#IAm Campaign highlights Asian American success stories

IN what Korean-American comedian Paul PK Kim called an “Oprah style” interview, three Asian American YouTubers and three restaurant founders shared their journeys to success, as well as random details about their lives and preferences. Filipino-American YouTube sensations AJ Rafael and Joseph Vincent, Chinese-Vietnamese founder of Blogilates Cassey Ho and the founders of restaurant Seoul…

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Celebrating 117th Independence Day Ball

June finds the Fil Am community gearing up for graduations, weddings, Father’s Day, vacation plans and the ubiquitous Grand Independence Day Ball—five of them, within almost a fortnight. At the root of every Independence Day Ball, the moral seems clear.  True accomplishment is achieved through balanced practical judgment from its steering committees. An Independence Day…

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Sal Malaki: Ensnared in a cocoon of classical ingenuity

“Music gives soul to the universe…wings to the mind…flight to the imagination…and life to everything!” – Plato WHEN prolific German composer Ludwig Van Beethoven said “Music should strike fire from the heart of a man and bring tears from the eyes of woman…” he must have inadvertently in mind the power and soulful voice of…

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Do I need a premarital agreement before getting married?

IN the absence of a premarital agreement, the general community property presumption under California family code section 760 controls which provides “ ….all property, real or personal, wherever situated, acquired by a married person during the marriage while domiciled in this state is community property.”  Family Code §760.    This becomes a problem if you…

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THE USS Ronald Reagan, described as one of the most lethal “supercarriers” in the world, is on its way to Japan to be the US Navy’s deployed aircraft carrier in the Seventh Fleet. Carrying at least 65 aircrafts and around 5,000 highly trained US Navy and Air Force personnel, the USS Reagan represents the command…

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Found Coffee starts brewing with the help of SIPA

Situated along Colorado Boulevard in Eagle Rock, a coffee shop has become the spot to “find” local, artisanal roasts and a sense of community. Stop by Found Coffee and you’ll see customers pounding away on their laptops or engaged in conversations, regulars picking up their usual orders, and newcomers stumbling in by chance. With minimalist,…

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