channeling Rizal

“He who does not know how to look back at where he came from will never get to his destination.” – Dr. Jose P. Rizal While Father’s Day and our own fathers will be the focal point of this special celebration, Filipinos will hold especially dear the father of Philippine nationalism — Dr. Jose P….

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Gone fishing

Last May 29, it was reported that around 375 tons of dead milk fish (bangus) were seen floating on Taal Lake in Talisay, Batangas on Saturday, May 28. Talisay Mayor Zenaida Mendoza said that the floating dead milk fish appeared as early as May 26. The damage, which also affected the towns of San Nicolas,…

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Tribute to a father

As Father’s Day draws near, Filipinos are also looking forward to pay tribute to the father of Philippine Nationalism—Dr. Jose Rizal—on his 150th birthday come June 19. Believing that Rizal Day should be honored on the country’s national hero’s birthday, instead of his death, Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos filed the Senate Bill 2743 that seeks…

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A lawyer’s personal journey

WHEN people ask me why I have chosen to become an immigration attorney, I have to pause to think of the many multi-layered reasons that have led me to do what I do. I would say that my own immigration journey has been one of the motivating forces. As many of you may know, I…

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ACCORDING to the results of the latest Citi Financial Quotient (Fin-Q) Survey which was released by Citibank Philippines, 6 out of 10 Filipinos with either a bank account or credit card consider themselves as “better off than their parents and are secure in their current jobs.” However, the results also revealed that Filipino consumers’ overall…

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Friendship at its best

Over the weekend, I decided to celebrate new friendships and of dreams coming true and invited new friends who have become dear to me. I made Chicken and Shrimp Linguini pasta both in creamy alfredo and tomato sauce, mixed spring salad with raspberry dressing and French Vanilla ice cream topped with Nutella and fresh strawberries….

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The celebrated one

HE has been named as the Pacman, Pambansang Kamao and pound-for-pound king. He is an eight-division boxing world champion. He has added Congressman of Sarangani Province to his curriculum vitae. Yet, Manny Pacquiao, the man with multiple monikers, continues to rake in more titles — adding more to his already impressive list of accolades. Early…

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Job order

According to the results released last May 23 of a recent Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey, joblessness among adult Filipinos, rose to 27.2 percent, up from 23.5 percent in November 2010. This means that an estimated 11.3 million—composing of Filipinos who have resigned from their jobs or who have been retrenched from their jobs, as…

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‘Bayanihan para sa Pasukan’

AS students prepare for their first day at school, Philippines’ Department of Education (DepEd) is also making the necessary steps to ensure an orderly first day for students. In accordance with the preparations for the opening of classes on June 6, the DepEd recently launched this year’s Brigada Eskwela, an annual project that invites volunteers…

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The price of progress

ACCORDING to Undersecretary Demetrio Ignacio of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Philippines is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, but that its marine and wildlife riches are facing depletion due to intrusive man-made activities. Years and years of unmitigated and destructive human activities have taken its toll on the…

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Twisted irony

IT is a twisted irony that as the world celebrated Earth Day last April 22, a landslide set off by heavy rains occurred in a small-scale gold-mining community in Pantukan, Compostela Valley, destroying at least 20 houses at the foot of the mountain, burying at least 21 people alive, killing 8 miners, with 11 still…

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Taking one for the team

PRESIDENT Aquino has come under fire as soon as reports were released of his intention to give defeated vice-presidential candidate Mar Roxas III a post in the Cabinet once the election ban expires by the end of June. At the time, PNoy hinted that the post will even be more “demanding” than the work of…

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Bend not break

Despite the growing number of unfortunate events happening in different parts of the world, remittances made by overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) have soared higher by 5.9 percent or $4.6 billion this first quarter as compared to the same period last year according to Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). BSP Governor Amando M. Tetangco, reported in…

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“We are proud to stand by your side.” These were some of the words uttered by Ambassador Harry Thomas during a reception on board the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, which docked in Manila Bay recently, saying that the US-PH relationship “is a commitment born of shared histories and close ties,” and that the United…

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Eyes of the bureaucracy

Sending a clear message to the state auditors of the Commission on Audit (COA), President Aquino delivered a speech at their 112th anniversary, emboldening them “to safeguard the public coffers without fear that they would be stopped.” “Being the eyes of the bureaucracy, you know that no one is blindfolding you in tracking down anomalies….

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Root culture

So much attention is being given to the pressing issues facing the country today such as poverty, the burgeoning population rate, educational inadequacies, and corruption and other irregularities in the government that the efforts to raise awareness on the importance of promoting and protecting our national heritage are often being overlooked. National heritage is described…

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Meeting halfway

Hope sparked anew for the Philippine media that an absolute freedom of the press can still be attained with the recent release of the Freedom of the Press 2011: A Global Survey of Media Independence report stating that the liberty of press in the country had “improved marginally” in 2010 and have somewhat recovered by…

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While the world is still reeling over two important and exciting events which happened recently—the matrimonial union of Britain’s Prince William and now Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and the beatification of Pope John Paul II—yet another significant incident ensued to cap the public’s elation over the weekend. Osama bin Laden is dead—and the entire…

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Facing the giants: The Phoenix Petroleum Way

The legendary David is back. He is back in the Philippines, battling the giants in the petroleum industry. Slowly but surely, he is creating a niche in an industry dominated by multinational oil companies. Our modern David goes by the name of Dennis Uy, founder and president of public listed Phoenix Petroleum Philippines. If you…

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Birth pain

THE White House’s release of a certified copy of Pres. Barack Hussein Obama’s more detailed, long-form birth certificate on April 27 finally puts the protracted birther controversy, which started during his campaign trail for the presidency, to rest. The details of the original birth certificate verified that Pres. Obama was born in Hawaii, to an…

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Why most family businesses fail

FAMILY businesses have both strengths and weaknesses. The overwhelming strength of the family business is the different atmosphere and feel that a family concern has. There can be a sense of belonging and common purpose, leading to improved performance. Furthermore, a family firm has greater flexibility, since the unity of management and shareholders provides the…

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Holy Week rites and rituals in the Philippines

LENT prepares the Christian for the yearly commemoration of Christ’s Death and Resurrection.   Forty weekdays – hence the term ‘Cuaresma’ in Spanish, are given over to prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and abstinence from meat. Christ’s forty-day retreat in the desert and His success in resisting the devil’s temptation to wealth, power, and glory inspires the Christian…

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Making the best out of the worst

DESPITE the August 23, 2010 hostage drama incident which left 8 Hong Kong nationals dead, the Philippines is still optimistic that it will be able to double the number of tourist arrivals in the country – from 3 million to 6 million by 2016. This was what the country conveyed to China through the efforts…

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