The April 2017 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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Social life impacts health

YOU and I are social animals. Our two-legged and four-legged friends are also “social” creatures. They are usually in pairs or in herds. Like us, humans, these animals apparently also value, long for, and enjoy companionship. The loners among them usually do not survive long. Most obviously, social life, a sense of belonging, a comfortable…

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When I grow too old to dream

I DON’T know of any woman who really wants to grow old.  After a certain birthday, she enters into a battle with time, sometimes with a plastic surgeon by her side to strip back the years, reclaim the eyes, the chin — even her breasts and bottom of her youth. She would examine her face…

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Congressional Budget Office: Millions of Americans will lose insurance under Trumpcare

REPUBLICANS, including then candidate Donald Trump, ran on the campaign promise of repealing President Barack Obama’s signature legislative legacy — the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Republican party, a.k.a. the Grand Old Party (GOP), had been fixated on demonizing the ACA, also known as “Obamacare,” since Obama started pushing for its passing to provide health…

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BILATERAL ties between the Philippines and China have begun to warm up as soon as President Rodrigo Duterte stepped into office. Following his early anti-American outbursts, Duterte vowed to carry out an independent foreign policy, one that seeks to distance Manila from Washington, but makes overtures toward Beijing. True enough, Chinese investors are lining up…

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Lenten blessings

“I WILL make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.”  — Genesis 12:1-4 You will be one of the blessing! This is one of good news of this Sunday Scripture Readings on the Second Sunday of Lent. It sounds offbeat…

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Life cycle of an audit

(Part 2 of 3) 6. YOU first receive a contact letter advising you that your return has been selected for examination. It spells out the preliminary areas for audit. You are required to contact the IRS office within 10 days. An appointment is made and you or your rep proceeds to the nearest IRS office….

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LA region survey finds alcohol and tobacco products are still more available than healthier foods at local markets

LOS ANGELES – Health officials from Los Angeles County, Long Beach, Pasadena, and Orange County, unveiled new survey findings regarding the availability and marketing of tobacco, alcohol, and food products in local corner stores and food markets across the Los Angeles region. The survey results found that stores located near schools still promoted and sold…

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What if you could speak directly with Christ?

LENT is the season when words and teachings of Christ are presented in a thousand pulpits across the nation — self-righteously, mournfully, nasally, coldly, feebly, flamboyantly, blandly, and violently. Ministers give the gospel, its full beauty and power, and thousands of  people derived guidance and comfort, listening to them, validating a deep need for spiritual…

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Colon cancer rising among young people

WHILE colon cancer rates have been going down among the elderly (55 and older) since the 1980s, they are increasing among those in their 20s and 30s. This was the recent alarming finding of a US cancer registry, which reviewed nearly half a million color-rectal cancers diagnosed between 1974 and 2013, published in the Journal…

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New enforcement memorandum by DHS Secretary John Kelly

WHAT is happening? On January 27, 2017, the President signed the Executive Order entitled “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States” (Executive Order 13769) This Executive Order issued a 90-day travel ban on immigrants and non-immigrants from designated countries, a 120-day ban on U.S. refugee program, and an indefinite suspension of…

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Jimmy Gomez: Fighting for California’s values and people

Assemblymember and Calif. 34th Congressional District candidate Jimmy Gomez shares his reasons and passion in continuing to serve his constituents  On Tuesday, April 4, the special primary in California’s 34th Congressional District is one to watch, as it is considered the first congressional race since last November’s general election.  It’s a crowded field with 23…

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Death of a taxpayer part 2

WE discussed previously the requirement for consistent basis reporting between the person receiving the property and the decedent’s estate. Applicability of filing requirements for US Citizens for transfer certificate. 1. Citizen of the US including with dual citizenship upon death and died after December 31, 1976. 2. Part A. Decedent’s worldwide estate exceeds the unified…

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Unsolicited advice to the Duterte trolls

IN January 2017, The New Republic, a liberal US magazine, ran an article by journalist Sean Williams entitled, “Rodrigo Duterte’s Army of Online Trolls”: “Since Rodrigo Duterte was elected president of the Philippines last June, he has waged a brutal crackdown on drug dealers and addicts. Nearly 4,000 people have been killed by government forces…Duterte’s authoritarian rhetoric has elicited…

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Trump accuses Obama of wiretapping him during the election without any evidence: Another conspiracy theory to deflect issues?

AMID the growing support for a bipartisan and independent investigation to find out if there was/is collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign before, during and after the 2016 presidential elections, President Donald Trump woke up on the early morning of Saturday, March 4 to fire a barrage of tweets to accuse his predecessor, President…

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DESPITE her predicament, a defiant Senator Leila De Lima denounced the recent move by government prosecutors to prohibit all parties from discussing the senator’s cases in public. “I refuse to be gagged. Gagging me would be a violation of my rights. They cannot continue violating my rights. I shall continue to speak up on issues…

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Enhancing public safety in the interior of the United States

Executive Order 13768 ON January 25, 2017, President Trump issued one of his controversial executive actions on immigration, Executive Order 13768 entitled “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States” which effectively places any undocumented individual in the United States at risk of deportation. The executive action directs the Department of Homeland Security…

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Eligible debtors should seek BK relief

SOMETIMES debtors cannot decide whether they should seek debt relief through Chapter 7 wipe out of all dischargeable debts or a consolidation and reorganization through a Chapter 13. They usually ask me what they should do in their financial situation. I know after handling thousands of bankruptcy cases in the last 30 years, debtors are…

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Can my removal be expedited?

QUESTION: I have heard that with Trump’s executive order and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo and with further items to be processed,  people are being thrown out of the country left and right. I am very afraid. What can I do? Answer: First of all, it is true that Trump is creating fear…

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Life cycle of an audit

(Part 1 of 3) WHILE audit penetration has, decreased, the quality of audits has improved. Auditors undergo specialization training. They conduct economic reality audits that involve looking at issues beyond your tax returns into how you survive with the amount of income that you report. This intrusion into the lifestyle of taxpayers has become disturbing….

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