Restraining orders on conduct

IN my last article, I discussed a type of restraining order i.e. a  stay-away order.  This restraining order is a judicial order (granted by a judge or commissioner) preventing a person from doing certain things to a “protected person.”  Usually, this means that the person must stay away 100 yards from the protected person.  In…

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Community property with right of survivorship

MARRIED couples buying property are asked to decide how they should hold title: • Joint tenancy or • Community property. Basically, it is a choice between the ease of transfer to the survivor for joint tenancy and the tax benefits of holding property for community property. Unfortunately, it also a choice between the loss of …

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When debt problems cause marriage problems

EVERY day, I meet with couples who are deeply in debt. In a lot of cases, I can feel the stress level that they are experiencing while the couple is in my office. Emotions often run high and you can feel the tension in the air. There can be a lot of finger-pointing, resentment, anger,…

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Thanksgiving is All Rolled Up with this Dish!

If you don’t feel like roasting a big turkey for Thanksgiving, or want to try a great dish for holiday entertaining, you might want to try my Stuffed Turkey Rolls. I pack these turkey cutlets with my Savory Stuffing, roll them up, and secure them with kitchen twine. The finished rolls are sliced and fanned out…

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The Great Promise

“BUT the wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever.”  — Daniel 12: 3 The Book of Daniel and Mark’s Gospel Reading this Sunday sound scary for many of us because they speak about “a time unsurpassed in distress” in…

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CEREC benefits of CAD/CAM dentistry

CEREC is the unique CAD/CAM system for patient individual all-ceramic restorations in one single appointment.  Using CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing), this process allows dentists to construct, produce, and insert individual ceramic restorations directly at the point of treatment in a single appointment, rather than over multiple appointments with labside work in between.  CAD/CAM…

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The December 2015 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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Are fruit juices unhealthy?

The average annual consumption of fruit juices in the United States is about 30.3 liters per person. I suspect the ratio would be almost proportional to the amount of “fruit juices” we drink yearly in the Philippines. However, we have to qualify what we mean by fruit juices. The processed fruit juices have added sugar…

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Hosting the APEC meeting in a crowded and disorganized metropolis like Manila is very likely a bad idea. The disruption will impose costs on everyone, costs far beyond the few billion pesos government is actually paying out for the event. As that meeting nears, the scale of the disruption in an urban center that contributes…

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Pinoy-British singer eliminated from ‘X Factor’ UK

A 24-year-old Filipino-British contestant on “The X Factor UK” was sent home Sunday, Nov. 8, following a double-elimination round on the televised talent competition. “It’s been an incredible journey,” contestant Seann Miley Moore said in an interview following his elimination. “But the show must go on.” The Filipino-British sang “A Song For You” by Donny…

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WITH the rising number of alleged victims of the notorious “tanim bala” (bullet planting) scam at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), it is no surprise that this peculiar security threat has reached international headlines. Just this year, the Philippine National Police-Aviation Security Group (PNP-AVSeG) recorded 105 alleged “tanim bala” incidents, while the Manila International…

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A question of choice

IT is said that choice is destiny’s soulmate. It is not pre-destined; you have a choice to accept or refuse one turn down the crossroads to the future or another. By not choosing, we allow others to decide for us. If you didn’t make the choice, you can not blame someone else if you are…

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Abu Sayyaf releases Malaysian hostage

A MALAYSIAN woman held captive for nearly six months by Muslim militant group Abu Sayyaf was released by captors, authorities said Monday, Nov. 9. Militants freed Thien Nyuk Fun, 50, late Sunday, Nov. 8, from the island of Jolo in Sulu province. However, her compatriot remains in the custody of Abu Sayyaf. Two Filipino security…

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2016 tax planning strategies for individuals

FOR 2015 INCOME TAX RETURN IT’S the last quarter of 2015 and in a few months during income tax season, you would want to minimize any income tax dues as much as possible. After all, for most individual taxpayers, paying in increments is much better than paying in lump sum. Below is a checklist of…

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Client seeks to remove judgment liens on residence

Senior seeks discharge of $40K credit card debt CLIENT no. 1 is 55 years old. She is now divorced and living by herself. The divorce judgment gave her the marital home six years ago. Ex-husband was not interested in owning the property. Divorces not only settle property rights between the spouses. It also settles the…

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CSPA late filings and extraordinary circumstances

AN alien who seeks to be classified as a “child” or as a derivative beneficiary under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and who is under 21 years of age as determined under the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) is required to seek lawful permanent residence within one (1) year of the visa becoming available…

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