AS we celebrate the New Year, let’s remember the famous words of Dag Hammarskjold, the Swedish diplomat and second Secretary-General of the United Nations, “For all that has been, thank you. For all that is to come, yes!”

These words imply two great attitudes: gratitude and openness to God’s will. We’re thankful to God for the year that had gone by despite its many challenges and we’re prepared to embrace another year with all its surprises, changes, and uncertainties.

Mary revealed these two attitudes as she took on her role as the Mother of God. She humbly realized her blessedness among all women and her whole spirit rejoiced in God. At the same time, her fiat, her “yes”, was filled with fear and anxiety, but she put everything in the hands of the Creator. She knew that this was God’s plan for her and the whole human race; she  “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

As we reflect on our lives, we too realize how God accompanies us in our journeys. As he led the three Magi to see the newborn King through the guidance of the star, God illumines our ways and guides us to the right path. He wants us all to reach our goals and to encounter the greatest treasure of all that we can have: the person of Jesus. In Jesus we’ll find complete fulfillment and joy!

We will always meet challenges and deal with changes in our journeys in life. At times, God asks us to take another route, and we must be open to this change and adapt to it. Initially, we may encounter difficulties, but if we put our trust in God and if we believe in our capacities, we will be able to overcome hardships and to continue living a fulfilling life.

This change can be a new assignment or a new place to live. It can be a new job or a new stage in one’s life such as retirement. It can be a new boss or new people at work. But whatever these changes are, we must learn to let go of our fears and trust in God’s presence and assistance.

This Sunday is the Feast of Epiphany. It means that we’re celebrating God’s revelation of Himself through his Son Jesus to all peoples. It also means that God continues to reveal his love, mercy, and faithfulness to us. Hence, we should not fear changes and new challenges. In fact, we should welcome them with great enthusiasm and renewed commitment to serve God and our fellow men and women.

Once again, Happy New Year to all of you. May God continue to grant you his blessings of love, peace, joy, health, success, and fulfillment! May you have the strength and the courage to face the challenges of this year!

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Reverend Rodel G. Balagtas attended St. John Seminary in Camarillo, California and earned his Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri.  For twenty years, he has been in the parish ministry of large multi-cultural communities.  Since 2002, he has been the pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Los Angeles. Please email Fr. Rodel at [email protected]

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