Tagalog learner’s e-book now available

 Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) chief is co-creator LOS ANGELES – An e-book that helps readers learn Tagalog is now available on iTunes, and it is co-created by the executive director of a key Filipino community organization in Los Angeles. The e-book “Lana! Nasaan Ka Na? (Lana! Where Are You?)” was created by Debbie Nagata, Pilipino…

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Pinay lesbian couple wed in California

Filipino lesbian couple Jay Mercado and Shirley Tan tied the knot on Tuesday, August 19, after years of fighting for marriage and immigration reform for the LGBT community. The pair from Pacifica, Calif., were wed in the presence of family and friends. The couple has 18-year-old twin sons, Jashley and Joriene. “It’s truly an amazing…

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Lasting legacy

“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” – Ndukwe Dike Kalu, American football player DEMOCRACY emphasizes equality. As one of the most popular ideologies in the world today, it gives the people the power to make demands for greater…

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The PNoy, ERAP and Binay magic

The demolition campaign against Jojo Binay has begun in earnest. Alan Peter Cayetano and Antonio Trillanes have apparently mounted their own efforts, parallel to those of Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party, to erode the high approval and voter preference rating of Binay. Their latest thrust is to call for a Senate investigation of allegations…

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Thank heavens there are cops!

I went through the grinder back in the Philippines as a crime reporter of a tabloid (People’s Tonight) that started off by exploiting shame and facilitated rage to work up issues in finding justice and truth. Nobody escapes the phenomena of crime; brave glancing at any police blotter, as August bleeds into September. At the center…

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Reodica fraud trial rescheduled for Nov.

LOS ANGELES  –  The fraud trial against embattled car dealer Eminiano “Jun” Reodica, Jr., scheduled on Tuesday, August 19, has been moved again by the court to a later date on Nov. 4, 2014. According to court documents, Judge S. James Otero filed a Scheduling Notice on Aug. 8, 2014 to reschedule the trial three…

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California Condor Recovery Program Spreads Its Wings

SCE teams with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to enhance the power pole aversion training that has excelled in helping save the endangered birds from extinction. Added: August 15, 2014 | By Paul Netter They won’t win a beauty contest, but California condors are very impressive birds. With wings sometimes spanning nearly 10 feet, they’re the…

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A clamor for universal peace and harmony

I HAVE never attended a Jewish service in my entire life until two weeks ago, when my friend Armando invited me to a Shabbat while spending a week of vacation in San Francisco and in the Bay Area. “Sure, I’ll go,” I responded quickly to Armando’s invitation. “I’ve always wanted to experience a Jewish service…

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Cold shoulder

FOR now,  Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario admits that resolving the case with China over the disputed South China Sea (West Philippines Sea) is far from reality. China’s refusal to at least recognize the problems, makes it also difficult for other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)—who are also entangled with…

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Leaders in immigration law

ON August 2, 2014, Wilner & O’Reilly, APLC celebrate its 11th anniversary.  Eleven years ago, it started with a vision from Richard Wilner & Kelly O’Reilly to start a boutique firm that specializes in immigration and nationality law.  From a small executive suite in Cerritos to four offices in California and Utah, our growth is…

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Top 10 audit issues in California audit program for 2014

THE chief of the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) shares highlights of California’s audit program. The State examines about 300,000 income tax returns per year. Audits are conducted by desk, field, or correspondence. Field audits are conducted at your place of business (better at your representative’s office). The audit program has about 900 auditors located in…

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Give me a break . . . or $56.5 Million!

(Ten-year meal & rest breaks case is a win for employees) IN 2004, five employees of the restaurant, Chili’s, filed a claim against their employer claiming that they were illegally denied meal and rest breaks. The employees claimed that the restaurant regularly told its employees to take early lunches, often right after starting work, and…

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Authorized activities under a B-2 visitor visa

ALIENS who are visiting the US temporarily for pleasure may be issued B-2 visas. Under 22 CFR 41.31(b)(2), the term “pleasure” refers to legitimate activities of a recreational character, such as tourism, amusement, visits with friends or relatives, rest, medical treatment, and activities of a fraternal, social, or service nature. A common purpose of B-2 visitors is…

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If your debts are out of control, read this

I WAS counseling someone the other day in my office. He looked shocked and confused as we sorted through all the credit card statements on my desk and added up how much he owed. $65,000! That’s how much the statements said he owed! How could this be?  He said he remembered paying a lot of…

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Mandamus actions to compel USCIS’ action

THE processing times for some applications pending at the US Citizenship & Immigration Services (“USCIS”) are longer than ever before.  The USCIS holds a monopoly over all immigrants applying for green cards, citizenship and other applications, since the USCIS is the only agency authorized to adjudicate requests for immigration benefits.  The USCIS cannot, however, force…

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Of Doctors and the Literati

BEVERLY HILLS – Everyone will agree that if you exercise and eat right and don’t smoke or drink or annoy a cop, you’ll never die.  I have been told that by my internist, my beloved cardiologist, my psychiatrist, and all their nurses receptionists and building custodians. On a recent weekend, I was invited to have…

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Goodbye, ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ (July 21, 1951-August 11, 2014)

From the Windy City of the American Midwest hailed one of the world’s greatest actor-comedians, Robin McLaurin Williams, cinematically christened simply Robin Williams. Born in one of the most populous cities, Chicago, Illinois, on July 21, 1951, the prolific actor-producer-screenwriter ended his colorful life on Monday, August 11, 2014, by hanging at his home in…

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Community property transactions between spouses: Heightened duties and the presumption of undue influence

CALIFORNIA law on the nature of spouses’ rights and obligations with respect to management and control of community property has evolved over the last thirty years from less stringent “good faith” standards to heightened “confidential duty” and “fiduciary duty’ standards. Under current law, the duties owed between spouses in transactions between themselves are the same…

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How a little sunshine helps our teeth

WHO doesn’t love a little sunshine? Not only does it feel fantastic, but it also has numerous health benefits. Sunshine improves our mood, our immune functions, and catalyzes vitamin D production in our bodies. Vitamin D is important to our healthy smiles. Vitamin D supports oral health in two ways: – It helps our bodies absorb and utilize calcium One of…

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Priority dates continue to surge forward!

The September 2014 Visa Bulletin continues to provide great news for Filipinos petitioned as single children of US citizens (F-1), as the priority date moved forward from June 1, 2004 to August 1, 2004.  Workers petitioned in the third preference (professional/skilled worker) and other (unskilled) worker categories, also had a tremendous leap, in that the…

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The suicide death of comedian Robin Williams a few days ago was attributed to depression. This highlights the importance of understanding this mental illness and how to deal with it. What is depression? Depression is a state of emotion where the individual has some or all of the following senses, feelings or moods: downhearted, unhappy,…

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DO not take Sen. Jinggoy Estrada out of the running just yet. As law would have it, he is innocent until proven guilty. Not only is he qualified to run for a higher position in the upcoming 2016 Philippine national elections, but according to a recent Pulse Asia Survey, Estrada is the 7th choice to…

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