Kaia Alanna: An impressively prolific raconteur at 12

One of English philosopher and essayist Francis Bacon’s popular quotations states: “Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. For some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.” Some people…

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Immigration: New year, new hope

On November 20, 2014, President Obama unveiled a number of executive proposals, which will provide deportation relief to many hardworking immigrants, documented and undocumented.  The proposals are also aimed at clamping down on illegal immigration at the border and prioritizing enforcement efforts to remove dangerous felons and individuals who pose threat to national security and…

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California receives $5 million for earthquake alert system

THE $1.1 trillion spending bill approved by Congress included an allocation of $5 million toward an earthquake warning system in California that would begin next year. Scientists have attempted to make this system more widely available, but funding remained a long-time obstacle. The system would not predict earthquakes, but would provide people with up to…

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LA fire cause determined

FEDERAL investigators have concluded the massive fire that engulfed an entire apartment complex under construction in downtown Los Angeles was deliberately set. Investigators digging through the rubble and damage left by last week’s blaze collected samples from suspected points of origin, sifting through 75,000 square feet of debris to determine arson was the cause. A…

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California receives $5 million for earthquake alert system

THE $1.1 trillion spending bill approved by Congress included an allocation of $5 million toward an earthquake warning system in California that would begin next year. Scientists have attempted to make this system more widely available, but funding remained a long-time obstacle. The system would not predict earthquakes, but would provide people with up to…

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What executive actions on immigration mean for health care in California

On Wednesday, Dec. 17, New America Media and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – LA (AAAJ-LA) hosted a media briefing to discuss President Obama’s recent executive action on immigration and the stakes for health care coverage in California’s diverse communities, including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs). “America has always been a nation of immigrants,” said…

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How to love every photo taken of you

Are there holidays or special events coming up in your life? If so, chances are there are going to be lots of photos taken. Everyone has a camera now, right? Let’s visit about ways to help you prepare your smile. SOME people are just lucky. They seem to look fantastic in every photograph! Naturally photogenic. For…

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The January 2015 Priority Dates

The January 2015 Visa Bulletin provides more great news for Filipinos, as the priority dates in the various family and employment categories continue to move forward. Each month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories….

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Tainted food handlers’ gloves

There are more and more fast food chains requiring their food handler to use gloves when preparing food items, as an indication of hygiene and food safety. The holiday season inspires people to eat out, the time of the year when more acute gastrointestinal incidents happen. The idea, on the surface, appears to be a…

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How does traveling make us richer?

They say, “traveling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” Cliché and overused —yes, that statement is. However, you cannot deny the things that traveling do which make you a person better than who you were before you left. For one, you make memories that you would have never experienced had you…

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Holiday spirit

A THIRD of Filipinos are expecting a more prosperous Christmas celebration. According to a recent Pulse Asia survey conducted from Nov. 14 to 20, 34 percent of the 1,200 respondents said Christmas would be more prosperous this year, up by 12 points from 22 percent last year. During this season, it is easy to get…

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Countdown: The Twelve Days of Christmas

READY or not, Christmas will be here in a week. Gifts. Christmas decorations. Holiday parties. Christmas carols. They all set the stage for another festive holiday celebration. One of the very popular Christmas carols that we have grown up to and still sing up to now as we countdown to Christmas is the song “The…

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Pasko, more fun in the Philippines

“SINGKO lang po, singko lang po, (Just five centavos, just five centavos) Singko lang po ang ibigay niyo. (Just give us five centavos). Ayos na ang buto-buto.” (Everything will be okay) “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” never had a less literal translation. Funny how I caught myself singing it. Reading about the devastation caused…

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More clarity on President Obama amnesty

IF YOU are thinking of a relative, friend or yourself who may possibly qualify for President Obama’s immigration amnesty, you are probably confused about how this immigration program works. This is not surprising because the President’s announcement only came out on November 21, 2014, barely two weeks ago. The President calls his immigration program “deferred…

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If love were all, I should be lonely

EACH of us encounters those sad stormy days, when we feel very small, very fragile and very frightened, as if one might shatter into a thousand pieces and break into heartrendering sobs at simple as “are you feeling better now?” Today, I made peace with the past: with that body and face I’ve been born…

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