Since birth is the window to the chance and all possibilities of a lifetime, there’s nothing more momentous than celebrating it in the midst of friends and relatives…and to make it extra meaningful, commemorate it with a loved one. One’s natal day is an occasion to celebrate birth itself…the joys of life…the challenges having faced…the triumphant assault over impediments… the disappointments being defied…and having had a refreshing start after every fall.
According to William Barclay, the enigmatic Scottish author and Divinity Professor, there are two great days in a person’s life: the day we are born and the day we discover why.
Others believe in “forever” but for some, a “second whirl” offers a better option.
For somebody in the status of Fernando “Nanding” Mendez, President and CEO of Fiesta in America and a well-revered community event organizer and supporter who ardently subscribes to the miracle that tomorrow brings: “Life goes on and the world maintains to revolve heedless of the failures and sufferings among mankind. Live life to the fullest and enjoy it while it lasts!”
And for Laura Garcia, a highly erudite nursing professional committed to the pursuit of excellence in clinical nursing practice, education, research and leadership, life has a lot to offer and possibilities are infinite. “Why sulk in the dark and dwell into abysmal wretchedness after you fail or get forlorn? I believe that everyone has a perfect match…just like padlocks and keys that were manufactured with even a spare,” she shared.
Call it a serendipitous encounter but there’s no denying that fate had it that they would inevitably meet and sing romantic songs together.
Last Sunday, October 22, 2016, a joint birthday fete was held at 1600 Broadway on the Square’s Club on the Square Lounge (4th Floor) that celebrated Laura and Nanding’s natal days, October 19 and October 24, respectively. The intimate party, ardently attended by preferred guests closely associated with the birthday celebrants feasted on a hodgepodge of native delicacies, finger foods, and a wide variety of party treats. Spirits, beers, and juices literally overflowed the venue while cocktail tables, lounges, and even the pool table area were fully packed with guests while others enjoyed their own private conversations outside in the open area with a generous view of busy Broadway braving the low temp with high spirited drinks.
A party won’t be gauged successful without live entertainment. The festive atmosphere attained its skyrocketed-height when upbeat live music pervaded the air. Popular and most in-demand all-boy group, The Band of Brothers, initiated a danceable repertoire of Beatles medley followed by Geo Ed Rebucas, Angel Ram, Rasmin Diaz, Miguel Braganza, and Dr. Bernie Dela Merced.
If it were held in a much bigger venue, easily, it could have been mistaken for a grand concert event with the all-out performances of world-class Filipino talents that indubitably contributed to the sensational blast of the occasion.
Other guests commemorating their birthdays on October were duly acknowledged that made the affair even well- attended: Geo Ed Rebucas, Gloria Cabrera, Sallie Dela Merced, and Manny Mendez’s triplets Leica, Minolta, and Konica (the camera triplets) who are to celebrate theirs on October 27.
Incidentally, Fiesta in America’s annual observance of Oktoberfest was simultaneously celebrated with its producers’ birthday bash…no wonder, the obvious overflow of beer.
That day will also be remembered in so many lovely ways for Nanding and Laura had both contributed to an intimate togetherness via an eventful lifetime experience of celebrating their birthdays amid close friends…and witnessed by people who believe in the truest essence of their renewed journey with shared emotion.
Although the romantic affiliation is a second whirl for both, their acts, either unguarded or openly, speak more persuasively than what words could possibly express. Like lovebirds (minus the cage) the amiable hosts consistently maintained a closer-than-breath attachment all throughout the party…occasionally detached only at times when some guests insisted on pulling either one for a photo opportunity but instinctively returned into each other’s arm later.
Just like in Bing Crosby’s 1960 theme song from the film “High Time,” (although made popular by Frank Sinatra who re-recorded it 4 months after its original release), its lyrics (by Sammy Cahn) could have seemingly been written intentionally for Nanding and Laura. Take a minute and ponder on the very essence of the prolific utterances that went:
“Love is lovelier, the second time around
Just as wonderful with both feet on the ground
It’s that second time you hear your love song
Makes you think perhaps that love, like youth, is wasted on the young…
“Love’s more comfortable the second time you fall…
Like a friendly home the second time you call
Who can say what brought us to this miracle we’ve found?
There are those who’ll bet love comes but once, and yet…
I’m so glad we met the second time around.”
For God gave us the gift of life…then it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living it well with the one we love…for, after all, all what we remember are only the greatest moments that transpired and not the ordinary passing days that had been.
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