The recent catastrophic devastation of hurricane Sandy and the down-the-drain aftermath that emotionally impacted and economically ravaged even the strongest of heart were all but parts of life’s never-ending challenges and Sisyphean trials. We just have to admit that being born on earth means we should enjoy what life has to offer and suffer the consequences in return.
After causing more than sixty deaths in the Caribbean, category 1 hurricane Sandy headed north, strongly packed with a maximum sustained winds of about 80 miles per hour that made its landfall on Monday evening, Oct. 30th. After an overnight non-stop ravage of hard-hitting wind and heavy rains, every region attacked was immensely devastated. It instantly changed the landscape of a huge part of the east coast, particularly the coastlines and beachfront homes and mercilessly extended to the inland residences and commercial areas, leaving behind a humungous amount of damages in catastrophic proportion.
Waking up to the disheartening sight of Sandy’s aftermath was to bear and accept the wrath of nature and openly consider it as a wake-up call for a lifestyle change. With the massive power outages, numerous roofless houses, the mile-long queue of gas-seeking car owners, the scarcity of food supplies, and the tremendous paralyzed transportation chaos, the horrendous situations were even aggravated with the setting in of the bleak winter chills.
Aptly tagged “Frankenstorm” due to its enormous strength accompanied by terrifying nearly hundred-mile-per-hour winds, Sandy also closed all subways and tunnels and even main thoroughfares were deserted, leaving a ghost-town effect in the city. NYC Mayor Bloomberg, amid the unprecedented clogging of vehicles, pedestrians, and mounting debris, was inevitably forced to impose the use of emergency HOV or high occupancy vehicles, a car pool rule restriction to prevent additional problems and at the same time, to save gas.
What made the dismal situation even worse was the absence of electricity, heating systems, and even food supplies for most people who were directly affected by the gigantic natural calamity.
But despite the grievous situation caused by the once-in-a-generation disaster, there were still volunteers and concerned citizens who have compassionate hearts who delivered aids and supplies to the less fortunate.
Conservative projection of Sandy’s damages was estimated at $30 billion and more than 100 lives were claimed. The tri-state area was the most affected in the east coast zeroing in to New York’s Breezy Point, Battery Park, and Lower Manhattan. It also battered New Jersey’s Hoboken, Seaside Heights, and Union Beach.
After a little over eleven years, September 11, 2001 to be exact, New York City, once again, suffered from another devastation, this time from a nature-related cause unlike the former’s man-maneuvered disaster.
If there’s but one advantage this catastrophic tragedy has offered, it would be the glaring opportunity for the candidates to present themselves as concerned and culpably involved. This is despite the seeming coldness of affected voters who remained without qualms about the on-going election.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Democrat re-electionist Barrack Obama made all possible means to get into every scene where their presence was needed and the strenuous effort worked in their favor specially for the latter who needed the exposure the most.
The massive rebuilding scenario and the still gloomy weather failed to hamper the November 6 national elections. Sandy’s ferocity was no match to last Tuesday’s aggressive voters’ power as they finally retained Obama in office after a neck and neck battle.
But suddenly the day following Obama’s victory, the stock market suffered an immediate plunge. The general consensus, especially by financial analysts and investors, was that the president’s reelection could mean a continued stalemate in the White House where the Republicans maintain full control. There could be some valid reasons other than this hypothetical theory. But still, it couldn’t be denied there are a lot of sour graping losers who could easily associate negative things with Obama’s winning the election just so to get even.
And as if to add insult to injury and aggravate the prevailing situation brought about by hurricane Sandy, a powerful nor’easter snow storm packed with rain slammed the still recovering areas that accumulated more problems. The temperature was freezing cold with gusty winds and chilly rain preventing people to attend earmarked events like Mila Mendez’s forty-day memorial mass at the St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
The weight of snow, sleet, and ice were more than enough to totally bring down branches, twigs, and remaining debris left suspended from Sandy’s wrath, This could be hazardous to pedestrians and some salvaged properties.
Slowly the ruined east coast areas are getting back to where it should stand with the necessary federal aid and strong determination to recover. With renewed strength and regenerated outlook, hurricane Sandy victims tried to gather pieces together and start life anew.
Signs of cataclysmic events?
After a succession of horrific devastation brought about by either natural calamities or man-made disasters, could these earthly predicaments be the early signs of cataclysmic or transformative events as predicted by to occur on December 21, 2012?
This phenomenon has been publicly demonstrated by known soothsayers who are commonly tagged by the educated class as pseudo prophets and false prognosticators.
Notradamus, Michel de Nostredame, was the former prophet from the 16th century who was known for having positively predicted the rise of the French Revolution, the significant role of Napoleon Bonaparte in history, Adolph Hitler’s diabolical rule, the invention and danger of the atomic bomb, the 9-11 atrocity, and the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers John and Robert.
Scattering like wild fire is his other prediction that drove believers to panic, that the end of the world will be this coming December 21, 2012. According to the Mayan Calendar there will be numerous earthly devastation before the end of 2012. And that a great comet named “Nibiru” would impact the Mediterranean and will cause a great worldwide destruction on the said designated date.
With the prevalent occurrences of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, starvation, and diseases plus the accurate prophecies of the already tested prognosticators, who wouldn’t get the biggest scare of his life?
If this is to be believed and the faithful will subscribe to his prediction, the chaos it will create could be more devastating even before the actual date comes.
Only a strong faith in the Almighty could set one’s worry free!
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