Filipino Americans celebrate 500 years of Catholicism

In celebration of the “500 Years of Catholic Evangelization in the Philippines,” members of the Filipino-American community and the Filipino Clergy of the Diocese of Oakland celebrated Novena Masses hosted by different parishes across the diocese. St. Albert the Great had the honor of hosting a Mass last March 12. Together with Fr. Joseph and Fr….

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[COLUMN] COVID-19 updates

ITALY, “the first western country to be severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic is also the first nation to face a third wave of COVID-19 and now re-imposing a strict nationwide lockdown a year and more than one hundred thousand deaths later.” There has been six weeks of increasing COVID-19 cases, attributed to people lowering…

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[COLUMN] New hope for CSPA age out children

THE Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) is complex, confusing, and can be extremely frustrating. During my 40 years of practicing law, I always encounter cases where a child may have been petitioned many years before their 21st birthday, but by the time their visa is available (or priority date is current), they have aged out….

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DOH: New COVID-19 variant found in PH

A NEW COVID-19 variant called P.3 has been found in the Philippines, the country’s Department of Health (DOH) confirmed Saturday, March 13. “The (Philippine Genome Center) previously detected 85 cases with a unique set of mutations, including both E484K and N501Y mutations. Upon verification with the Phylogenetic Assignment of Named Global Outbreak Lineages (PANGOLIN), the…

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Metro Manila under curfew until March 31

ON top of its general community quarantine status, Metro Manila has implemented a curfew until the end of March in an effort to curb the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the capital region. The curfew, which took effect on Monday, March 15, will be observed daily from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. It will…

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[COLUMN] So you’re vaccinated against COVID. Now what?

By Bernard J. Wolfson / Kaiser Health News As you surely know, this country’s COVID vaccination effort has been plagued by major birth pangs: registration snafus, poor communication, faulty data and a scant supply of vaccine — all exacerbated by inequitable allocation, alleged political favoritism and unseemly jockeying for shots. Still, over 100 million shots…

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CA launches rent relief program for tenants, landlords

CALIFORNIA has announced the launch of a statewide COVID-19 rent relief program, intended to help income-eligible households pay rent and utilities, both for arrears and future payment. Supported by the Federal Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief provides financial assistance to income-qualified tenants experiencing housing instability and provides rent reimbursement to…

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Vatican says Catholic Church can’t bless same-sex unions

THE Catholic Church does not have the power to bless same-sex unions despite their “positive elements,” the Vatican said Monday, March 15. The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF) issued a formal response to a question about whether the Church has the authority to bless gay unions, answering “negative.” Signed by Cardinal Luis…

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