Pressed for freedom

In a global survey of media independence (conducted by Washington-based Freedom House) the Philippines was able to raise its ranking — from a previous standing of 93, it is now currently ranked at 88 (with zero being the most free, and 100 being the least free). The Philippines has been rated “partly free,” along with…

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An open letter to PH President

Apr 25,2012 His Excellency Benigno S Aquino III President of Philippines Subject:  Bring Home our Elderly and Disabled Abroad Dear Mr. President: While you are focused in the economic development of the Philippines (PH), there is a huge economic  opportunity  that is being overlooked and awaiting to be tapped. This is an opportune time and…

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Is your short sale agent doing a good job for you?

SHORT selling your home is such an important and stressful step in your life and it’s the springboard into your future so you wont have anymore sleepless nights.  It is critical you interview and choose the right agent working for you not themselves. Never choose agent out of obligation just because you might be related…

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CA court’s power to make divorce orders

THIS is a common question among people contemplating divorce in California when the other spouse does not live in the state.  The California Courts has the power to grant a divorce, annulment, or legal separation if either party is domiciled in the state.  Domicile is where a person lives and intends to remain.  However, there…

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Keeping the faith: On Catholic school education

IT’S NOT a secret – US Catholic schools are struggling with low enrollment. Years ago, some children would even be on “waiting list” of acceptance, hoping to get in a parochial school. Now administrators, principals, pastors, and bishops are anxiously thinking of and implementing ways to fill empty seats in classrooms. Last Wednesday’s Educational Summit…

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Scary electronic fraud

The mind-boggling advances in wireless technology have ushered in great wonders to the world. Like any good discoveries that are benefiting humanity as a whole, some of these inventions, in the hands of crooks, could be used to victimize unsuspecting people. The criminal act could be so subtle and surreptitious that unless we are aware…

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ICE releases key statistics on prosecutorial discretion

ON April 16, 2012, the US Immigration & Customs Enforcement (USICE) released key statistics regarding its prosecutorial discretion initiative that began last year. Since November 2011, USICE has been reviewing some 300,000 cases pending in the US Immigration Courts, to improve that agency’s efficiency and preserve limited resources. The USICE’s policy to exercise its “prosecutorial…

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The river will be running soon

The Pasig River is a flowing bed of memories. Rivers are known to be carvers of culture and prosperity and the Pasig has been a benevolent entity to countless generations of Filipinos; as the term Tagalog means Taga-Ilog (Tagalog), which was a term for the Europ eans for people living in the Philippines. Even our…

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Strategic defaulting: A moral issue ?

Dear Ken, WE ARE thinking about walking away from our home. We purchased our home in 2005 for $457,000. In December of 2006 we got a 2nd mortgage HELOC of $85,000. Maxed that on credit card debt and medical bills. In January of 2010 I lost 10% of my pay because of the recession and…

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Can I get an H-1B finally?

QUESTION: I have an employer willing to sponsor me. What is a ‘specialty occupation’ and can I get an H-1B? Answer: The job must meet one of the following criteria to qualify as a specialty occupation: Bachelor’s or higher degree or its equivalent is normally the minimum entry requirement for the position. The degree requirement…

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It’s still Easter Sunday at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church!

MY parish, Immaculate Heart of Mary, has a lot to celebrate nowadays! Besides celebrating a successful and well-attended celebration of its centennial year, St. Anthony Messenger, a national Catholic magazine, has dubbed our elementary school as LA’s Little School that Could. The popular magazine put on its cover story of April issue our children’s choir,…

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Taking on Goliath

THE current standoff with the Chinese over the Spratleys at Panatag Shoal will get worse before it gets better. What are we to do as a country and as a people? Scanning my commentaries over the years on situations like this, I came upon a piece I wrote in June 1997 about China bullying us…

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Gokongweis’ commandment no. 3: No conflict of interest

“TO set aside one’s prejudices, one’s present needs, and one’s own self interest in making a decision as a director for a company is an intellectual exercise that takes constant practice. In short, intellectual honesty is a journey and not a destination.” – Mervyn King At the heart of a family business is family relationships….

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Making waves

PICTURESQUE beaches. Teeming diverse marine life in and around the Philippine waters. Marvelous dive sites. A perfect getaway, more reasons to consider why “It’s more fun in the Philippines.” While we stay tuned at the disputed Scarborough Shoal (now on its second week of standoff), the Philippines veers away from the tension after being awarded…

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Baguio beckons

It’s summertime and the heat is on. One can feel it building, the waft of warm air into the nostrils heading straight to the lungs. Clothes becoming heavy and skin sticky with sweat, there’s a burning sensation. The Philippine summer is upon us. Here in the metro, the malls have become the usual respites from…

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Revisiting the 245(i) law

ALTHOUGH over ten years have passed since the most recent amendment pertaining to the law commonly referred to as “245i” was enacted, the law remains to be the subject of many court cases and interpretations. I myself have written on this topic previously. However, there appears to be a constant need to explain and clarify…

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Intimacy with God

“LOOK at my hands, and my feet, that it is I, myself. Touch me and see me… he showed them his hands and his feet.” This was how the Disciples recounted Jesus’ appearance to them after he resurrected from the dead. They were words of intimacy and connection, words of assurance and love. He had…

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True independence

In the essence of camaraderie and reaffirmation of alliances, military exercises between the Philippines and the United States have begun once again through the annual Balikatan (shoulder-to-shoulder) exercises. The 12-day event, which formally opened last April 16, is in pursuant to the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty which strengthens the pact between the Philippines and the…

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ACCORDING to The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Philippines would be the laggard in economic growth from 2012-2013 among its counterparts in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-5 (ASEAN-5). The IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) showed that the Philippines’ gross domestic product (GDP) “would grow 4.2 percent this year and 4.7 percent in 2013…

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I’m 17 and abandoned. What can I do?

QUESTION: I’m 17 and my mother died and my father abandoned me. What can I do? Is there any help for me? Answer: Yes, There is what is known as a Special Immigrant Juvenile Petition A special provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act allows certain qualifying minors to petition for immigrant status as a…

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The truth about eggs

In this more health-conscious era, eggs, a very popular item in most any breakfast menus around the world, have been a controversial food item because of its high cholesterol content. Clinical reviews in various medical journals around the world the past five decades have pointed out the danger of dietary cholesterol for those at risk…

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The hip bone’s connected to the…jaw bone?

The lyrics to the old song, Dem Bones don’t connect the hipbone directly to your mouth, but a surgeon might, by canceling hip surgery if the patient is suffering from acute gum disease. The reason for the cancellation would be for what is commonly referred to as the “mouth-body connection,” where infections in the mouth…

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