The highly rewarding field of Physical Therapy has generously accorded a huge opportunity for resourceful and collaborative advocacy whereby simultaneously promoting evidence-based practices and practical communicative relationship with patients. The sterling performances and compassionate services fairly provided to all patients indicatively establish a life-long relationship and solid partnership with people in the community.
The mushrooming growth of Physical Therapy business shows evident sign of the increasing demand for services of clinical excellence following the influx of the voluminous cases related to pain management, sports injury, orthopedics, neuro Rehab, acupuncture, massage therapy, auto accidents, personal injury, and workman’s compensation.
There’s always a never-ending demand for physical and occupational therapists worldwide creating a competitive whole expansion of related facilities in this interesting market.
In this field, two wholeheartedly dedicated Filipinos with different areas of interest found themselves in a harmonious unison that they not only invest a tremendous amount of determination and self-indulgence into what they passionately do but proved that true partnership could last.
The collaborative efforts of close friends Valentin Villarba and Michael Florendo instantly paved way for a promising business acumen that utilizes their respective skills and technical know-how to the limits.
Meet the buddies with great mindset bonded by strong determination:
Valentin “Val” Villarba
Coming from a huge family, the ninth among a brood of eleven, didn’t hamper Val’s acquisition for the knowledge he has had ambitioned. Earning a Physical Therapy degree from Fatima University in Valenzuela City in 1997 amply gave him the opportunity to explore his capabilities by joining the faculty staff of his Alma Mater as Clinical Instructor while working part time doing homecare.
A literal exponent of a romantic Casanova, being born on the 14th of February, Val planned to raise a family at 21 and married Alma Rivera, a college classmate.
In the early spring of 2002, during a brief sojourn in Jersey City to visit a friend, Val met an authority in the field he’s good at that inevitably induced him for a change of plan. Instead of going back home, he applied for a temporary license that got him employed. Homesickness and boredom sunk in but he was determined to succeed.
Val was joined by his family in June of 2003 that motivated him to strive harder and build more concrete plans. He seriously studied how the rehabilitation business works in all aspects: its operation, management, billing and collection of fees.
Having had (almost) mastered the rudiments of operating a rehab business and eventually mustered enough courage to dig his plans, Val left his job and started to build Hudson Wellness in May 2008 along Central Avenue, Jersey City. Lady Luck seemed to be constantly by his side that in just two successive years he was able to establish two more facilities: one in Englewood and another in Newark. But, by a sudden twist of fate, the two latest additions were doomed to lose that both were closed following massive mismanagement cases and the first one was sold.
Exceptionally religious by nature, the loss wasn’t that enormously devastating for Val. “Everything that happens to me is the will of God…and that He has something better set for me.” He would calmly justify the incidents not just to compose his self but innately upheld by his strong faith. “I know my God will always provide and guide me in all my undertakings.”
Ably guided by his father’s words of wisdom, Val keenly remembers: “If you want to pray, go to a secluded place or be alone in a room so you could have a solemn conversation with God. Praying isn’t for a show.”
Val since worked tirelessly while simultaneously scheming for much bigger plans. And to balance what he’s capable of, he voluntarily joined Freemasonry, a fraternal organization that kept him involved with organized social and charitable events during his spare time. The demand of the activities in the masonry all the more instilled in him a better understanding of compassion and charity.
Undaunted and fully armed with rekindled hope, Val puts up another rehab business in December of 2011, this time with Michael Florendo, a former friend and colleague, as his partner. Easily there was positivity which bonded their partnership that in just a matter of two years, the new venture tagged Bodyworks, turned into an enterprising entity that needed immediate expansion for growing clientele.
“We constantly encourage people to beat the sickening burden of bad health and start to redefine the truest essence of rehabilitation. There’s definitely an answer for every ailment or injury so why suffer the agony of pain and stay unproductive? It’s no longer a matter of option but of choice—to live healthy and free from the burden of disability, that’s why we are here.” Val said in closing.
Michael “Mike” Florendo
From the Philippine School of Business Administration (PSBA) gregarious Michael “Mike” Florendo obtained his Business Management diploma with Marketing major in 1996. The 2nd among three siblings, Mike aggressiveness to land a job got him into Citibank as collection officer and later with Toyota Motors, Philippines as a marketing professional.
Innately business-minded, Mike invested his savings in a mountain bike store in 1990 and got involved in oil-depot business in Binalonan, Pangasinan.
But the irresistible lure of the proverbial greener pasture brought him to the USA in February of 2002 and started a flourishing career on marketing and management until Val and his paths crossed.
Although there was the existence of familiarity between them while working in Val’s company under another management, their relationship wasn’t sealed with permanent liaison. The missing gap was only linked later after he left the company and Val contacted him for a prospective joint venture.
From there, Mike’s marketing skill was given the litmus test when he was commissioned to location-hunt for a new rehab business.
Exhausted over countless feasibility studies, Mike easily zeroed in Bergenfield after having had studied the demographics, psychographics, industrial clusters, and other important factors to consider.
The lease was signed on December 2011 but the actual operations formally commenced on February 2012 with him designated to the marketing side and Val, obviously, to the main operational system. The newly opened business was registered “Bodyworks.”
“Initially, taking off was hard for us.” Mike confesses. “We merely catered to senior citizens even without insurance and Medicare plans just to keep us busy and functioning. There was even a senior member who volunteered to be our receptionist since we couldn’t still afford to hire one.”
“And our sacrifice paid off when we were featured in Twin Borough news that gradually made us known and clients started coming. Our original three-day operation became fully booked for a whole week that required us to hire more staff.” Mike reminisces with sentimentality.
Bodyworks recorded 6,500 treatments in only its first year of operation and grew more than double the following year to 10, 550 paying patients with 1,091 charity cases.
“As much as we could, we try to veer away from any tint and shade of fraudulent malpractice predominantly ailing this industry.” Mike uttered with utmost conviction. “In my capacity as the front guy, I always make myself aware of possible instances that might put our business in a bad light. All we focus onto is purely business with compassionate care.”
“I’m one believer in recognizing the most significant factors affecting the marketing process and addressing those at once with the right solutions. Although we’re primarily concerned about health rehabilitation, we also consider related factors that might, in a way, affect our foremost advocacy.”
“If there would be one frustrating regret from among our patients that would be not seeing us earlier. From day one since Bodyworks forayed into the business, our initial goal was to help the community achieve that optimal healthy physicality through concrete diagnosis and effective remedial assistance.” Mike added.
Another binding factor that keeps Mike and Val glued together is the former’s active freemasonry fraternal membership like the latter.
The friends introduced to the public and possible patients/clients their newly acquired equipments of hallmark quality last Saturday, January 25, 2014, during Bodyworks’ inaugural opening along 399 South Washington Avenue in Bergenfield, New Jersey (07621). Bodyworks instantly attracted a tremendous number of clienteles and curious potential patients.
And from among the emerging physical rehab-related facilities, Bodyworks Rehab Center sets its prime intention and goals way apart from similar businesses. Reliably operated by distinctly accomplished professionals aptly armed with extensive educational and essential experiences, Bodyworks is undoubtedly one of the best and the most sought-after rehab facilities this side of the east coast.
Early testimonies gathered from well-satisfied patients all the more boosted the egos of low-keyed operators Val and Mike working tirelessly behind the bourgeoning business partnership. The accolades and positive reviews keep them much more driven. The fullest measure of sacrificial effort invested in establishing Bodyworks is now gradually transcending into some kind of inspirational force challenging them to even work harder to maintain the prestigious image that exultingly carved the company’s name.
This issue aims to acknowledge the distinct audacity effortlessly exhibited by the sibling-like tandem of Val Villarba and Mike Florendo and inspiringly establish the unprecedented collaboration they set to vouch forth the perfect embodiment of a partnership worth-emulating.
Like riding a tandem bike, it takes Val and Mike congruous and synchronized operational skills to have a steady run…whether pedaling uphill, balancing between abysmal routes, or gliding downhill. Their enviable partnership has bravely defied the “blood-thicker-than-water” test of brotherhood and has remained unfazed by turbulence they meet along the way.
Bodyworks keeps a peripheral vision to fully comprehend existing problems and flaws that could affect the smooth operational process. Val & Mike equally share all the trials and hardships in building the company, and now both savors the fruit of success their wholehearted dedication to their craft abundantly brings.
Bodyworks, buddies’work…!
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