Provisional unlawful presence waiver

UNDER current immigration laws, there is a bar to admissibility to the United States for foreign nationals who are “unlawfully present” in the United States.  An unlawfully present foreign national is a person who was inspected at the border and admitted into the United States but who remained in the United States beyond the date…

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Rice, obesity, and diabetes

Is water from refilling stations safe? It all depends on the station that you choose. A recent report shows that seven out of ten (441 out of 630) refilling stations in two key cities in Metro Manila are in violation of the guidelines of the Department of Health for safety and water quality. Majority of…

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Being Filipino American in the GOP

Dr. Jose Rizal, a national hero of the Philippines, placed a high value on civic involvement wherever he was, whether it be the Philippines or travelling around the world.  He wanted the Philippines to be more involved in shaping its destiny and wanted the people to have more control of their government – ideals similar…

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Insights from a small town politician

ON my recent visit to the Philippines, I found myself sharing a case of beer with the vice-mayor of a small provincial town, along with some of his ward leaders. The insights that they provided on grassroots politics could be of interest to social media pundits who may be of the impression that their postings…

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Chosen one

AFTER the five-day filing of certificates of candidacy (COCs), from October 12-16, the Commission on Election (Comelec) reportedly received 130 applications from Filipino presidential aspirants. As granted by the law, these applications were accepted. However, not all these aspirants will make it to the ballot as the Comelec winnow the grain from the chaff. When…

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Amazon suing over 1,000 people for fake reviews

AMAZON has filed a lawsuit against more than 1,000 individuals who have allegedly posted bogus reviews of products online. The online retail giant is targeting account holders on, which offers false review services starting at $5, most of which are five-star reviews. It is demanding that the defendants cease selling Amazon reviews, reveal who…

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Typhoon Koppu batters northern Philippines

Rising number of deaths, over 100,000 families affected Typhoon Koppu is sweeping slowly across the northern part of the Philippines, destroying provinces and forcing thousands to flee from their homes. At least 100,000 families have been affected. The tropical cyclone, known as typhoon Lando in the Philippines, is over 500-kilometers in diameter. As of Wednesday evening, Oct….

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Filipino WWII Veterans: Family reunification on the horizon

ON October 2, 2015, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) formally announced the upcoming implementation of a parole program that will help reunite certain family members of Filipino WWII Veterans.  Given the great sacrifices that Filipino WWII Veterans have endured, the program is significant in assisting them and their families deal with the hardships that…

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Mediation on divorces

DIVORCES do not have to get costly and lengthy.  Divorce can carry its own set of stresses that couples do not need. An alternative to a costly and lengthy divorce is mediation.  Mediation provides an option to divorcing families or families embroiled in a custody dispute to have these issues mediated and resolved as quickly…

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Wi Spa: an urban sanctuary in the heart of LA

Think of a spa and the immediate perception is an air of pretense and privilege that only a select few can indulge in, given the exorbitant prices. However, if you live in Los Angeles, Korean spas have sprouted up, contributing to the idea that pampering oneself and affordability are not mutually exclusive. Though the options…

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On self-absorption

ONE day I asked a friend, “Can you live an anonymous life?” He said, “Yes, I can.” A part of me did not believe him because I know that everyone is tainted with pride and self-glory. Most people want to be on the top, to be popular, and to be recognized. We live in a…

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Stronger El Niño coming to the West

California faces storms, drenching rain EL NIÑO is coming. The tropical storm phenomenon–caused by warming ocean waters in the equatorial Pacific–has been expected for a while, but now climate scientists are saying El Niño is on track to become “one of the most powerful [storms] on record.” The National Weather Service predicts stronger, wetter rains…

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Extreme hardship waiver guidance to be revised by USCIS

What’s new and what’s next ON October 7, 2015 USCIS released draft policy guidance regarding the “extreme hardship” threshold that Waiver of Inadmissibility applicants must reach. The draft guidance is now in its comments period, which closes on November 23, after which time USCIS will formalize its new policy. The new policy will clarify and…

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All about foods

The clamor for a healthier lifestyle has transformed society into more conscious, more intelligent, and more discriminating consumers of food and food ingredients. Truth in food labeling is a law that is strictly implemented, especially in the United States. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on this subject. Why are some meats…

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