[COLUMN] On Jesus’ healing ministry 

One thing is very clear about Jesus’s ministry as we read or listen to the Gospel: He desires that people be healed from all forms of illness, whether it is physical, spiritual, or emotional. He wants people to be liberated from any anxiety and fear, even the fear of death. He wants us to remain calm and peaceful amidst any crisis, assured of His love and presence in our lives.

This is how we should relate to Jesus in our daily prayers. This is what we need to fill our minds with—the positive thought that Jesus desires our well-being, the confidence that we will get through any crisis through our faith in God, and the strength He gives us.

Jesus’s healing ministry extends through the people who care for us: doctors, surgeons, nurses, care partners, and caregivers. God uses them as His instruments of healing. That is why we must be grateful to them, acknowledge their noble profession, and pray for them.

Jesus’s healing ministry is also manifested through us—family members, friends, and parishioners. Our compassion, empathy, care, and service to others, inspired by Jesus’s care for the sick and the grieving, reveal God’s love and care. Our world, homes, and communities become glorious places to live because of our concern for others.

There are three qualities that we must have as we serve the needs of the sick, the grieving, and anyone in distress: patience, selflessness, and presence. Patience is the ability to hold back and be aware of the other person’s timetable. It’s the ability to understand that healing is a process and takes time. Selflessness is the quality of losing oneself and transcending one’s ego by aligning with another person’s plan, journeying with them on their pilgrimage, meeting them where they are, and helping them chart their own course. Presence is showing up, being there for someone going through a hard time, not needing to say anything wise, with heightened awareness of what that person is experiencing at that moment.

Friends, may we become like Jesus to others by making the sick, the grieving, and others feel loved and cared for with our patience, selflessness, and presence.

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The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Asian Journal, its management, editorial board and staff.

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Fr. Rodel “Odey” Balagtas is the pastor of Incarnation Church in Glendale, California.


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