The great promise

THE First Reading of last Sunday’s Mass from the Book of Wisdom still echoes in my mind. “For you love all things that are and loathe nothing that you have made; for what you hated, you would not have fashioned. And how could a thing remain, unless you willed it; or be preserved, had it…

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End financial stress with bankruptcy protection

Are you struggling with debt problems?  Are you doing your best to pay but simply can’t?  Have you thought of filing bankruptcy but are afraid that this might not be the right solution to your problems? Filing bankruptcy is a personal decision that should be taken seriously. Whether or not it is necessary for you…

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‘Don’t Forget The Soap’: A handbook on parenting

Who says nobody could equally serve two masters at a time? A majority of people fanatically subscribe to this adage but not the second generation Filipino-Canadian banker Marie Claire Lim Moore who, during the entire period of her pregnancy, was still able to utilize her mental faculties to the hilt by documenting her childhood memoirs…

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‘Don’t Forget The Soap’: A handbook on parenting

Who says nobody could equally serve two masters at a time? A majority of people fanatically subscribe to this adage but not the second generation Filipino-Canadian banker Marie Claire Lim Moore who, during the entire period of her pregnancy, was still able to utilize her mental faculties to the hilt by documenting her childhood memoirs…

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Deaths from stem cell Rx

Various complications and even deaths, like those of the three Filipino politicians a few months ago) have been reported following stem cell therapy. We are revisiting this issue to put in proper perspective the facts about this widely advertised form of therapy, which has been misrepresented and abused by some enterprising people. Stem cells are…

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The literary life of good reading

It’s been said that those to whom reading is important, gets started on books early. This specific human act of word-making and word-reading, the scanning of small black markers on plain surfaces (just like the movement of a camera), when it catches, becomes a kind disease — a fascination proliferating cancer of the mind. When…

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THE fault of one man should not be taken as the fault of an entire nation. This was the point reiterated by President Benigno S. Aquino III, in stating his position over the apology demanded by the Hong Kong government from the Philippines. “Our position is the act of one individual who is probably mentally…

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While I’m young, I’ll start today

FUTURE LEADERS OF TOMORROW (I have a guest writer in this edition of my column. She is my 17-year-old daughter Katrina Relos, a senior high school student from San Mateo High School in California. Katrina delivered a powerful and inspiring speech before Filipina leaders from different parts of the world in the Filipina Women’s Network…

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Driver’s licenses and no advance fees for ‘immigration reform’ services

AS the Federal Government bogged down in its tiresome partisan war over the budget and Debt Ceiling last month, any hope for “immigration reform” was placed on indefinite hold. In California; however, Governor Brown signed legislation to enhance school, workplace and civil protections for California’s hardworking immigrants. “While Washington waffles on immigration, California’s forging ahead,”…

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Vigan City: Finalist in new 7 Wonders Cities

IN 1999, Vigan was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and recently was hailed as one of the finalists of the New 7 Wonders Cities. Vigan, one of the country’s 16th century Spanish colonial villages, is a living museum of the country’s long and vibrant past. Renowned for its establishments that depict one-of-a-kind combination…

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ACCORDING to a report from, President Benigno S. Aquino III’s speech on Wednesday left “more questions than answers,” when it was intended to provide “clarity and focus” on the controversial Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) and the pork barrel system instead. The president’s televised speech centered on denying that he was “a thief,” “when observers…

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Jewels from Smokey Mountain

It is a wild spot, a world apart, a two million-ton landfill  — the world renowned Smokey Mountain. It is where generations  of Filipino families were born and raised amid the smell, the noise and the squalor of the third largest landfill in the world. Day in and day out, families navigate and literally scrounge…

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Problems with ‘quick Nevada divorces’ in immigration cases

IT IS a common situation specially within the Filipino community in California to listen to paralegal marketing about “Quick” Nevada divorces.?Since there is no divorce in the Philippines,?many Filipinos?come to the US still married to?their spouse in the Philippines.? After settling in the US,?some Filipinos in this situation end up?meeting an American boyfriend or girlfriend…

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More pro-employee laws signed this year

MORE employment laws were recently passed by California’s lawmakers. These include: New minimum wage laws to take effect in 2014 The new law raises the $8 an hour minimum wage to $9 an hour, effective July 1, 2014, and from $9 an hour to $10 an hour, effective Jan. 1, 2016. California’s minimum wage has…

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Bankruptcy: Should I file now or later?

MAKING the decision to file bankruptcy can be a painstaking process that most people put off until they realize that they have no other way out of debt. Unfortunately, however, sometimes people wait to long. When they finally do make the decision to file, they soon realize that they would actually have been better off…

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Town hall meeting on Fair School Funding Law

Hosted by The California Endowment LOS ANGELES – Parents and students attended a town hall meeting hosted by The California Endowment on October 28 at Hollenbeck Middle School in Los Angeles,  to raise awareness on the new Fair School Funding Law as part of The California Endowment’s 12-city School Success Express bus tour. Established in…

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Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce

Los Angeles, October 31, 2013.  The Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce (FPACC) presents a three-day 2013 Bi-National Conference entitled “Lights! Camera! Business!  The Pivotal Role of Entrepreneurs in Philippine-American Trade and Investments”  to be hosted by the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles at the Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel at 6101 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles, California…

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