Laser gum surgery

Dear Dr. Val, My gums are irregular and they make some of my teeth smaller than the rest . What can I do ? Thanks Gummy Bear Dear Gummy Bear, The shape, color and appearance of your teeth can easily be changed to create a beautiful smile with modern cosmetic dentistry techniques, such as tooth…

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Protect your teeth against enamel erosion

Enamel is the hard, protective outer layer of your teeth. If it erodes, it can be very uncomfortable, with symptoms ranging from tooth sensitivity and discoloration, to painful cracks in the teeth. What is tooth erosion caused by, and how can you prevent it? The acid in the foods and drinks we put in our…

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The redeeming factor

HEADING into a new year, things are getting to be quite polemic, as we see 2011 nearing its end with a succession of controversies. Philippine politics seems to be turning into an impenetrable and tumultuous jungle, as the year closes. The situation is ripe for a political savior to step on the scene. Redeeming a…

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The practical side of hope

THE powers of hope and prayer should never be underestimated.  Similarly, the power of practical action and the implementation of resolution should occupy a large part of your day.  We are reminded of the power of action as we reflect on the meaning of Hanukkah. In Hebrew, the word “hanukkah” means “dedication.” The name reminds…

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HIS administration may have received criticisms for underspending the local budget during the first half of 2011, but President Benigno S. Aquino III is determined to have all that change next year. According to reports, the President recently met with his economic managers on December 6, at the Christmas party of Bulong Pulungan at the…

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Emmanuel, God is with us!

MERRY Christmas and Happy New Year! Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon! Throughout the Simbang Gabi Masses in my parish, I never got tired of reading and listening to the stories of the birth of Jesus, our Savior. There was always a thought or a word that struck me and spoke to me.  There were always…

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New stool blood test for cancer

Is it normal to have blood in your stools? Blood in the stools is never normal. If the stool has blood in it, it is either from a bleeding from a ripped mucosa (lining) of the rectum (from passing very hard stools when constipated), or from a bleeding polyp, a more serious condition, or even…

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Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence

Conditional residence is the immigration status of a foreign national who was approved for permanent residence (green card) within two years of getting married to a US citizen. During the two years conditional period the immigrant has the same rights and responsibilities as other green card holders. This includes the right to live and work…

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Gregory G. Villar III, NASA Engineer at age 24

ON NOVEMBER 26, Saturday, NASA launched the biggest and best-equipped robot ever sent to explore another planet from the Kennedy Space Centre. Dubbed Mars Curiosity but more formally called the Mars Science Laboratory, it is expected to reach Mars by August 2012. If all goes according to plan, the rover will be abseiling down from…

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Deducting home office expenses

HOW much of their home office expenses can be deducted is one of the most misjudged tax questions faced by home workers. The reality of home office expense deductibility is much more complex than the common perception. When can home office expenses be deducted? The costs associated with maintaining a home office can be deducted…

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Advent: A time of great expectations

“THINK BIG”, I shared the other day in a meeting with a group volunteers. Big: not in the sense of property or material wealth, but “big” in the sense of dreams and visions. We can’t afford to be limited in our expectations; otherwise we become faint and lackluster. With big dreams and visions, we become…

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Let’s stop ‘killing’ our children

Autopsy findings on “healthy” children, as young as four and five, who were victims of accidents, already showed evidences of arteriosclerosis (hardening of their arteries), a condition we expect to see only in adults. There must be something we, parents, and society are doing wrong. When we prepare to bring forth a child into this…

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Let’s stop ‘killing’ our children

Autopsy findings on “healthy” children, as young as four and five, who were victims of accidents, already showed evidences of arteriosclerosis (hardening of their arteries), a condition we expect to see only in adults. There must be something we, parents, and society are doing wrong. When we prepare to bring forth a child into this…

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De Lima’s dilemma

DESPITE her rigid efforts in bringing the Philippine justice system to a reputable form, Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Leila De Lima is now in hot water – with the possibility of losing her license as a lawyer. In a nine-page complaint filed on Monday, in perhaps a form retaliation from Former President Gloria Macapagal…

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Keeping the faith

57 INDIVIDUALS (32 of whom were journalists) perished on November 23, 2009 in Ampatuan, Maguindanao province in Mindanao. A 58th victim, journalist Reynaldo Momay remains missing. Now, two years after the gruesome incident, for the victims’ families and friends the pain lingers on — the thirst for justice remains unquenched. Amid the threat of explosives…

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Golf’s Next Superstar

Jason Day, Fil-Australian PGA Top Golfer and Number 8 in World Golf Rankings He’s 9th in the money leaders list in the Professional Golf Association (PGA) Tour with nearly $4 million in winnings this year. He’s finished in the top five, with two second place finishes – one at the Masters and another in the…

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Interior joy!

IT’S A beautiful and solemn season. As a nation we pause and gather as families and friends on Thanksgiving Day to express our gratitude to God. This weekend, we start the First Sunday of Advent in preparation for Christmas, the birthday of our Savior, Jesus Christ. For us Filipino Catholics, the season is filled with…

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Setting priorities

Amid the much-publicized conflict between the camp of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and the incumbent administration, President Benigno Aquino III still managed to meet up with South Korea’s President, Lee Myung Bak, to further strengthen bilateral ties. Coming straight from the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) summit in Bali, Indonesia, the South Korean President…

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FAQs from readers

Q: My blood pressure has been normal for more than 6 months, do I have to continue taking my blood pressure pills? A: There are some exceptions where high blood pressure has turned normal after low-salt diet and exercise, but in general, once a hypertensive, always a hypertensive, meaning high blood pressure is for life….

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The fight continues

THE aftermath of last week’s political disarray only serves to illustrate the materializating of the country that President Benigno Aquino III imagines he’s creating — and the one that actually exists. Assigned into office on a message of frugal economy and honest government, Aquino who still continues to pitch the ideal of a “new era”…

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“TWO groups play the game. Each side has five members: four guards and a captain. The game is played on the court. The objective of the game is for one group to walk or run through the court from one to the other and return without being caught by the defending group who keep guard…

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Financially what matters most

“I’VE never felt so vulnerable about this disease until now”, I told my neurologist in an unusually poignant voice. Diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (simply called lupus) in September 2007, I have managed to conquer the physical and emotional odds of having the rare, chronic and debilitating disease and I have a great family support…

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Partnership, participation and growth

“TRANSFORMING the Church involves partnership and participation.” I shared this reflection with some priest-delegates of the First National Assembly of Filipino Priests serving the Roman Catholic Church in the United States of America during a workshop I conducted on cultural integration in ministry. What an astonishing way was this manifested during this historic assembly as…

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Cellphone-cancer debate

The controversy about the increased risk of brain cancer and other health concerns among avid users of cellular phone is upon us once again. The internet is flooded with claims and counterclaims, and some misinformation. Earlier, we wrote about the possible adverse health effects of the frequent and prolonged use of cellular phone. Following are…

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Tax savings strategies: plan now, not later

WHILE we approach the last quarter of the year, this serves as a reminder that it’s neither too early nor too late to plan and strategize your income taxes for 2011. New year brings new tax laws. Plan now, not later because when the year is over, there is not much you can do anymore….

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I’VE been talking to many people these days about the importance of having prudence in managing one’s life. It’s an attitude that calls for cautiousness and intelligence, not in theories or knowledge but in practical matters. Having prudence saves one from tensions, heartaches, and disappointments. It’s a conscious regard for actualities of people’s states of…

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False cancer cures

About a year ago, an international vendor of herbal products denounced the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for launching what it described as “a campaign of terror against companies selling natural cures for cancer.” This allegation was obviously worded to mislead and anger the consumers and pit them against the Federal Trade Commission. The…

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