(Last of 4 parts)

(Continued from last week …)

“All God’s angels come to us disguised.”–James Russell Lowell

AN angel is an invisible presence that must be acknowledged to become ever stronger. God sends angels to keep watch over human beings and help them in every human challenge. There is, however, the element of free will in humans.

You can acknowledge the presence of angels or deny it. It is your choice ultimately. The more angels are acknowledged and become a conduit to heaven, they become a hovering, guiding reality in one’s life growing ever stronger in their influence to shape every thought, word and deed in one’s life.

On he other hand, if the dark side prevails repeatedly in one’s soul that is made progressively weak by severe addictions of any kind, whether chemical, sexual or the human inclination towards pride, disobedience and evil, then the angel’s influence becomes weak. The human protectee is like a a cell phone that is not receiving signals and becomes dead on a skip zone.

Only a direct divine intervention wrought by the most powerful force of intercessory, unceasing prayers by one or more prayer warriors can avert the cosmic disaster of a soul lost forever to darkness, death and nothingness.

There is a study of angels called angelology.  In it, it is claimed that there is a hierarchy of celestial beings grouped into three spheres. According to Wikipedia, there is a First Sphere, the highest ranking of all because they are closest to God. This includes Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. The Second Sphere includes Dominions, Virtues and Powers. In the Third Sphere can be found Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

Our personal guardian angels fall in the last group. Each human being is believed to be assigned a personal guardian angel, Christian or not. The angels that keep watch over human beings belong to the lowest order of celestial beings and they are the ones concerned with the affairs of human beings. They are holy celestial beings who are agents of God intended as a help to mere mortals. They are powerful but we ourselves need to connect to that power to take effect.

If you acknowledge that you as a child of God was given a personal guardian angel from the time God conceived you in His thoughts, there should be no fear in our hearts to face even the unknown. An angelic relationship can be nurtured daily and can grow wonderfully through time until the end of human life. 

Who knows? In the end, we might be able to see this yet unseen godly presence, link up face to face, do a high-five, even dance a jig and thank our personal guardian angel, whether you gave him a name or not, whether he revealed his name to you or not, when we transition out to a celestial realm ourselves — finally free of ALL heavy worldly concerns and ALL constraints of time, space and gravity.

Just perhaps, that light at the end of a long dark tunnel might give us a glimpse of the face of God himself.

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Nota Bene: Monette Adeva Maglaya is SVP of Asian Journal Publications, Inc. To send comments, e-mail [email protected]


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