More than 300,000 in US infected with ‘kissing bug’ disease

A POTENTIALLY life-threatening disease is making its way into the United States through a parasite called Chagas, also known as the “kissing bug.” The Centers for Disease Control reported in July that an estimated 300,000 people in the US were infected, but the number of cases has surpassed that, according to Al Jazeera. “This is…

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Cutting back

GLOBALIZATION is slowly taking its toll on countries such as China and the United States, considered two of the largest consumers of fossil fuels that pollute the atmosphere and cause global warming. The consumption of fossil fuels, as evident in the two economic-giants, leads to human health problems caused by air pollution from the burning…

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Could Obama use executive action on immigration this coming week?

SOONER than previously reported, President Barack Obama’s much anticipated unilateral measure to fix America’s broken immigration system will reportedly be announced this coming week, instead of mid-December. This is according to information leaked to Fox News. This is what Obama referred to as a “parallel track,” whereby his administration will be implementing an executive action….

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Republicans: You can’t deport 11 million people!

IT IS estimated there are over 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US. Many hard-lined Republicans believe the solution to our immigration problem is to deport everyone in the US who is out of status or undocumented. Even Mitt Romney, when running for president, believed that the undocumented should “self deport”, meaning voluntarily go back…

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Legal and illegal deductions: Know the difference

Q: AT work, we are required to wear a uniform, which only the employer can provide. The cost of the uniform is deducted from our pay. Is this deduction legal? A: No, this deduction for employer-mandated uniform is prohibited under California law. If the employer requires its employees to wear uniforms at work, the employer…

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Face debt problems now to avoid pain later

WHEN people are going through financial difficulty and are unable to pay their bills, their first reaction is often to ignore their debts and avoid contact with creditors. They think that by doing this, somehow the creditors will simply give up and go away.  Then one day the problem blows up in their face. Then…

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The December 2014 Priority Dates

The December 2014 Visa Bulletin provides more great news for Filipinos, as the priority dates in the various family and employment categories continue to move forward. Each month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories….

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Garcetti bound for Asia trade mission

LOS ANGELES —Mayor Eric Garcetti will leave the country this weekend for a trade mission in Asia, with stops in China, South Korea and Japan. The countries, respectively, are the city’s top three trading partners. The goal of the visit is to increase tourism and encourage companies in the countries to invest in Los Angeles….

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Deadly superbugs on the rise

Since Sir Alexander Fleming, a Scottish biologist, pharmacologist, and botanist (a 1945 Nobel laureate), first discovered penicillin in 1923, hundreds of more potent wider spectrum antibiotics have been added to the medical armamentarium. These life-saving drugs have been a boon to medical care and benefited hundreds of million patients around the globe. However, like many…

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YouTube to launch paid streaming service

YouTube announced on Wednesday, Nov. 12 that it will launch a paid service called “Music Key” that will allow customers to stream millions of high quality songs, ad-free starting at a promotional rate of $7.99 per month. “You’ve watched, shared, remixed, invented, parodied and whatevered your favorite songs, making YouTube the ultimate place for artists…

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Caesar’s Entertainment proposes $1 billion project in Manila

Ceasar’s Palace announced its proposal to build a $1 billion, fully integrated resort in Manila, at the side of idle government property next to Ninoy Aquino’s International Airport (NAIA)’s Terminal 2. Steve Tight, Caesar’s president for international development, said that the American casino giant—made bigger through a merger with the legendary Harrah’s hotel on the…

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Momo Beach House Therapy

Have you ever felt so lifeless, as if each waking day is a struggle to put on different kinds of emotions? Your muscles, nerves, and sinew are so unmotivated and uninspired—the best they can produce for you is a poker face. Maybe, it is because things have become routinary that you have long forgotten where…

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Improved govt. healthcare website to avoid past enrollment problems

US officials planned to unveil an improved healthcare insurance website over the weekend, hoping for a smoother second enrollment period under President Obama’s health reform plan. The reconfigured, improved insurance marketplace website went live on Sunday night before the three-month open enrollment period begins on Nov. 15, allowing existing policyholders to change their coverage. The website is…

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