Kanye, Juanes enliven LA’s Made in America fest

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A new outdoor music festival in downtown Los Angeles reflected the city’s diversity with a lineup that included rap, rock, punk, blues and Latin music. Kanye West, Cypress Hill, Weezer, Rise Against, John Mayer and Juanes were among Sunday’s performers. “This whole place is full of good, loving people,” Mayer told…

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On dying to self to become new

IT’S not easy to become a priest. Although I know this first-hand, it became clearer to me this week while listening to seminarians share their struggles of priestly formation. One seminarian spoke about his continuous experience of being “broken” in his calling. Coming from a poor immigrant family, he worked hard to finish college to…

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Urgent concern

ON August 19, former president Fidel Ramos revealed in ANC’s Beyond Politics that there have been intelligence reports concerning the training of about 100 Filipino Muslims in Iraq to become jihadists. “The report has been reaching some of us who re retired people who are knowledgeable about Mindanao is that at least 100 of our…

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Confusing the enemy… and themselves

Confusing the enemy is an established tactic in warfare. Sun Tsu’s Art of War and Nicolo Machiavelli’s The Prince mentioned this as one effective means of making the enemy off-balance and vulnerable. Going by recent public pronouncements and “slips of the tongue,” coming out in media, one wonders if the Liberal Party’s strategists are applying…

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The Artists

ARTISTS are those few anywhere whose gifts set them apart; who by talent and wisdom and integrity are superior. As of late, at the Ford Theater Walt Disney Concert Hall and Artani Theater, they flourished, as we watched them make beauty, unlock mysteries, serve the truth, making life out of the matter of their visions….

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Milleth Marienski’s life on the beauty lane

Due to human’s innate nature in constantly striving to attain perfection and discover new methods and techniques to enhance their look, the continuing advent of the cosmetic business has tremendously increased in number that shrewd capitalists instantly found a gold mine in this thriving industry. Since its discovery thousands of years ago tracing back to…

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Immigration for nannies, caregivers and custodians

US Immigration Law provides that certain unskilled workers are able to immigrate to the US based on employment.  The “other workers” subcategory is for persons performing unskilled labor requiring less than 2 years training or experience, not of a temporary or seasonal nature.  In order to be petitioned in this category, a labor certification and…

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CIS OMB blasts Calif. Service Center’s Humanitarian Revalidation Unit over processing of requests

In its annual report to Congress, the CIS Ombudsman (CIS OMB) issued a critical report on the way the USCIS has been handling and processing requests for humanitarian revalidation. They have also singled out the California Service Center’s Humanitarian Revalidation Unit for “special mention.” (Created in 2002 by Congress, the Office of the Citizenship and…

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What is DanceXercise? DanceXercise is a type of aerobic exercise in the form of dancing, either ballroom dancing or regular bodily movement executed to the tune of music, for cardiovascular fitness and mental health. DanceXercise, in all its form, has been popularized in the late sixties. It has gained wide acceptance, even in the medical…

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9-year-old accidentally shoots and kills range instructor

Charles Vacca, 39, was teaching a harmless nine-year-old how to aim and shoot with an automatic weapon at the Last Stop outdoor shooting range in Arizona, where he works. “All right, go ahead and give me one shot,” he instructed, leveling the gun to the silhouette target a few feet ahead. No one predicted the…

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AFTER the revelation brought upon by the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or pork barrel controversy, there hasn’t been a more perfect time to call for greater and more meaningful participation and accountability of the government, particularly when it comes to how public resources are allocated. Some Filipinos strongly believe that pork barrel will still…

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What’s with the Ice Bucket Challenge?

If you are active on social media or watch the news regularly, you must have already seen a lot of videos of people — ordinary folks and celebrities alike — taking on the ice bucket challenge. Former President George W. Bush did it, Kapamilya stars Anne Curtis, Newscaster Korina Sanchez, and many others have allowed…

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When Pope Francis visits Tacloban

Being from Tacloban, I’m understandably excited about the forthcoming visit of Pope Francis to my hometown in January 2015. That’s the good news. The bad news is that, according to Archbishop John Du of Palo, Leyte (the seat of the diocese to which Tacloban belongs), the Holy Father prefers not to have VIPs taking center…

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OMG: Oh, Malung Gay!

Filipinos have a way to, intentionally or not, give things a “Pinoy” touch. The O! My Gulay Recipe Book, distributed by the Department of Agriculture—Bureau of Agricultural Research, features winning culinary art discoveries from the O! My Gulay Cooking Contest held in 2007. Most of which are dishes originally from other countries but were given…

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Going ‘wild’ in the most diverse city

Reprinted with permission from New American Media. Original news report by Ngoc Nguyen.  This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act, federal legislation that was signed into law in 1964 to preserve America’s wild spaces. Through that landmark conservation law, 100 million acres of wilderness have been set aside for the public to…

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Dance lovers

It is not the kind of column one usually pursues. There was no edge to it, no compelling plot, no dynamic of change. It’s about a lot of dance lovers with bundles of accelerated energies, whirling, stomping and laughing, doing it right, doing it wrong, and doing it again. They flung themselves about with a guilt-free…

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