The ‘Outstanding’ Doctor

FILIPINO physician Dr. Edsel Maurice Tanghal Salvana might as well have  “outstanding” as his middle name. Recently elected as one of the 2012 Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (TOYP) for his contribution in healthcare, Dr. Salvana was also awarded by President Noynoy Aquino as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) in…

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Are your debt problems forcing you into bankruptcy?

ARE you having problems paying your debts? Are creditors calling you day and night threatening you with a wage garnishment, repossession or foreclosure? Are you starting to feel hopeless and depressed about your situation and don’t know where to turn for help? The last few years have been tough for a lot of people. You…

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Moderating The Greed At DOTC?

In spite of the brickbats hurled at Noynoy Aquino by his detractors, I continue to believe he is sincere in his vow to carve a Daang Matuwid or Straight Path towards a reformed and resurrected Philippine government. But are we to accept liko-liko (curves) and baku-bako (bumps) as a natural, inevitable and acceptable part of…

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The Republican and Democratic platforms on immigration

The Democrats and Republicans have held their conventions where they nominated their presidential candidates and released their respective party’s platform –  representing who they are, what they stand for,  their vision and proposals for various aspects of American life, their positions on various subjects, and the types of laws they would pass, if elected. As…

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Citizens of nowhere

After patiently waiting for more than 100 years for the government to provide them with automatic citizenship rights, the American Samoan community has filed suit against the US Government. Our nation’s almost 300,000 American Samoans have demanded what should have been granted long ago, automatic and full US citizenship rights. These rights already exist for…

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Healthy smile, healthy outlook

WHILE each dentist may focus on different priorities in their practices, we all preach the same mantra: Take care of your teeth, and they’ll take care of you. Teeth begin to develop before birth, and throughout our lifetime are responsible for allowing us to process the foods that will keep us healthy, while enabling us…

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West Nile Virus Outbreak

This year, the worst ever outbreak of West Nile virus happened in the United States where 1,993 persons were infected and 87 were killed, the number tripling in just two weeks. This is the largest mosquito-carried infection since 1999, when this infection was detected for the first time in the country, now involving 48 states, out…

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11 years after

THE tragedy of 9/11 will forever be etched in the memories of billions of people all over the world. On the morning of September 11, 2001, news of passenger planes crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and an open field in Pennsylvania shook the world. The world watched in…

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For the love of books

To open a book is an act that could change lives. Among the early progenitors of the book were the Egyptians who decided to write on papyrus for ideas to proliferate. Eventually, in the course of our history, symbols became words that were written down for communication and posterity’s sake. The Lord wrote and must…

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On living generously

I WAS telling my close friend about his personal qualities. “I admire your intelligence, prayerfulness, and convivial nature,” I said. “But what I admire most about you is your genuine generosity and compassion to others, especially the poor and the weak.” He looked and smiled at me and then kept quiet. He probably did no…

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Leaps and bounds

ACCORDING to the World Economic Forum (WEF), out of the 144 countries that were surveyed from April to June, the Philippines has improved significantly in terms of competitiveness, moving up ten notches in its ranking in the Global Competitiveness Report — from 75th last year to 65th this year. It should be noted that the…

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Z-Pack and sudden death

The antibiotic azithromycin, which came in a Z-pack of 5 one-a-day pill for a five day treatment, has been linked to sudden death. Last year alone, 55.3 million prescriptions have been written for Z-pack. Forty-five deaths have been reported, mostly from cardiac arrest, and those with previous heart condition were found to be more prone…

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Room for improvement

WITH a strong currency, an innovative and energetic economy, and an increase in remittances and tax revenues, the Philippines is keen in avoiding financial mistakes made in the past. With President Aquino at the helm, the Philippine economy is poised to emerge as an economic prospect and attractive business destination. The country is a good…

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The Peace Parade

To live in a country where peace reigns supreme is a dream for Filipinos who believe in its blessings. Reaching a state of complete peace may sound a bit too far-fetched, but believing at least that it could be attained is worth it. As the nation observes the 9th National Peace Consciousness Month (Peace Month),…

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Religion of the heart

A DEAR friend introduced me to the writings of Marianne Williamson, a spiritual writer, activist, author, lecturer and founder of The Peace Alliance. Two of her books, A Return to Love: Reflections on “A Course in Miracles”and Iluminata: A Return to Prayer, have been in the list of bestsellers. The other day, my friend sent me an…

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Chicken and egg

FOR the past few days, social media was replete with feedback on two issues from opposite ends of the spectrum: Sec. Robredo’s untimely death, and Sen. Tito Sotto alleged commission of plagiarism in his turno en contra for the RH Bill. On Wednesday, Sen. Sotto delivered a privilege speech to explain his side on the issue. The…

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DACA is here and ready

QUESTION: What is deferred action? Answer: Deferred action is a discretionary decision by DHS not to pursue enforcement against a person for a specific period. A grant of deferred action does not alter an individual’s existing immigration status or provide a path to citizenship. Thus, deferred action cannot be used to establish eligibility for an…

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A Steadfast Passion

On August 31, 2012, Asia’s Nobel Prize, the Ramon Magsaysay Award, was presented to six Asians during the Presentation Ceremonies on at the Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay City. The only Filipino awardee was DOST Academician Romulo G. Davide, 78, who was cited by the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, for “his steadfast passion in…

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Mark Antony on Jesse Robredo

What else can one say about the late Jesse Robredo that hasn’t already been said? What praise can one give that has not already been given? In a society where even the vilest villains are routinely extolled once they give up the ghost, the laudatory language heaped on the man who had to bear the…

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SVT: Abnormal heart rhythm

When you suddenly feel your heart is pounding and beating faster than usual, and you have an uncomfortable feeling within your chest, it could be SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia), an abnormal heart rhythm. This condition, which is tolerable and usually not serious, has an incidence of about 35 cases per 100,000 people per year. The episode…

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IRS collection enforcement on unpaid taxes

The IRS has different ways of collecting unpaid taxes. After collection notices prove ineffective, more drastic collection enforcement – ranging from imposition of federal tax lien on personal and real properties, levying of bank accounts to garnishing of wages, social security benefits and pensions – is undertaken. A bank levy is sent to a bank…

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Lady Justice

COMPLETING the Supreme Court of the Philippines as its 15th member, Filipinos welcome the entry of Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno, as the country’s 24th Chief Justice. Sereno will preside over the position, which was vacated by impeached Chief Justice Renato C. Corona. President Benigno Aquino appointed Sereno on August 25, from a list of eight…

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USCIS ramps up hiring for DACA processing

The USCIS has recently hired hundreds of extra workers throughout the country for immediate training and assignment in the processing of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) applications. The USCIS began accepting applications on August 15, 2012, for which it charges a fee of $465.00, including accompanying requests for work authorization.  Over the past 14…

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