Farewell mass for Bishop Solis

A FAREWELL mass was held on Wednesday, February 1 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles, in honor of Bishop Oscar Solis, who was recently appointed as bishop of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah by Pope Francis. Solis will be installed on Tuesday, March 7, making him the…

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President Trump’s recent executive actions on immigration

SINCE President Trump’s inauguration last January 20, 2017, the President has issued three (3) executive actions on immigration, namely,  (1)  Executive Order 13769, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” issued on January 27, 2017;  (2) Executive Order 13768 ,“Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States” issued on…

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Protecting immigrant employees’ rights in today’s politics

THE current political environment has disturbed many immigrants. The administration has touted that immigration laws will strictly be enforced, with tough talk on rounding up immigrants for deportation. This has sowed fear and confusion among immigrants, especially the undocumented. Immigrant workers are especially vulnerable to threats as many employers exploit immigrant workers for cheap labor….

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Applying for US citizenship in these turbulent times

PRESIDENT Trump appears to be executing on his “America First” agenda by executing executive orders in record pace with the intent of securing American interest.  However, these executive orders has affected certain rights of legal permanent residents and aliens residing in the United States.  As a green card holder, you are still considered an Alien…

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Trump tax plan for 2017 & beyond

REPUBLICAN president-elect Donald Trump unveiled a new framework for his revised tax plan. Basically, his plan simplifies the tax code – reduce tax rates, simplify provisions, and reform business taxation. His fellow Republicans control both the House and Senate so he’ll probably deliver on most of promised tax reforms that we have not seen since…

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Gentle angels called caregivers

In private homes, we learn yet of another world—of quiet angels with gentle hearts. Back home, they used to be teachers, bank tellers, office workers, engineers, or registered nurses who handle with special grace the dignity of their “clients’” last moments. They help not to torment these people with meaningless chemical assaults in their last…

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Tanning and skin cancer

The US-FDA has issued warning on the use of tanning beds at home and at tanning salons: tanning increases the risk for melanoma, a deadly skin cancer, up to 59 percent!  More than 2.5 million teens, mostly girls, use tanning booths each year in the United States. Just like with poison, the more exposure, the…

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Beware of the Trump card

The US will be undergoing some interesting times with the assumption of the presidency by Donald J. Trump. A legend in his own mind, Trump could well have written the dictionary definition of his surname: “Trump – To outrank or defeat someone or something, often in a highly public way… In the card game bridge, the…

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The purge

IN recent months, when the Philippine government ushered in a new leadership under President Rodrigo Duterte, members of the police seemed to be invincible. Because they’re the government’s first line of defense—and offense—against the war it waged on illegal drugs and criminality, the police managed to remain unscathed, despite mounting poor public perception and criticisms…

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Songs my mother taught me

My first knowledge of the world and about life came to me through my senses. They were directed by my mother. She was the first one I saw, felt and depended on, on the day I was born Everything made me wail desperately — hunger, light and anger. The memory of my mother and her…

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Coolhaus co-founders Freya Estreller & Natasha Case bring architecturally-inspired, creatively-flavored frozen treats

In recent years, ice cream has gone beyond your typical vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Think, fried chicken and waffles, peking duck, foie gras PB&J or whiskey Lucky Charms. At Coolhaus, a Los Angeles-based artisanal ice cream sandwich company, these are just some of the inventive, indulgent flavors customers can expect. The concept arose some nine…

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Valentine date ideas on a weekday

February is approaching once again and you know what they say about it being the love month. I am aware that not everyone is in a relationship – or that they don’t have a date on Valentine’s. So, this piece is not just for the hashtag #alreadyhitched but also for the happily single.  And since…

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When poor people become our strength

I SPENT three weeks after Christmas traveling to the Philippines and China.  In the Philippines, I joined my high school seminary classmates in the celebration of our 40th year anniversary of graduation. In China, I honored an overdue invitation of a long-time friend to visit the American school that he has been running successfully, Qingdao…

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Bankruptcy options for senior citizens

ARE your “golden years” golden? Not so for more and more Americans age 65 and older. The rate of personal bankruptcy filings among those ages 65 or older soared by 150% from 1991 to 2007, according to AARP. The biggest jump in bankruptcy filings occurred among people aged 75 to 84; their rate skyrocketed 433%….

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Senior needs Chapter 13 relief for $24K credit cards

Formerly rich seniors need Chapter 7 relief “ We have strength for all things in Christ who empowers us – He infuses us with inner strength and we are self sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency!” CLIENT is 65. She still works middle management and earns $37K yearly. Although she is married, I would say that she…

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2016 federal tax changes

1. TAX Day is April 18, 2017: While we are accustomed to a filing tax deadline of April 15, this day falls on a Saturday so the deadline is moved to Monday April 17, but the District of Columbia observes this day as Emancipation Day, so this year’s tax deadline is pushed further back to…

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Historic Filipinotown “Hidden HiFi” Cultural Scavenger Hunters Call on the Community to Support Them on Saturday

Participants take on Eating Challenges, HiFi Trivia, and More for a Good Cause What: Hidden Hi-Fi is an exhilarating day of adventure for all ages! Teams of 2-4 will travel to locations all over Historic Filipinotown while performing fun tasks, solving puzzles and answering trivia at each destination– all while racing against other teams toward…

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