When does filing bankruptcy make sense?

NO ONE ever likes to talk about bankruptcy. However, it’s simply a fact of life. Things happen. Whether it’s losing your job, going through a divorce, having huge medical bills that you can’t pay – or sometimes simply making poor financial decisions- any of these can lead to bankruptcy. It’s a scary thing to a…

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Filipina is new VP for California Wellness Foundation

LOS ANGELES — A Filipina has recently been named to a key position in the California Wellness Foundation (Cal Wellness), a private, independent organization that seeks to improve the health of the people of California through grant-making efforts for health promotion, wellness education, and disease prevention. Fatima Angeles, a 16-year veteran at Cal Wellness, was…

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A Grand Cotillion highlights 2014 Fiesta in America

The Philippine Fiesta, now aptly tagged Fiesta in America, has been consistently celebrating its cultural festival since its inception 15 years ago and on August 15 it’s turning a new milestone. Yes, the Fiesta is now 16 and having a debut…a quinceñera! In connection with the commemoration of the significant event, Fiesta in America deems…

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DNA: Who is the Daddy?

What does DNA stand for? DNA stands for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid, the “substance” that is analyzed in the state-of-the-art test to determine paternity, and in other cases, maternity. The genetic information or “genetic code” of a person is carried in the DNA of the chromosomes and mitochondria. An individual’s genetic composition is called genome and is…

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Buko featuring your suki

You are resting in your living room, and you hear the most distinct sound you are very well acquainted with – your “suki” shouts “buko.” Automatically, you get up and run to your front door. Your regular coconut cart vendor, all-smiles, is on a halt outside your house. He sees you and you signal with…

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THE THREE great departments of the Philippine government—the Executive (President), Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judiciary (Supreme Court and all other courts)—are empowered by the Constitution to preserve freedom and democracy among its people. To serve such purpose, these institutions are accorded with distinct powers and responsibilities. However, to prevent any form of…

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Should undocumented immigrants in the US be given work permits?

BALITANG America cited reports that President Barack Obama could issue an executive order on immigration by early September, which would impact the lives of qualified undocumented immigrants, including many Filipinos. White House Spokesman Josh Earnest reportedly hinted on this last Monday, stating that this executive action could include allowing these undocumented immigrants to legally work…

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When does filing bankruptcy make sense?

NO one ever likes to talk about bankruptcy. However, it’s simply a fact of life. Things happen. Whether it’s losing your job, going through a divorce, having huge medical bills that you can’t pay – or sometimes simply making poor financial decisions- any of these can lead to bankruptcy. It’s a scary thing to a…

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Remembering President Cory

I covered the presidential term, sailing through its choppy waters while chronicling President Cory’s wavy patterns of success and glory; laughter and grief; loss and devastation; troubles and genuine delights. Through the oppressive summers, we fluttered around her—hot and heaving, sticky and dusty, marinated in different astringents, alcohol and talcum. The rainy days never dampened our spirits, only…

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Of wonder and awe

FR. RONALD Rolheiser, O.M.I. contends that there is an important distinction between “amazement” and “wonder and awe.”  He says that wonder and awe stop the flow of energy passing through us; amazement facilitates it.  Wonder and awe “literally paralyze us so that we become reflective by conscription. Amazement does the opposite. It turns us into…

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Pinoy artist designs new National Humanities Award medal

PAETE, Laguna native, now Chicago-based Paul Balan recently exhibited Pinoy artistry when he was chosen to design the prestigious National Endowment for Humanities (NEH) Medal. This award is given to individuals or groups whose work has done great things in the field of history, literature, languages and philosophy. Now on its 49th year, established by…

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A FILIPINA nurse, abducted and raped; a Filipino construction worker beheaded because of religion; what will it take to make kababayans—caught in middle of the ongoing Libyan Civil War—to heed the Philippine government’s call for evacuation? With a desire to rise from the slump, Filipinos choose to work abroad. Considering higher salary in exchange to…

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The state of Noynoy Aquino

MANY, including myself, wanted to hear the 2014 SONA as much to learn about the State of Noynoy Aquino as we did about the State of the Nation. Thus, in my hotel room in Honolulu  (where I happen to be, en route to San Francisco), I waited late into the night for the online news…

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Deathbed bankruptcy

I DON’T really want to talk about death but everyone dies whether we like it or not. Blame Adam for that. If Adam did not eat of the forbidden fruit in Paradise, then we would still have the superior body that never gets sick and never dies. But we are forever indebted to Jesus, the…

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IRS audits corporate shareholder loans

(Part 2) SHAREHOLDER loans accumulate over time and become red flags for IRS audits. Left unchecked, they grow to sums that are hard to repay. Let’s discuss some tips and developments. Here are Tips to Alleviate this Problem: Make some payments, even a small amount from time to time. This indicates the existence of a…

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Possible H-1B visas for nurses

ON July 11, 2014, USCIS issued a policy memorandum on the adjudication of H-1B petitions for nursing occupations. Most registered nurse positions do not qualify for H-1B classification but the memorandum recognizes that, due to changes in the nursing industry, some nurse positions may now qualify for H-1B classification. Under INA 101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b), an H-1B nonimmigrant…

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What makes a perfect beauty pageant?

THERE is no correct or incorrect answer to that question—only an honest or dishonest one. Because you can’t deny its reality: it is about values, beliefs, love, money, integrity, generosity and pride. They are all there. It could be an enjoyable way to find out more about everybody’s participation in the beauty contest and confront…

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Does the creation of a revocable living trust, during the marriage, transmute separate property to community property?

Divorcing couples may have established revocable living trust for estate planning pusposes during their marriage which was funded primarily with assets acquired by one spouse prior to the marriage. The issue is what is the characterization of those property when the couple gets the divorce. Transmutation is the changing of the characterization of a property…

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