Federal tax update for 2014 tax returns

1. YOU are required to file an income tax return if your 2014 gross income reaches: Elderly and blind taxpayers add $1,200 to $1,550. 2.  Personal exemptions $3,950 Phaseouts for personal itemized deduction and personal exemption were reinstated in 2013. 3. Standard deductions: If your combined itemized deductions for interests, taxes, medical and contributions are…

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Are you always worried about your finances?

FOR a lot of people, financial concerns can be their number one cause of stress. But worrying without acting doesn’t really solve anything. If you feel that your finances are out of whack, it’s time to take charge and to hold yourself accountable for the results.  Here are two steps that may help you reduce…

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Bush-appointed judge halts executive action

Obama to seek immediate stay of order ON Monday, February 16, 2015, US District Judge Andrew S. Hanen in Brownsville, TX, granted a temporary injunction temporarily halting Obama’s executive action expansions that were set to go into effect on February 18, 2015.  Hanen, a George W.  Bush appointee, had been handpicked by 26 “Red State”…

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Darren Criss to play next ‘Hedwig’

PART-Pinoy TV breakout star Darren Criss is Broadway’s next Hedwig. The 28-year-old “Glee” actor, originally from San Francisco, will return to his Broadway roots in “Hedwig and the Angry Inch,” the Tony Award-winning Best Musical Revival, for a limited 12-week engagement starting April 29th on Broadway’s Belasco Theatre. This marks the fifth headliner to play the role since the…

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2 deaths, major exposure linked to ‘superbug’ at UCLA hospital

INFECTED bacteria from contaminated medical instruments is suspected in a “superbug” outbreak at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center that has infected at least seven patients, two of whom died. More than 170 others may have also been exposed to the antibiotic-resistant germs. They were potentially infected with Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, during endoscopic procedures…

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Valentine’s Day postscripts and afterthoughts

An avalanche of pompously conceptualized and planned Valentine’s Day events that nippy Saturday, February 14, successfully pushed through with neither being hampered nor hindered by the prevalence of the inclement weather condition and single digit temp. Significant snow of varying intensity gradually diminished the volume of travelers and commuters due to worsening road conditions and…

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What’s next for immigration reform?

Judge Andrew S. Hanen of the federal district court in Brownsville, Texas, issued an injunction preventing the new expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and  Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) programs from moving forward.  Thousands of “DREAMers” planned for the start of the expanded DACA program to begin…

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2 deaths, major exposure linked to ‘superbug’ at UCLA hospital

INFECTED bacteria from contaminated medical instruments is suspected in a “superbug” outbreak at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center that has infected at least seven patients, two of whom died. More than 170 others may have also been exposed to the antibiotic-resistant germs. They were potentially infected with Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, during endoscopic procedures…

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Federal court issues injunction blocking DAPA and expanded DACA

On February 16, 2015,  a Texas federal judge issued a temporary injunction against the implementation of President Obama’s Deferred Action for Parents of Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA),  and the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).  The injunction “enjoins the United States of America, its departments, agencies, officers, agents and employees…

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The reasons for processing delays at the NVC

For the past several months, people have been frustrated with the delays and backlogs at the National Visa Center (NVC) concerning the processing of their (or their family member’s) immigrant visas. Some people are receiving NVC’s “60 day letter,” in which the NVC advises it has received “an increased number of approved petitions from the…

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Tips for patients with fixed retainers

MANY people, after completing orthodontic treatment, are fitted with a fixed retainer-—a thin wire that’s bonded to the back of teeth, designed to help keep teeth straight and aligned. Fixed retainers can be great! You never have to worry about losing it! However, fixed retainers can also make it more difficult to keep teeth and…

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Medical data update

Can sweat transmit Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B virus was found in the sweat of 13 percent (9) infected athletes, according to a new study on 70 male Olympic wrestlers, which inferred that the HBV could be transmitted by sweating infected athletes to others in contact sports. In 8 of those nine athletes whose blood tested…

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The perfect ‘newshen’

THE apple that fell far from the tree, one I could only dream of—a perfect newshen, God’s little pencil. If only she was mine, the daughter I could not have. I would have taught her to begin each work by having a real and passionate curiosity about how people behave in the infinitely various situations…

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Paris gunmen coordinated attacks via text message

A little over an hour before the Paris attacks last month at the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, one of the gunmen sent a text message to the man who later killed four people at a kosher supermarket, according to a French government official.  Cherif Kouachi, one of the brothers involved in the Hebdo massacre, met with Amedy…

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Oil refinery explosion rips through Torrance

A powerful explosion at an oil refinery on Wednesday morning ripped apart structures and shook homes for miles around the blast site in southern Los Angeles County. The Torrance ExxonMobil Refinery, located on W. 190th St. just south of the 405 freeway, blasted apart at 8:50 am, leading to an air quality advisory due to the…

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EVERY day, people walk the earth daunted by security challenges. With alarming terror threats on the rise, attacks on journalists also remain a worldwide scourge. With a score of 41.19, the Philippines is ranked 141st out of 180 in the 2015 World Press Freedom Index by the Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF- Reporters Without Borders). While…

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The charge of the Fallen Forty Four

WHILE passions are still smoldering, it will not be easy to sort out the various issues that led to and resulted from the slaughter of forty four PNP Special Action Force commandos in Maguindanao. Former President Fidel V. Ramos offered the most sober analysis of the tragedy from the perspective of a retired general and…

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Oil refinery explosion rips through Torrance

A powerful explosion at an oil refinery on Wednesday morning ripped apart structures and shook homes for miles around the blast site in southern Los Angeles County. The Torrance ExxonMobil Refinery, located on W. 190th St. just south of the 405 freeway, blasted apart at 8:50 am, leading to an air quality advisory due to the…

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Valentine combustion

Perhaps the heart is not just a sort of Valentine, nor just a beating thing in our chest that sustains life. It is also the wellspring of faith, hope and love—all the musings in the human heart—meanings, metaphors, even humor, which jumpstarts the imagination about its significance, as the most popular symbol. Would a heart-filled…

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An interfaith week reflection

I HAVE never attended a Jewish service in my entire life until last summer  when my friend Armando invited me to a Shabbat while spending a week-long of vacation in San Francisco and in the Bay Area. “Sure, I’ll go,” I responded quickly to Armando’s invitation. “I’ve always wanted to experience a Jewish service and…

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Light jogging is best for longevity

Vigorous running may do more harm than good. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that light jogging is best for longevity. Those who absolutely did not jog were just as likely to die as those who jogged strenuously and frequently, according to the study. Researchers examined 5,048 healthy…

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MAJORITY of Filipinos are sympathetic to the families of the 44 Philippine National Police-Special Action Force (PNP-SAF) troopers who were allegedly killed and slaughtered by members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and its breakaway group Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF). Since the massacre, the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) is undeniably in peril….

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