Can’t decide if bankruptcy is right for you?

ARE you overwhelmed with debt problems that seem insurmountable? Are you starting to feel hopeless about your financial future and thinking you’ll never get ahead? You may be at a critical point in your life where the decisions you make at this very moment will determine the kind of life you will have in the…

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DESPITE the generally slow Internet connection and only half of its population having access to the World Wide Web, the Philippines has been tagged as a social media haven by digital experts. Filipinos are adoptive to new technologies. According to a survey by Wave 7, Filipinos are the most social people online. The poll found…

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Once upon a street sweeper

What a noble trade it is to be a street sweeper. It consists of sweeping the filth we produce, making our existence less infected. Mindless and ungrateful are those who use the word sweeper in a disparaging way, and who do not understand how extraordinary and precious the sweepers are.  We would die of stench, dirt…

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Four illustrious Influential Women of the Tri-state Area to be tendered with a ceremonious award and dinner revelry

Our ever-changing world had been enormously manipulated and dominated by not only laudable men known for their commendable deeds that benefited mankind but also by their equally dominant female counterparts who have arguably defied the customary “men-power-rule” with their identifiably influential visions. If only for this, the month of March was specifically earmarked to celebrate…

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What to do with loose baby teeth

WE’VE all been through it, right? Can you remember when your baby teeth were falling out? Did one of your parents yank them out for you? Or, were you one of those do-it-yourselfers? Our advice: No viral video attempts at pulling teeth in crazy ways Have you seen some of the online videos out there…

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A call to action: Implementation of AB199 and WWII in the PH in the history curriculum framework in California

Since 2014 Bataan Legacy Historical Society (BLHS) has been working with the California Department of Education’s Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) to implement AB199, a legislation passed in 2011 (Sponsored by Ma and Yee) by the California Assembly and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown which encourages for the inclusion of the role of the Filipinos during…

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Questions they never ask of Mrs. Llamanzares

Doomsday scenario at Ateneo While terrorist attacks in Brussels and Lahore occupied the world headlines, and suspected ISIS-trained jihadists were reported to have set up camp in Muslim Mindanao, a doomsday scenario momentarily descended upon Ateneo University in Quezon City on Monday after it got a text message at 8:30 a.m. saying a “large explosion”…

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Debunking diet myths

In today’s health-oriented world, the four major players — diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol abuse – are in the spotlight. Diet weighs heavily on this equation and has also been a subject of a lot of pervasive myths and misinformation. Today, we shall review some of the most popular misconception about diet. Fasting is the…

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Basics of family estate planning

THERE are two important aspects that should be taken into consideration in your estate planning: 1. Asset reduction which reduces your estate and the amount of estate taxes that must be paid upon death; and 2. Asset protection which safeguards your assets from creditors and lawsuits. Gross estates over the following amounts are taxed at…

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Working ‘off-the-clock’ can be proved and should be paid

Supreme Court upholds pay for employees’ work despite lack of records IN some industries, employees perform work-related activities  before they clock in. Some do it after they clock out. These are called preliminary and postliminary work. It is important to know because time spent for these activities, although not recorded, should be paid to employees.  However,…

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Average itemized deductions

FOR those of you who itemize, the table below should be of interest. For those of you who play the odds (you know what I mean), this table should be of special interest. Having claimed too many exemptions at work to increase your take-home pay or failed to pay estimated taxes, you suddenly find yourself…

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Bankruptcy: Why blaming yourself will not help

BEING in debt can be pretty depressing.  I understand how you feel. When you’re drowning in debt, you may feel that your situation is hopeful and you have no motivation to even plan for your future. Your self-esteem may be shot. You may be experiencing anger, depression, guilt- or a combination of all three.  You…

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Easter seeds of faith to live by

HAPPY EASTER! Where ever you may be in your journey of life — mourning in your Good Friday or rejoicing in anticipation of the fulfillment of God’s promise in resurrection — know in your heart that Easter morning comes after the darkest night. This is the gift of rebirth, of new beginnings, no matter how…

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PACCAL proclaims 2016 Women’s History Month awardees

The primordial thread that links the feminine essence of every woman to nurturing and caring had been deeply rooted since the dawning of creation. According to Diane Mariechild:  “A woman is the full circle…within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform!”  Indeed, women in the world deserve nothing but only the best accolade…

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It’s spring once again

Today, we stop and breathe because there it is, the scent of hope, love and lust — spring. It is land’s perpetual gift of sudden grace. It is upon us in a scent that grows deeper — dizzying, probably because of the trees that are starting to spurt out dark, green leaves in covered with…

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9 linked to Brussels bombings arrested

Evidence of link to Paris attacks mounting SEVEN people have been arrested in a series of raids in connection with the bombings at Brussels Airport and subway station earlier this week, according to Belgian prosecutors. The attacks involved three explosions in Brussels on Tuesday, March 22, that killed at least 31 and wounded about 270….

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A time to reflect on  faith and belief

Holy Week or  Lenten season is the time  when Christians, Catholic  and other religious denominations remember Christ’s passion (his suffering and death) and resurrection. Ash Wednesday (forty days before Easter Sunday) marks the beginning of this season, it is when you will see Catholics with ash smudged on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. Holy…

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An Easter Sunday message

AN explosion of new life and hope happened on that Easter morning when Jesus resurrected from the dead after three days in the tomb. It was an explosion that brought conversion to billions of people in the world. Peter and John run fast to the tomb of Jesus that Sunday morning upon hearing Mary Magdalene’s…

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