Female breast enlarger

What makes up the breasts? Breast tissues in either female or male are practically nothing but adipose (fat) tissues. The size, shape, appearance and physiology, just like the rest of the organ systems in the human body, are predetermined by the genetic make-up of the individual. Can exercise enlarge women’s breasts? Yes, to an extent….

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5 Disney employees contract measles

Outbreak grows to 70 cases Following a recent measles outbreak originating from “The Happiest Place on Earth,” five Disneyland employees tested positive for the disease. “There is evidence of ongoing measles transmission in Orange County and at Disneyland Parks,” Nicole Stanfield, spokeswoman for the Orange County Health Care Agency, said in a statement. Disneyland said…

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Man settles chokehold case with NYC for $75,000

A Brooklyn man claiming New York police put him in a chokehold has settled a lawsuit against the city for $75,000. The settlement was approved by a federal judge last week, and Nick Paolucci, New York City Law Department spokesperson, said that “based on an evaluation of the case, it was determined that the settlement…

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New York man sentenced to prison for aiding Al Qaeda

A Brooklyn-born man accused of helping Al Qaeda conduct surveillance of the New York Stock Exchange for a possible terrorist attack was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Tuesday, Jan. 20, in a New York federal court. Wesam El-Hanafi, 39, was arrested in April 2010 along with dual US-Australian citizen Sabirhan Hasanoff, his associate….

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Of faith and resilience

During the recent papal visit in the Philippines, Filipino Catholics have once again displayed its religious devotion. According to previous reports, Asia is recognized as “one of the great frontiers” of Catholic Church, and sees a wonderful opportunity of spreading Christianity. Also it has been mentioned that the Vatican believes the Philippines, a predominantly Christian…

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Ford Mustang goes global, first shipment to China

For the first time in its 50-year history as a North America-only vehicle, the Ford Mustang has officially gone global. Its first international shipment was en route to China as of Tuesday, Jan. 20, Associated Press reported. Mustangs are also scheduled to make their way into Europe by midyear, but customers there were able to…

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Unsung heroes

IN his visit to the Philippines, Pope Francis has generated positivity and raised hopes among the Church’s followers. Throughout his sojourn, the high prelate captured wide audiences and sympathies for his cause—a mark of a true Catholic leader. During one of his speeches, Pope Francis said he admires the Filipinos’ indomitable spirit and strength in…

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The perils of the Papacy

BY the grace of God, Pope Francis is back safe in the Vatican. But could 25,000 policemen and soldiers posted at various public venues have ensured the safety of His Holiness on his visit to the Philippines? Unfortunately, not against a determined and crafty criminal, such as Frederick Forsythe’s would-be assassin of Charles de Gaulle…

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When they grow too old to dream

THIS little piece takes us, not just to a place, but into the minds and hearts of those, who are in their twilight years, in a society that glorified youth. At the Culver City Community Center for Seniors, the tangible atmosphere was of bustle and contentment. The big room was filled with light from the…

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Non-profit makes affordable art classes available in La Habra

A NON-PROFIT organization is bringing low-cost visual and performing arts workshops to the city of La Habra, Calif. Oasis Center International,  kicked off the 2015 La Habra Community Arts Program at the Mysterium Theatre on Saturday, Jan. 10, a local venue in the city. The program offers various creative courses for children, including: creative art…

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Year of the poor

MILLIONS of Filipinos lined up the streets of Roxas Boulevard in Manila with their desire to have, at least, a glimpse of Pope Francis, when he arrived in the country on Thursday, Jan. 15. Pope Francis’s visit to the Philippines coincides with the Church’s “Year of the Poor.” For a devoted Juan dela Cruz who…

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Upgrade your health, wealth, & wellness in 2015

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” –Abraham Lincoln As the Small Business Specialist/Coach at SIPA, I work with clients aspiring to be entrepreneurs. They come to us with bold ideas, a passion to bring a unique product/service to market, and a strong determination to succeed. Additionally, as a Holistic Health…

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Mitch McConnell acknowledges that Congress cannot stop executive action

ALTHOUGH the Republican-dominated House of Representatives has passed a bill to reverse President Obama’s recently announced Executive Actions on immigration policy, it appears that the bill is already dead in its tracks. On Friday, January 16, 2015, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned House Republicans that he cannot make a “miracle” happen on Immigration.  In fact, McConnell…

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