The greatest love is not bound by rules

Why do some people experience enduring love (which lasts a lifetime), while others are only destined to love for a short time? Why are there those who separate, either by choice or by fate? These questions, we sometimes ask ourselves. Love is the blossom and fragrance of all human feelings, thoughts, passion and longing, which…

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IN THE wake of Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to step down, many were startled and lamented the resignation of the pontiff as the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church. Speaking in Latin in a meeting with Vatican cardinals, the pope revealed his decision “of great importance for the life of the church.” “In today’s…

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His Life’s Mission

WHEN Dr. Christopher M. Guerrero received the Lingkod sa Kapwa Pilipino Award, President Benigno Aquino III gave him this advice: “Continue what you have been doing.” Dr. Guerrero is among the 29 outstanding overseas Filipinos and/ foreign organizations who received the 2012 Presidential Award. The Lingkod sa Kapwa Pilipino Award is given to “Filipino individuals…

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Common ground

ACCORDING to the latest ABC News/Washington Postpoll (the survey was conducted by landline and cellphone from January 30-February 3, 2013, among a random national sample of 1,038 adults), there was a boost in public approval for President Barack Obama’s handling of immigration, brought about by “majority support for a path to citizenship” for the undocumented and…

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Do-it-yourself credit fix

LIKE most people, you’ve probably had your fair share of financial indiscretions: a few pricey shoes, a car bigger than what you really need, a few frivolous pieces of furniture, and an unused fitness club membership. An occasional splurge doesn’t hurt, but you might have gotten carried away at some point, spending more than you…

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Readers’ feedback: Universal background checks to prevent gun violence

LAST Wednesday, I wrote about President Barack Obama’s call for Americans “to keep the pressure on the members of Congress to do the right thing and “support common-sense reforms like requiring universal background checks, or restoring the ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines…to tell them there’s no legislation to eliminate all guns; there’s…

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No empty pews and empty hearts

I’VE heard them preach for the first time in class, all nineteen of them who have followed Jesus to be his future priests. They come from varied ages, some in their 20’s and others in their 30’s and 40’s. They also come from different cultures, states, dioceses, and religious orders. There are some who heard…

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What must I do to bring in an adopted child?

Question: I have a child that I want to adopt, but do not know the immigration procedures. Can you help? Answer: The US is now a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 29 May 1993, entered into force Apr. 1, 2008. The Hague Convention applies when both countries are signatories…

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Mediating mouth misery

If it’s knocked out, the first thing to do is find your tooth and, holding it by the crown, gently rinse off the root of the tooth with clean water. From oral irritations to dental disasters, your dentist is your best source of information on how to best soothe your dental distress. MOUTH SORES. Canker…

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Travelogues: Boracay

The sunlight glistens as it touches the water and the eyes. You can feel that you are heading to a territory where the sun holds its dominion. It is a place where bodies worship and revere the presence of that grand ball despite the physical and cultural differences present.  You’ve read all about it before,…

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Enduring hormonal mischief

It is the new perspective coming into view in every woman’s major life passage: a mid-life agitation, literal and poignant. First, the gushing, like the reddening of a dying tree as it blazes out in the funeral autumn with a flowing canopy, and now reduced to basics, forced to lie fallow — in an emptiness watered…

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DESPITE the ongoing recovery operations on the dismantling of the US Navy minesweeper, USS Guardian (which remains aground at the Tubbataha Reef), Pinoysremain vehement weeks after the incident. The US government reiterated its commitment to pay for the damages caused by the Tubbataha Reef mishap. “In view of damages caused by the USS Guardian accident at…

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Debt problems: Put family first

ARE your debt problems putting your family’s welfare at risk? No one ever wants to be in this situation but I see it every day in my work as a bankruptcy attorney. When you are overwhelmed with debt problems, the situation becomes even more challenging when you have a family that you are supporting. Your…

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Restaurateur Non-Pareil J. Marlo Cruz

He Attributes His Success To Hardwork, Right Choices, Right Attitude and Pure Luck   If there’s one notable restaurant in the Cerritos area that pioneered in the fastfood business, Pinoy Pinay Filipino Fastfood comes to the fore. It was established in mid-1991 on South St. corner Pioneer Blvd. in the upscale City of Cerritos when…

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The restoration miracle

Chances are, most women share the same thoughts on men. I would never say it out loud, but recently, I started making a list of  important characteristics I should look for and want in a man. I tried to finish my list, but decided to keep it open so I can edit, add and delete…

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Filipino teachers’ win is a victory for migrant workers

Why immigrant employees should fight for their rights IN December, just a few days before International Migrants Day, a federal jury ruled that a Los Angeles-based recruitment agency, Universal Placement International (“UPI”), and its owner, Lourdes Navarro, must pay $4.5 million to 350 Filipino teachers who were forced into exploitative employment contracts with UPI. The jurors found…

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New waiver to help immigrants

AS A former Immigration Officer and as a practicing attorney for 14 years, I have been around long enough to know that when a great opportunity presents itself my clients should act immediately. Most of my fellow practitioners will tell you that the last 15 years or so have not been kind to immigrants. Things…

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10 tactics to survive an IRS audit

YOU have just received an invitation to the offices of the Internal Revenue Service. They want to examine your return. Don’t panic. All these years, you have stashed funds for a rainy day. This is a rainy day. Compose yourself. Then go to battle. Don’t be over confident though. I am just boosting your morale….

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Double standard

THE verdict is out. On January 28, performance artist and cultural activist Charles P. “Carlos” Celdran was convicted for “offending religious feelings” by Judge Juan Bermejo of the Manila Metropolitan Trial Court’s Branch 4. Celdran was sentenced to a prison term — ranging from 2 months and 21 days, up to 13 months and 11…

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