AFTER having immeasurably lived life, deservingly attained what she desired, and contentedly enjoyed the vast reward of what she has painstakingly toiled for, it is only but fitting and appropriate that Rose Pantoja Javier recognizes the seven decades she has profitably journeyed with a grandiose celebration to mark her noteworthy milestone.
Although turning 70 could be somewhat crucial especially for a woman like her since this stage of life signals a penultimate phase of existence, but Rose thrillingly anticipates her red-letter-day with immense enthusiasm. Being born in 1946 during the Baby Boomer Generation that gave rise to independent and self-reliable women makes her a quintessential exponent of her era.
For such an independent and free-spirited woman like Rose, who doesn’t allow age to affect neither her self-esteem nor the even flow of her daily grind, growing old and grey only gives her a more mature outlook in life while simultaneously intensifying her grip for reality and the very soul of her mortality. For her every passing year is a precious gift for she could only experience to live it once.
“I am neither afraid nor ashamed to grow old…it’s one rare privilege denied to many. And besides turning old and gray with intact sanity, on tip-top shape, functional, and with closely knitted family is definitely the greatest reward one gets after emerging triumphant from a life-long battle for survival,” Rose straightforwardly declared, seemingly based from her personal experience.
“Age is just a matter of number… and how I look and perform were what actually emanated from within,” the septuagenarian celebrator defensively commented. “After an extensively tumultuous journey, I have learned that life’s fullness is gauged not in years but in the many ways I have touched and influenced others…and that life is savored not in grand gestures but in the minutest but impressively memorable moments I have encountered and shared with the people I love.”
“That in life, planning maybe important but unexpected turn of events and heartwarming surprises are what actually make life more exciting and meaningful. I have also learned that while you enjoy life’s simple joys, the aging process momentarily ceases since the more I try to discover about the facts of life the harder for me to comprehend my existence. I merely work hard to realize my dream and I understand that nothing happens overnight,” she further assumed with enthused pronouncement.
With verity, Rose actually realizes that living contentedly with what she and her husband have conscientiously worked for is more rewarding. “It’s but normal for people to be ambitious and dream of things sometimes impossible to realize. I, for one, had also envisioned of luxury and living in style but as I aged and matured, I soon came to realize that material things are but transitory… and that what actually matters and gives joy are things that came from your sweat,” the self-sacrificing and sensitive-natured Pisces-born eloquently uttered.
Being born on the 2nd day of March makes Rose a typical Piscean… a woman with strong convictions and personal vision. An independent thinker with the ability to inspire and persuade others because of her indefatigable and passionate ways, she could manage to lead with unwavering dedication and potent force. She may appear fragile in her diminutive physicality but tested in her capability to face even gargantuan tasks bestowed on her dainty shoulders. Rose is a doer, a shaker, and unmistakably, a mover.
Currently the President-elect for the FY 2017 of the Philippine American Friendship Committee (PAFCOM), Rose has effectively held totem pole positions in the Pan-American Concerned Citizens Action League, Inc. (PACCAL), the Garden State Filipino-American Association, Inc. (GSFAA), and the Filipino-American Association of St. Aloysius Parish while simultaneously seated as Vice-President of other well-known Filipino-American organizations in the eastern seaboard of New Jersey: the United Mindoro Association and Ladies for Rizal. Aside from all these, she’s also actively involved in a number of community events: as a member of the Board of Directors and Events coordinator of the Philippine Fiesta in America, Inc., the Secretary of the Republican Committee (Jersey City Chapter), member of Philippine Dance Ensemble, and acted as Committee Chair in various fundraising events and Charity Balls.
Energetic and dynamic Rose, despite her petite stature, undoubtedly remains to be an archetypal example of an organizer with a genuine heart…one who combines compassion and sweeping vision of a true community leader. Her long body of humanitarian service record and dutiful accomplishments benefiting a huge number of the less privilege provide credence to her authentic advocacy and munificent intention.
Her assiduous participation in various organizational events neither failed to dampen her remaining energy nor keep her at rest. Since the time she was appointed by former Jersey City Mayor Bret Schundler as Commissioner of Cultural Affairs in 1997 (when she was the Stage Director to the former’s “Taste of the Nation” festival), Rose never considered taking a back seat as an option. Aside from her regular office hours at the Hudson County Social Services, she relentlessly attends to a number of less exposed but equally beneficial events where her charismatic public relations and tested capabilities as a fundraiser are potently applied that justifiably chose her as one among the “Women of Action” awardees by then Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy, the Municipal Council and the Department of Cultural Affairs.
Rose, being a woman of distinct pride, embraces her femininity to the hilt. Despite standing barely five feet tall, Rose’s innate charm was utilized to the tallest order. She has gracefully reigned as Reyna Emperatriz during the Catholic Action of Mary’s annual Santacruzan, Mrs. Performing Arts Philippines of P.A.P.I., and Ms. Balik-Mindoro of the United Mindoro Association.
Innately loyal, trusting, and nurturing with an expansive understanding even of the complexities of the world of both adults and children, Rose exemplifies the muliebrity of someone that possesses the truest essence of a woman. Motherly with a munificent heart, Rose could easily dissuade or cancel even long-planned and pre-meditated engagement if and when anybody among her children or grandchildren calls for an unscheduled visit.
They say that the truest fundamental nature of motherhood is reflected in the way she cares and raises her children. Since food is the shortest way not only to a man’s heart but to children’s, as well, her culinary expertise is often put to test during decisive moments like this. With her brisk movements and well-calculated kitchen maneuvers, preparing a three-course meal is as easy as setting a full table.
The Bongabon, Oriental Mindoro-born birthday celebrator is blissfully married for forty-five years to one of the most ideal husbands a wife could ever find, the affable Rolly Javier of Imus, Cavite, and together they were blessed with four children: Sherwin, married to Kristine Magat-Javier, with three kids (Angelina Rose, Angelo, and Aeden, 14, 8, and 3, respectively); Leilani who is married to Oliver Evangelista with a 3-year-old daughter, Elise Kareen; Maureen who is married to Joe Varco with 3 children (20-year-old Justin, 18-year-old Michael and 15-year-old Alyssa Jade); and Kathleen, married to Noel Arzadon, with 2 children (Camryn, 6 and Alexa, 3).
On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 5:30 PM, a well-planned dinner-dance party is slated at the Crystal Ballroom of the Ramada Plaza Hotel (#160 Frontage Road, Newark, New Jersey) to commemorate Rose P. Javier’s 70th birthday. To be celebrated with her family, friends and community associates, the magnificent milestone will be aptly highlighted with lavishly prepared production numbers, vocal renditions by her grandchildren, and a specially choreographed medley dance exhibition by the Birthday Girl and dance instructor, Jun Cloma.
How does it feel to be turning 70? Are there fears?
Rose paused briefly, casting a glimpse at her painted nails as if evading eye contact …and after gathering her thoughts, incessantly decanted what was crowding her mind.
“I don’t exactly know but one thing is certain… I am excited to celebrate it together with my loved ones and friends. I always love to be surrounded with people dear to me every time a significant event in my life comes. This is one defining moment and what better way to celebrate it than with family and friends. This is also my way of thanking my Creator for the good life and a rewarding journey.”
“Although there were myriad schemes and huge impenetrable forces that tried to pull me down but all these absurdities were merely passing tempests that promised silver linings. After I’ve lived my 70 years in a tumultuous day-to-day existence, it’s about time to celebrate!”
“My life may not be perfect and ideal since there were failures, losses, and pains… but no regrets. Those bitter points only challenged and motivated me to do better while adding spice to my struggle. I have such a wonderful family and supportive friends. Truly, this is an enjoyable life! I cannot ask for more.”
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