Kababayans' reactions to the alleged murder of Jennifer Laude by US Marine suspect
THE brutal murder of transgender Filipina Jennifer Laude has galvanized protests among kababayans from coast to coast here in the United States on two fronts: against the Visiting Forces Agreement…

Nognog vs. Utak-haciendero
THE trouble with hiring “creative” advertising and PR geniuses for one’s political campaign is that they can get carried away by their creativity. Take the Liberal Party’s demolition strategy against…
Single mom seeks 2nd bankruptcy relief after 15 years
I REMEMBER client the first time I met her 15 years ago. At that time, she was only 30 years old and had just started working as a registered nurse…

How do you keep good tax records?
1. IRS wants you to keep good records to document your income and support your expenses. It does not require you to keep records in any specific manner, but there…
Disability discrimination – prevention & remedies
Q: I HAD to take a few weeks of medical leave from work because I had to undergo a heart procedure. I gave my employer my doctors’ notes. When I…
Debt problems: Do you have a secret fear of losing everything you have?
I KNOW we’ve never met. But there’s a common concern we all share. As a debt relief attorney, I hear it from people who consult with me every day. It…
Once upon a time in newspapering
THE fall season always brings something new that will astonish us. Let the leaves fall, leaves leave, fall falls. But perhaps ushering the season comes with the promise of new…
San Gabriel Valley Republican candidate promises fresh start
LOS ANGELES – Republican Congressional candidate Arturo Alas claims to be less about government and more for the people. Running in California’s 32nd congressional district, which spans all the way…

New York doctor tests positive for Ebola
Nurses in Dallas free of virus THE war on Ebola continues with a new case, this time in New York City. Doctor Craig Spencer was working with the organization Doctors…

Anna Leah Javier, the reluctant star shines in seclusion
Social analysts hypothesized the movies to be an art form imitating life but in most cases it seems that life’s mortal realities and its evanescent complexities make it the other…

Immigration this holiday season
The holiday season is almost upon us. This is a wonderful time of the year that provides us a great opportunity to reflect on everything we have and to spend…

San Gabriel Valley Republican candidate promises fresh start
LOS ANGELES – Republican Congressional candidate Arturo Alas claims to be less about government and more for the people. Running in California’s 32nd congressional district, which spans all the way…
Fuel costs drop, US airline profits soar
As fuel prices continue to drop, profits are soaring at some of the biggest US airlines—though not their trip fares. The airlines are expecting even cheaper fuel this coming holiday…

Media channels for advertising
What is the first thing you do when planning for your daily commute? You probably watch the news, check for train or bus delays on the internet, or check a…

Driver licenses for California undocumented starting January 1, 2015 under AB 60
On January 1, 2015, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will begin issuing driver licenses to undocumented California residents under Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60). Under the previous law,…
Charice Pempengco answers Oprah Winfrey’s questions about her transition
WE all saw her start as the sweet and cute teen with the amazing voice and cheered on her performances with international stars like Celine Dion, Josh Groban and David…
Dog of Ebola-infected nurse tests negative
Dallas health officials announced Wednesday, Oct. 22 that Bentley, the year-old King Charles spaniel owned by Ebola-infected nurse Nina Pham, has tested negative for the virus. Sana Syed, a public…
Pasalubongs you might want to take home
Our fellow Filipinos may be enjoying their stay outside the Philippines; but perhaps they get homesick once in a while. If you manage to visit our country, then you might…
WHEN IT comes to travel and leisure, politicking should be set aside. Tourism is an ideal, if not obvious, source of growth for a country teeming with natural resources, renowned…

Do you agree with PNoy who said despite Laude’s murder, VFA should not be scrapped?
THE murder of transgender Filipina Jennifer Laude in Olangapo City last October 11, allegedly by US Marine Joseph Pemberton, has added fuel to the fire of nationalist activists who continue…
The Untapped Asian American Swing Vote
WITH less than two weeks until the 2014-midterm elections, many races are still undecided. What many political leaders have failed to recognize is that there is a large, yet relatively…
A table for one
The operating room could be likened to a theater: cupboards hold tanks of oxygen, refrigerators are filled with bags of blood and a table for one—besides where laid out a…
Rep. Royce and USAID renew support in fight against PH land grabbing issue
LOS ANGELES – Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) has been continuing to raise awareness for an issue that has often been overlooked: land grabbing in the Philippines….

Labor secretary renews talks on federal minimum wage increase
US Labor Secretary Tom Perez has pushed to revitalize President Obama’s stalled plan for raising the minimum wage from $7.50 to $10.10 an hour, and for making the paid maternity…

Theft offenses as aggravated felonies
A conviction for an offense classified as an aggravated felony would disqualify an alien from most immigration benefits or relief. Due to these immigration consequences, anyone who’s facing a criminal…

No consensus on gays, divorced Catholics at synod
Pope Francis beatifies Paul VI AS the Vatican synod assembly on the family came to a close this past weekend, the world waited to see the bishops’ final decision on…
God and society, religion and politics
“SO what did you talk about?” I asked a Catholic school teacher who came from a whole day of Religious Education conference. “We talked about unity,” she answered. “Unity? What’s…

CA Board of Parole Hearings panel of commissioners grants parole to Filipino lifer
ON October 7, 2014, at Avenal State Prison, a panel of Commissioners of the CA Board of Parole Hearings granted parole to a Filipino lifer, who has been an inmate…