My Christmas box

IN both fiction and reportage, I’ve always made known that the winding down of autumn and ushering of winter put me in a heavy and philosophical mood.  I’m thinking about the deep and very private personal needs of people — a need that when met, gives us a sense of well-being, one of them the…

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A faultless chip of the old block that is Marion Aunor

Indubitably a “chip of the old block” and admittedly a spitting image of her mom, Lala Aunor, a former movie-TV popular teen personality of the early 70s and 80s, multi-faceted singer Marion Aunor is the niece of Philippine phenomenal Superstar Nora Aunor… no wonder she uncompromisingly carries on the legacy of excelling in the field…

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How a little sunshine helps our teeth

WHO doesn’t love a little sunshine? Not only does it feel fantastic, but it also has numerous health benefits. Sunshine improves our mood, our immune functions, and catalyzes vitamin D production in our bodies. Vitamin D is important to our healthy smiles Vitamin D supports oral health in two ways: 1. It helps our bodies absorb and utilize calcium.  One of…

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Some issues and pitfalls in pursuing US citizenship

(Part 1) FOR many people, attaining US citizenship is the final step in achieving their “American Dream.” After getting a green card, they eagerly count off the years until they are finally eligible to apply for naturalization. However, for some people, applying for citizenship could cause problems, issues, and even being stripped of their green…

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Abandonment of US residence

JON and Kate own and operate a successful real estate business in California.  In addition to owning a beautiful home, they had acquired several homes and apartment buildings which they rented out.  In 2008, when the United States economy was struggling and the real estate business was sluggish, Jon and Kate decided to take a…

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Flu could be deadly

The influenza season is upon us once again. While flu is common and those afflicted usually recover uneventfully, this viral infection could be serious, or even fatal, for some people as discussed below. Statistics worldwide cite between 250,000 to half a million die of flu complications each year. What is Influenza? Commonly known as “Flu,”…

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The Presidentiables

The candidates for the 2016 Presidential race are all ready to rumble. The top contenders are Mar Roxas, Jejomar Binay, Grace Poe, Miriam Santiago and Rodrigo Duterte. Mar Roxas is from the Liberal Party. He was the former DILG head and part of the hierarchy of the current administration. He is remembered with the Zamboanga…

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Duterte, Trump, Hitler and Nardong Putik

“THE success of Donald Trump has so defied the conventional wisdom of political punditry that a new genre of analysis has come into being. Call it Trumpology. It consists of reaching for exotic explanations from surprising sources. For example, Barton Swaim, who wrote ‘The Speechwriter: A Brief Education In Politics,’ hears magic in the Donald’s…

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DAVAO City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has vowed to stop crime and corruption if elected president of the Philippines in 2016. It seems that he will stop at nothing to get there. The no-nonsense presidential aspirant is on a mean streak lately and has been engaging his rivals in a political mudslinging. His first target was…

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The Apostolic mission of a lola

“IF you want to civilize a man, begin with his grandmother.” – Victor Hugo So, one moment you’re just a mother — and before you can blink and think that you have escaped the ties of children, their troubles and their demands; you feel a little tug, and next moment, you’re past that certain age,…

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Over 190 countries adopt historic climate accord in Paris

AFTER 13 days of negotiations on addressing climate change on a global scale, 195 countries on Saturday, Dec. 12, approved a historic, unprecedented climate accord that seeks to address global warming. Under the accord, known as the Paris Agreement, individual countries have committed to slash emissions and pledged to assist poorer nations to adapt to…

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IRS seeks to dismiss client’s chapter 13

Client with good income wants chapter 7 to discharge $70K credit cards NO one has anything good to say about the IRS. Tax collectors were much hated even during the time of Jesus two thousand years ago. Jesus was walking along the street when He saw Matthew sitting in his tax collector booth, then Jesus called…

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Bankruptcy: leave your debt troubles behind in 2015

FILING Bankruptcy is a serious decision for most people. Most don’t have a clue about how the process works until they actually consult with an attorney.  Confusion often results from hearing conflicting personal opinions from people they know.  Sad to say, well-meaning friends and family often give the wrong advice and the results can sometimes…

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