Football 101

Before you head to a Super Bowl party on Sunday, learn/brush up on football lingo. Object of the game: To outscore the opposing team. TERMS Down: A period of action that begins as soon as the ball is put into play and ends when the ball is ruled dead, when a player is tackled or…

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Why everyone needs estate planning

MY grandfather is one of the greatest men I have ever known.  After fighting in the Philippines during World War II, he talked his way past guards at a U.S. Navy recruiting center and was one of only two men from his town that were accepted into the United States Navy.   When he completed his…

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The lessons of Pol Pot, Idi Amin and El Salvador

DAVAO mayor and presidential hopeful Rodrigo Duterte has announced that part of his platform of government is the extermination of criminals and corrupt public officials within six months from assuming the presidency. “Extermination,” as in kill them dead, like Flit Insect Spray. The enthusiastic approval by Duterte’s supporters are reminiscent of movie audiences lustily cheering…

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Broken vow

WITH only five months left before he steps down from office, President Benigno Aquino III has yet to fulfill one of his campaign promises in the 2010 presidential election: to bring resolve to the Maguindanao massacre. Who could ever forget that fateful day on November 23, 2009, when a private army (allegedly led by the…

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20 don’ts in an IRS audit

1. DON’T go to your appointment unprepared. 2. Don’t be late for your appointment with the auditor. 3. Don’t volunteer information. 4. Don’t be condescending of education, experience, age, or gender. 5. Don’t be arrogant, even if you clearly have an upper hand. 6. Don’t flaunt your being a CPA or lawyer to an agent…

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The agony and ecstasy of divorce

LAS VEGAS— Come hell or high water, people flock here to untie the knot. Divorce is simply about the villain and the victim.  It is who got cheated and who got left—the agony of the dumped. How dramatically love can turn around will always be a conundrum. In this city of quickie divorce, layers of emotional…

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Longer build, lower cost for CA bullet train

CALIFORNIA’S high-speed rail, connecting Los Angeles with the San Francisco Bay Area, could take longer to build than previously estimated, and its overall cost is “difficult to predict,” said the head of the high-speed rail authority on Wednesday, Jan. 27. “It may take us a little longer than we said to do this,” rail authority…

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The wonders of Pegan diet

WE are what we eat and drink, philosophically and medically. Diet plays the most significant role in our health and longevity — more than genetics and exercise in most instances. Food provides us nutrition and also stimulates and controls the natural production of hormones, electrolytes, and other chemicals, good or bad, depending on our mood…

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The ‘Grace Poe’ dilemma

(Part 1 of 2) The issues surrounding the presidential candidacy of Senator Grace Poe will not seem to die down.  Whether it is purely an honest attempt to search for the truth and comply with constitutional requirements or a political ploy to keep her out of the race, the issues are worth the Supreme Court’s…

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Tax consequences of divorce, non-custodial parents

CONSIDER the common divorce scenario where the divorce judgment provides  primary custody of the children  to one spouse while the other spouse only gets visitation.  The parties begin to file separate tax returns.  What are the tax consequences of the non custodial parents with regards to claiming the children in his or her return? A…

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