
DESPITE ardent calls by the international community to halt its military assertion in the West Philippine (South China) Sea, China remains undaunted in reiterating its “indisputable sovereignty” and has moved forward with its reclamation activities. While the Philippines was enjoying the New Year revelries, China was busy completing the construction of a 3,125-meter-long airfield on…

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Rizal, the Literateur

HIS country absorbed him as affectionately as he absorbed it. His poems are easy to read, even to sing, to take to heart and put meaning into its ability to bring what is dearest to the human heart and taste. Through murmurs of pleasantness, pains and wrongs, Rizal’s poetry sings of exceptional passions, of humanities…

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Pacquiao confirms retirement after April fight

The People’s Champ to focus on politics THE People’s Champ Manny Pacquiao will hang up his boxing gloves after a bout against Timothy Bradley on April 9 to focus on a career in politics. “My April 9 fight against Timothy Bradley will be my last. I’m retiring from boxing to focus on my new job,”…

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Why Vice President Jejomar Binay will win

Early in the year I began expressing through the social wire my initial views on the candidacy of Vice President Jejomar C. Binay for President. For sheer want in specifics on the demolition job being undertaken against him, I could only resort to citing historical patterns by way of contributing to his cause. Jojo and…

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Year 2015 in review: Developments in employment laws

THE year 2015 has been an interesting time for employment law, with the legislature and the courts defining additional protections to employees. The following are some of the new laws that may interest our readers: Employers Must Now Provide Paid Sick Leave to Employees On or after July 1, 2015, most employees working in California…

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Sluggo Rigor’s ‘May Angal III’

MY dear friend, Sluggo Rigor, editor and publisher of FilAm Bulletin in Seattle, reacted to one of my columns, “May Angal: Circa 2016,” which was about the callousness and insensitivity of the Aquino administration in the face of clear instances of incompetence and impunity in PNoy’s nearly six years of governance. Stirred by what I…

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BBM-USA: A quest for a legacy

A FEW Ilocanos together gathered one Tuesday night, around six until over just before midnight, while the hardcore stayed up till 2 am. The spirit of Ilocandia joined us that night as medicinally ingesting cognac, to keep our feet warm as we yearn for that Marcos Era of hope and redemption, universal acceptance and recognition….

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A New Year’s reflection

SOME friends invited me to go out with them for breakfast after a Simbang Mass. I accepted their invitation without hesitation so that I could spend time with them before Christmas. I haven’t seen them or talked to them for a long time. They have been my friends since my early years as a priest….

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Pregnant? Let’s keep both your mouth and your baby healthy

ARE you pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant? Do you know someone who is pregnant? While you’re picking out tiny clothes and reading childcare books, remember the importance of your oral health! Pregnancy brings so many physical changes. You crave different things. Your hair feels different. In fact, just about everything feels different. And, your mouth is…

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What makes you deportable

THE power to give, take away, and deport. The United States does not welcome you with open arms. It allows non-citizens entry into the United States, under certain conditions. When these conditions are broken, you can expect nothing but the full force of the United States government through the Department of Homeland Security to bear…

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Aquino years in review

In 2010, I was told by confidential sources that we should be very careful about who we elect as president. I thought that as a journalist I would open a topic for discussion. That did not happen but as my sources consoled me—just think when all is said and done you can say “I told…

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Making 2016 the best year yet

Hello kababayans. It’s that time again when we resolve to change some of our habits for good. We’re naturally feeling optimistic with the arrival of a new year, a cosmic reset – a time for new beginnings. So we sign up for gym memberships, fill our pantry and fridge with sugar-free, fat-free, flavor-free foods, and…

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How to check english grammar online?

Since English is the most widely spoken language in the world, it should come as no surprise that there are so many ways to learn about grammar. There are many online tutorials and resources to help you learn, so your English is on point. But how can you accurately check your English grammar? With so…

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BEFORE we charge 2015 to history, we are again reminded to look back and reflect on all the important events that have happened in the past 12 months. This year we celebrated triumphs and suffered defeats. Which way does the Philippines go? Will Filipinos learn from mistakes and lead themselves to better lives, or will…

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Cheers to a new year!

Across America, given the fractured state of our collective hearts, attempts to embrace the New Year will be paddled with reverence, or a little whoop, a bit of holler and Auld Lang Syne;  in splashes of patriotism, the traditional sounds of churning and noisemakers and fireworks that will mingle with the ringing of bells in…

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