THE year-round oasis is timeless in the Fil-Am community, motivated by independent women that pursue common goals and interests, with their paths frequently intersecting, overlapping — socializing with many of the same well-educated people — their careers almost every instance. Some precede over their husbands, marriage and children, not only by their hard earned victories, but also by their losses and defeats.
They have connection, courage, vision, intelligence and ambition, that affords them an abundance of social radiance and unquestionable worth. Some have emerged from shadows and lights.
That is the human drama that revolves around community events. This emergence contributed in advancing the role of women in their ability to overcome challenges of the new world.
Their invitations are cherished, and among the many of soirees none surpassed in terms of impact or poignancy, when these women rolled their sleeves, away from the lights of the cameras, toiled in silence for the other person, in their philanthropic feats. Call it a gentle salute, if not audacious profile of some these exemplary women of the changing times we have accustomed to seeing at glittering and glamorized gatherings that have been so much part of the Fil-Am community’s familiar mode of life. Among these great achievers some still think whether they are saving lives, building schools, elevating the arts, easing pain or suffering feeding the and helping the downtrodden.
Here are the individuals who try to make a little difference. They are celebrating their lives with in exhaustible achievements, and here are their credos:
Dr. Erlinda Grey – “The essence of generosity, is not just one’s capacity or willingness to give away something to someone. Giving is about the joys that the heart finds in doing the act, but the joys that the heart finds in doing the act, doesn’t have to be reciprocated, giving is itself the reward.”
Vina Nacionales – “Start each morning with an attitude of gratitude, no matter the circumstances, can splash joys the rest of the day.”
Perda (Mother of Pearl) Santos – “I believe in social justices, I believe in peace on earth, goodwill towards men through scarcely to attain in this side of paradise.”
Cecile Ramos – “We all have a secret strength — we have HOPE. Forgetting all the pain and failures of the pact – and strive toward what is ahead. And if ever make a judgement – be it on the side of mercy.”
Zeny Sabocor – “Tolerance, good temper and sympathy, is all that matter in a world that can be full of violence and cruelty. I believe in personal relationships, that is reliable as possible…a matter of the heart that says so.”
Minda Chin – “The only faith that is both concrete and comprehensive in life is its abundance and progress but men do not live by bread alone, the spirit needs nourishment too.”
Rosaliegem Caratao – “I would not ask for the world of power, I need and ask only for the supreme gift of friends that I have in full measure.”
BB Maharlika – This social media queen dubbed, wonderful, marvelous, extra special, unique, first rate exceptional, outrageous, surprising and, above all, humble. “Very often, some criticism can be dangerous, it kills spontaneity. I do not know hatred, nor even envy, but I do know limitless pride.”
Her words are filled with polite understatements, the tranquility of the mind who doesn’t believe in miracles.
Trini Foliente – “For me, a good life lived, is a happy life, but what I mean is, if you’re happy. You will be good. Men does the best it can, I don’t hold people’s fault against them, but ask for tolerance for each other.”
E-mail Mylah at [email protected]