UC regents approve steep tuition hikes

ON Thursday, Nov. 20, administrators of the University of California approved tuition increases of as much as 5 percent over the next five years, despite protests from both undergraduate students and faculty, and open criticism from California governor Jerry Brown and other state legislators. The 14-7 vote from the Board of Regents marks the end…

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Thousands at risk of Medi-Cal cancellation

LOS ANGELES – As many as 200,000 Medi-Cal recipients, mostly non-English speakers, will be shocked to learn they could lose their health care benefits by the end of this month. In Los Angeles County, close to 100,000 families with Medi-Cal will get termination notices before Thanksgiving. The notices will be the first of several waves of terminations…

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SF retail workers may receive a ‘bill of rights’

RETAIL jobs can often involve erratic schedules – ones that are changed at the last minute and ones that are not set in advance. But soon, San Francisco retail workers may say goodbye to such unpredictability and receive more stable employment conditions. In a unanimous decision, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, November…

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President Obama to announce immigration relief for millions

The November elections have come and gone.  The Republican Party has regained control of Congress.  A passage of immigration reform seems more contentious than ever.  Many immigrant advocate groups continue to urge meaningful reform in our broken immigration system.  On November 12, 2014, the Obama Administration announced that it will unveil a comprehensive immigration plan…

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SF retail workers may receive a ‘bill of rights’

RETAIL jobs can often involve erratic schedules – ones that are changed at the last minute and ones that are not set in advance. But soon, San Francisco retail workers may say goodbye to such unpredictability and receive more stable employment conditions. In a unanimous decision, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, November…

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Oral health and whole body health are closely linked

It surprises people to learn that dentists are often first to discover health conditions like HIV, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. In part, that’s because we typically see you more often than your physician does. THERE are more bacteria in your mouth right this minute than there are people on this planet. Thoughtful dental…

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Too much medicine?

The culture in the practice of medicine today in general has been assailed by two new studies that highlighted “over diagnosis and over treatment for ailments that might never seriously impact a person’s health.” TIME reported that these are big problems worldwide. The researches, which were published in The British Medical Journal, consider this “a…

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Boholano dish with a twist

Who travels without getting acquainted with the place’s specialty? In Bohol, the best restaurant to introduce you to the Boholano cuisine is quietly hidden atop a limestone cliff on one end of the Alona Beach – Amorita Resort’s The Saffron. The person behind your soon-to-be-lovely dining experience? The charismatic executive chef of the restaurant, Raphael…

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THERE are unresolved cases of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines that have become emblematic of persistent dangers that threaten everyone. The government’s underwhelming efforts to successfully alleviate crimes against members of the media and other social critics have created an environment of insidious impunity. Despite the commitment by authorities and other organizations to find effective…

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Aquino has failed the test of leadership

WHEN Noynoy Aquino blunted a Tacloban businessman’s complaint that he had been threatened by looters at the height of the Yolanda disaster, by declaring, “You are still alive, aren’t you?” – or words to that effect – one could excuse that and attribute it to a bad presidential temper in the face of thousands of…

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Under the weather

CALL it the pompous sickness—the spell which hushes the household, with its desert-like stillness felt through its innermost chambers. One in a world unto herself, her own theater. It is a severe fit of indisposition, under the name of a fall from dignity (or careless demeanor), amounting to a deposition that made me a prisoner…

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Covered California’s enrollment period reopens

Statewide bus tour campaign launched LOS ANGELES —Covered California, the state’s implementation of the Affordable Care Act, has launched a bus tour campaign to spread awareness about health care options. On Friday, November 14, the bus stopped in Los Angeles at Grand Park in front of City Hall. More than 1 million Californians received insurance…

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More than 300,000 in US infected with ‘kissing bug’ disease

A POTENTIALLY life-threatening disease is making its way into the United States through a parasite called Chagas, also known as the “kissing bug.” The Centers for Disease Control reported in July that an estimated 300,000 people in the US were infected, but the number of cases has surpassed that, according to Al Jazeera. “This is…

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Cutting back

GLOBALIZATION is slowly taking its toll on countries such as China and the United States, considered two of the largest consumers of fossil fuels that pollute the atmosphere and cause global warming. The consumption of fossil fuels, as evident in the two economic-giants, leads to human health problems caused by air pollution from the burning…

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Could Obama use executive action on immigration this coming week?

SOONER than previously reported, President Barack Obama’s much anticipated unilateral measure to fix America’s broken immigration system will reportedly be announced this coming week, instead of mid-December. This is according to information leaked to Fox News. This is what Obama referred to as a “parallel track,” whereby his administration will be implementing an executive action….

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Republicans: You can’t deport 11 million people!

IT IS estimated there are over 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US. Many hard-lined Republicans believe the solution to our immigration problem is to deport everyone in the US who is out of status or undocumented. Even Mitt Romney, when running for president, believed that the undocumented should “self deport”, meaning voluntarily go back…

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Legal and illegal deductions: Know the difference

Q: AT work, we are required to wear a uniform, which only the employer can provide. The cost of the uniform is deducted from our pay. Is this deduction legal? A: No, this deduction for employer-mandated uniform is prohibited under California law. If the employer requires its employees to wear uniforms at work, the employer…

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