The girls he left behind

Thirty three years ago, my husband left me. He died. Leaving a house filled of daughters, young and adorable, innocent, with the world on their side. In the face of adversity, we were not permitted to ask, “Why me?” You can ask, but you won’t get an answer. Through the years, I’ve learned the hard…

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Is real estate property purchased prior to marriage considered community propery in a divorce?

GENERALLY, in California, property acquired by a spouse prior to marriage is considered separate property under family code section 770 while those acquired after marriage are considered community assets under family code section 760.  How do you characterize real property purchased prior to marriage but with the mortgage principal paid down using community income or…

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High alert

THE Philippines extends its condolences to the victims’ families and voiced solidarity with Britain in the fight against extremism following the deadly terror attack in Manchester, United Kingdom that left 22 people—including children—dead and 50 injured. “We are in solidarity with the United Kingdom in addressing and combating violent extremism,” Philippine Presidential Spokesman Ernesto Abella…

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We preach Christ, not ourselves

THE rooms of the dormitories are now clean and empty, and the seminary is quiet, for the academic year has ended and the seminarians have left for summer vacation. Some of them finished their long years of seminary formation — seven years for most of them — and they are now preparing for ordination, ready…

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Our fascination with the Bible

“IT ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.” — Mark Twain It is the time I prepare myself for worship on Sunday — by reading beautiful and poetic stories from the Bible. Our knowledge of the Bible was limited to memorizing…

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Exempt property in bankruptcy

ONE of the goals of bankruptcy is to allow debtor-filers to start anew.  This means that after filing bankruptcy and getting a discharge of their debts, these debtors will be in a position to move on financially. Allowing these debtors to keep certain basic assets despite a bankruptcy filing is one way of helping debtor…

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Is real estate property purchased prior to marriage considered community property in a divorce?

GENERALLY, in California, property acquired by a spouse prior to marriage is considered separate property under family code section 770 while those acquired after marriage are considered community assets under family code section 760.  How do you characterize real property purchased prior to marriage but with the mortgage principal paid down using community income or…

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How to avoid IRS audits: Deduction issues

BE conservative with deductions if you want to avoid audits. Be aggressive and you increase your risk of IRS scrutiny. Play the odds and you invite an audit. The question then is—is it worth the risk? No, it’s not. Saving a few dollars compared with what could be a disastrous experience of dealing with the…

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The Trump administration on sanctuary cities

Generally, a sanctuary city is viewed as a place where individuals without lawful immigration status may reside without undue fear of targeted raids, harassment and mass deportation.  So-called sanctuary cities do not provide immunity to those residing in the U.S. without status.  Anyone who resides in the United States without authorization is at some risk…

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Trump’s ‘extreme vetting’ of visa applicants

DURING Pres. Trump’s candidacy, and after he was elected, he stated that among the ways he would combat terrorism would be through “extreme vetting,” which would include  a “rigorous evaluation” of visa applicants to determine if they support terrorism. Recently, the State Department listed possible additional questions for visa applicants who have been determined to…

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National smoking ban

Providing a smoking area within the same building with one ventilation system is like designating a urinating area in a swimming pool HealthJustice Philippines, a vigilant think tank and advocacy group with legal expertise in tobacco control and health promotion and a Bloomberg Awardee for Global Tobacco Control, sent out a press release on May…

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Duterte continues push for a drug-free community

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte emphasized the need of eradicating drug impunity during the World Economic Forum (WEF) on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Thursday, May 11,  in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In his keynote speech, Duterte urged the international leaders to pursue a drug-free community to protect the younger generation from harm brought…

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New California laws

PART 1 CUSTOMER Service Dashboard: The goal is provide tools and resources in resolving tax matters. The “Customer Service Dashboard” was launched in March 1, 2017 with estimated time frames for your wait time. For more information go to: Deductions for Taxes Paid or California Other State Tax Credit (OSTC) Legal Ruling 2017-01: California resident…

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“SUFFICIENT in form but insufficient in substance,” the House of Representatives’ justice committee declared on Monday, May 15, as it formally dismissed the impeachment complaint filed against Pres. Rodrigo Duterte. A Philippine president is immune from lawsuits while in office, but he can be removed from office through impeachment. According to the Supreme Court, “form”…

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Grounds for annulling a marriage

“ There are circumstances though that allow a couple to have their marriage voided rather than dissolved.” MOST couples that want out of a marriage in California usually file for Divorce.  There are circumstances though that allow a couple to have their marriage “voided” rather than “dissolved.”  There is a big difference between the two…

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Winners under the Trump tax plan

“ Trump’s plan will help more low-income workers to avoid taxes, not to pay income taxes.” ACCORDING to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, the Trump tax plan would increase the long-run size of the economy by 7% under a higher-rate assumption, or 8% under a lower-rate assumption. The larger economy would result in…

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Fil-Am teen killed in car crash after prom

Mother sustains non-life threatening injuries A FILIPINO-American teenage girl was killed in a car crash in the Bay Area on Sunday morning, May 14, as she and her mother were on their way home from senior prom. At around 2:30 a.m., 18-year-old Shane Alexis Marcelino of Fremont, California was riding in the passenger’s seat of…

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God’s love in Jesus

JESUS shows his concern and cares for us this Sunday by telling us, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a…

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A Mother’s Day tribute

This Sunday, we are going to honor God’s wonderful gift to us, our mother. A mother is truly a special woman and deserves much praise and gratitude. I can’t help feeling sentimental during Mother’s Day. My mom, Catalina Francisco Lu, was born on May 19, 1920. She passed away at the age of 74. Though…

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