DACA recipient taken into ICE custody

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have taken into custody a 23-year-old man brought to the US as a young child, but had applied for, and was GRANTED, Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA), with his work permit valid until 2018! This was one of the first times a DACA applicant has been taken into…

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Our food and our body

The clamor for a healthier lifestyle has transformed society into more conscious, more intelligent, and more discriminating consumers of food and food ingredients. Truth in food labeling is a law that is strictly implemented, especially in the United States. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on this subject. Why are some meats…

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Divorce issues & tax tips

1. Non-recognition rules of property settlement between spouses. There is no gain or loss recognized on a transfer of property incident to a divorce under IRC section 1041. Sample 1 Toni receives payments from her ex-husband in return for her agreement to abandon her claim to ex-husband’s retirement benefits. The payments are for the transfer…

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FVR’s truth-telling

FIDEL V. Ramos’ recent interview with Rappler’s Maria Ressa was a study in sophisticated elder statesmanship. He was cordial and engaging, of course, and kept the talk good-humored and paternal. He didn’t sound the least bit patronizing towards his interlocutor, who seems incapable of giving anyone a hard time and tends to err, rather too…

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POLITICAL reform in the Philippines is hounded by high public expectation because of untold amounts of corruption and law-breaking by public officials for years. It is like a mirage that never truly materializes; it recedes the closer we try to get to it. There are those who maintain a level of cynicism toward the political…

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On following the path of Jesus

WE have a saying in theology that Jesus Christ is the Sacrament par excellence. This statement does not only mean that Jesus is the Word made flesh or the Living Bread that came down from heaven, but it also means that Jesus embodies the whole Law of God. It’s why He says in the Gospel…

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The Americana at Brand ushers in Year of the Fire Rooster

The Year of the Fire Rooster began on January 28, but the celebrations across Southern California haven’t waned down. Last weekend on Saturday, February 4, The Americana at Brand in Glendale, CA hosted an afternoon of elaborate festivities, complete with cultural performances and an array of Asian food vendors. The high-end mall has been hosting…

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Protecting employees from sexual harassment at work

SEXUAL misconduct in the workplace is more common than most people think. In many instances, victims do not complain for fear of retaliation, of being disbelieved, or for sheer embarrassment. However, it is only by filing a complaint can a victim of sexual misconduct at work obtain justice. Consider the following story from an actual…

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How IRS verifies your income tax returns for audit

DID you ever wonder how the IRS selects tax returns to be audited? Here’s a three-part series on how tax returns are received, stored, and chosen for audit: • How e-filed and paper-filed tax returns are verified, validated, and reviewed for accuracy. • How tax returns are stored into master files. • How IRS scores…

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Fil-Am wins ‘StandUp NBC,’ a nationwide search for comedians

Awarded one-year talent holding deal with NBCUniversal  A millennial Filipino American has won this year’s ‘StandUp NBC,’ a national search for stand-up comedians of diverse backgrounds. JR De Guzman was selected from over 600 stand-up comedians who auditioned at open calls last year in New York City, San Diego, Nashville and Austin. As part of…

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The epiphany of Duterte

“EPIPHANY — A moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you.” In other words, an awakening. This definition of “epiphany” certainly applies to President Rodrigo Duterte’s change of attitude towards his certain promises and policies, including those concerning the Philippine National Police and…

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The favorite daughter

The apple that fell far from the tree is one I could only dream of. A perfect newshen. God’s little pencil. I would have taught her to begin each work by having a real and passionate curiosity about how people behave in the infinitely various situations they find themselves in. To be aware that no…

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Is Trump about to end DACA?

SINCE becoming president, Donald Trump has issued over 20 executive orders (EO) on a wide variety of topics and issues, including immigration. So far, there has not yet been an Executive Order concerning the future of Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA). However, there have been several draft or leaked memos, which eventually became executive…

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What is happening now in immigration?

IN the first two weeks of the Trump Administration and with a quick stroke of a pen, the country was swept up in a whirlpool of Executive Orders the tangled mangled web of which we are still trying to make sense. What is happening? What does it mean for me and my family? What’s going…

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What’s trending: Trump’s E.O.

Since its issuance on Jan. 27, 2017,  the Executive Order on immigration (Trump’s E.O.) has been dissected because it is a “travel ban” of nationals from seven specific countries ( Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Somalia) whose majority populations are Muslims. While the previous administration and Congress have characterized them as war-torn and…

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Self-CPR and other tips

Countless lives around the world have been saved by CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation). Accounts by locals on this remote Alubihod beach resort in Guimaras Island (across Iloilo), where we were as of this writing, revealed they have witnessed CPR performed on a drowning victim a couple of times in the past several years. Actually, you can…

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Love and more love: Some fun facts about Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air as Valentine’s Day is fast approaching.  Now who wouldn’t be familiar with this great day meant for sharing love gestures?  I know many couples excitedly wait for February 14 so they can express their feelings to their partners.  However, though we may be familiar with the day’s history, some may…

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Oil and water

THE relationship between government and religion has always been a complicated matter in the Philippines, one that is both a desensitized and hardly discussed issue. As a predominantly Catholic nation, where 86 percent of its population is Roman Catholic, it has become a Filipino’s moral obligation to live by the Church’s teachings—or at least respect…

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Bad news

I THINK of the bad news as a huge bird — an albatross with wings of a crow, the face of Hydra with rancid teeth and a wrinkling frown.  It sails around the world under a cover of darkness, pleased to be the bearer of ill tidings.  With it always is a basket of rotten…

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