Cleansing the aura (Part III of III) 

SINCE we spoke of the aura as a field of energy surrounding a living and non-living thing, it follows that this energy is also open to being corrupted. It interacts with other energies, too.

As it interacts with other energies, it absorbs both positive and negative energies of other auric fields, making it vulnerable and sometimes weak.

What happens then when we absorb the energies of other people? A lot!

When a person is experiencing grief or depression and you keep him company, the tendency is that you get drained or tired easily. You feel the sadness of your friend and it translates to tiredness or laziness. The same holds true when a person is angry or irritable. You become short-tempered and for no reason angry at everyone else. A transference of emotions is done through the aura.

Being positive on the other hand brightens everyone’s day. When people smile, good energies are transferred to another person. You lend them good vibes and their aura brightens and becomes more positive.  Wear positivity in your aura to welcome blessings in your life.

How to cleanse the aura

To cleanse the aura, we have various simple ways to do it.  We can use the 3 S’s of cleansing.

SMOKE. One can use incense to clear the aura. First, light about seven sticks of incense and “smoke” your aura. Let the incense smoke sweep the aura. This means you have to circle your body with the lit incense sticks so that the smoke cleanses the aura.

Start from the topmost part which is the head area and in a clockwise motion, circle the aura.

SALT. After taking a bath, dissolve one tablespoon of rock salt in a pail of water. Then pour the water slowly from the head and let the whole body be covered by the mildly salted water.

SPIRITUALITY. Meditation and visualization techniques help clear not just the aura but the energy centers as well. Find a quiet place and sit comfortably with your spine erect. You must be comfortable but be careful not to fall asleep. Close your eyes and start focusing on your breathing.

Inhale… and exhale. Focus on your breathing. If thoughts come in your mind, just let it pass and focus on your breathing alone. Continue to inhale and exhale.

Visualize a bluish-white light on top of your head.  Let it swirl in a clockwise manner cleansing the outer area of your head. As it swirls, let the bluish white light make the head area become much lighter.

Let the light now descend to the level of the throat area. Let it swirl and cleanse till you feel light.

Allow the light to go further down to the shoulder area in a clockwise manner — whirling and cleansing the aura.

Then the bluish white light will proceed to the chest area.  Let it stay there for a while because the chest is the seat of emotions. Cleanse it, feel it becoming lighter and lighter.

Then it goes down to the stomach area. This is the seat of intellect and aggression. Cleanse it well and thorough. Then let the light cover the pelvis area. Now the light has enveloped the whole torso area.

The bluish-white light is halfway the cleansing and is making you feel light and ok. Like an inverted egg, the bluish white light is now covering us.

Let the light now go to the thighs. Then to the calves and finally to our feet.

Now we are covered with the white light of protection. You have now completed the aura cleansing procedure.

Finish the whole process with positive affirmations.

Say in your mind: I am beautiful. I am positive. I am ready for challenges. I am abundant. I am happy. I am healthy. I am kind. I am compassionate. I am protected. I am with God.

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Stargazer is a life coach, aura reader, psychic/clairvoyant, and lecturer on the paranormal. She uses the aura, energies & vibrations as focal points of her psychic readings. Using several techniques involving the psychological, spiritual, paranormal and her own experience of the intricacies of life, Stargazer makes one get in touch with his inner and understand life in a positive manner. Faith in God and belief in self is what Stargazer emphasizes on. Currently, Stargazer is a radio anchor of DZMM Teleradyo, the radio arm of ABS-CBN. Her show “Pinoy Vibes” has been airing every Sunday morning since Sept. 2007. For more information, please visit

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