Minor hiccup

SEVERAL emerging markets in the world have experienced exceptional economic strides. These nations are mostly highly export-driven with strong inflows of capital and investment and well-capitalized banking institutions. Many emerging markets have already “emerged.” Now that it is no longer the “Sick Man of Asia,” it is high time for the Philippines to experience this…

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Vacations fade fast

VACATIONS are nothing more than series of moments that you remember between all the exhaustion, moving from one place to another. It’s the special times obliterated by little things that you remember, as one tries desperately to cling to joyous carefree days and all the cultural enrichment you experienced on a trip. But when vacation…

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Church and state, church and God

“WE worry a great deal about the problem of church and state. Now, what about church and God? Sometimes there seems to be a greater separation between the church and God than between church and state.” — Abraham Joshua Heschel A lot of arguments have risen in the Philippines regarding the separation of church and…

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What is a conservatorships?

MY last article discussed the reasons why everyone should have a power of attorney for assets as well as a  power of attorney for healthcare.  But what if a loved one has an incapacitating accident without executing a power of attorney?  What if Mom is suffering from the beginning stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease…

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Child custody — ’Best Interest Rule’

MANY fathers and mothers have their own ideas of child custody and the standard to which Courts use in determining custody of children.  Automatically, most parents believe that the children would naturally go to their mother.  This perception is incorrect—the children do not automatically go to the mother.  Rather, the Family Code statutes have a…

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Tax tips for students working at summer jobs

HERE are 10 tips for students with summer jobs: 1. Fill out Form W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate). This form is used by employers to determine the amount of tax that will be withheld from your paycheck. If you have multiple summer jobs, make sure all your employers withhold adequate amount of taxes to cover…

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Crowns, scepters, bouquets, smiles, & camera flashes brimmed over at PAFCOM’s 26th Friendship & Coronation Night

By and large, the venue’s ambiance was ecstatic and rapturous while every attendee’s mood was indubitably exuberant. The unswerving jauntiness and high spirited countenance that prevailed around the four corners of Newark Liberty International Airport Marriott Hotel’s Grand Ballroom was at its pinnacle when the Philippine American Friendship Committee (PAFCOM) commemorated its 26th Coronation and…

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Re-packaging and re-filing a hardship/fraud waiver

DEAR Atty. Gurfinkel: When I filed for adjustment of status, USCIS said I committed fraud when I entered the US under an assumed name. They required me to file a Form I – 601 (Waiver of Inadmissibility), which they denied, stating that my spouse would not suffer enough “extreme hardship”. My lawyer appealed my case…

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What is coronary angioplasty?

WHAT is coronary angioplasty? Commonly called angioplasty, the procedure is technically known as Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA). Percutaneous refers to “the needle puncture thru the skin,” transluminal means “the inside channel of the artery,” coronary  is the name of the “arteries to of the heart,” and angioplasty is “repair/dilatation” of the blocked artery, using…

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CHANGE is indeed coming. The transition of power to President-elect Rodrigo Duterte’s administration has become more apparent even in the incoming 17th Congress. In the House of Representatives, a Congress shake-up is currently ongoing after several members of the ruling Liberal Party have decided to curtail its “Tuwid na Daan” (Straight Path) engagement for Duterte’s…

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Las Vegas, a paradise beyond art

Las Vegas is a city of a thousand flashing lights racing on and off, bizarre and beautiful, meant to confuse people that there is no time here, no night and day, no past or future.  It is just like having arrived at a palace at the end of the world, its oversized antiquitiess, employees wearing…

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Our love for the Eucharist

JESUS, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, broke it and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me…This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For…

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Is real estate property purchased prior to marriage considered community property in a divorce?

GENERALLY, in California, property acquired by a spouse prior to marriage is considered separate property under family code section 770 while those acquired after marriage are considered community assets under family code section 760.  How do you characterize real property purchased prior to marriage but with the mortgage principal paid down using community income or…

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Do I need a power of attorney?

AS an Elder Law attorney specializing in estate planning and Medi-Cal  for Long-Term Care, I receive phone calls from adult children all over the country who have an aging parent here in California. Quite often, our conversation goes something like this: “My father (or mother) is in a nursing home in California, has a home…

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Foxes guarding the hen house

REMEMBER “C5 at Taga”? For the benefit of those with short memories, in January 2010, with the presidential campaign in full swing and Sen. Manny Villar leading in the surveys on presidential aspirants, the Senate debated a report recommending the censure of Villar “for improper and unethical conduct.” Villar, who owns one of the biggest…

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