One of the most difficult parts of meeting a deadline is when the writer decides to cover somebody who’s not only too familiar, but having had spent and shared life with. There’s always that abysmal constraint in exulting with the use of heartwarming words to the extent of almost over-praising her or trying to down-size even her greatest achievements, just so to play a bit cultured but that would be insulting on her part.
However, after giving it some well-concentrated thought and keen analysis, I deemed it but only proper to write down nothing but only the truest facts and what the sheer reality profusely invokes.
Although her actual birthday was on a Thursday, January 23, Venny decided to celebrate it on a weekend to get the availability of not only her family members (since everybody’s on duty) but her colleagues in Hudson View Health Care Center, as well. So, the birthday bash was slated on Saturday, February 1st at the Community Room of Winston Tower along Winston Drive at Cliffside Park, NJ where her youngest son’s family lives.
Excitement and enthusiasm zealously enveloped her during the entire duration of the preparation. By nature fastidious and meticulous she would incessantly inquire about the layout plan and how the hall would look like when decorated. She was always given the assurance that there’s nothing to worry about since it’s her husband’s expertise for years. Although the assurance was firm she would still be worrisome and unsettled.
A worrier who doesn’t want her concrete plans thwarted and spoiled, she was a bit pacified when she read what’s in store for her from Sally Brompton’s daily horoscope in a tabloid: “The trend that dominates your life at the moment is overwhelmingly positive, so stop trying to change things and just go with the flow.” As if adding some kind of a tap-on-the-shoulder guarantee, Venny stayed calm and cool for the remaining days.
This, in some ways, helped perk up Venny’s mood and disregard occasional events that seemed negatively tracked towards the weekend especially the occurrences of snowfall but overtime there were hugely positive results.
Saturday came and before the light of day could even penetrate through the crevices between the window blinds, the overly excited birthday celebrator was already up and about and raring to transport all stuffs to the venue…even neglected to take a sip of her coffee.
Alas, the element of surprise unfolded before her very eyes upon her return from picking up the birthday cake. Tables were covered with white sheets embellished with red bands running across and finished with an assortment of chips and nuts as centerpiece. The buffet table was set against a backdrop of printed foliage and blooms with twin-figure-fountain sandwiched by purplish pink satin drapes while the presidential table was highlighted by a rich cascade of drapery engulfing another print of waterfalls and foliage. In every column and dominant space hung framed replica images of the breath-taking scenery with her blow-up photo. Instantly, the place has been transformed into a groovy party place and ready for action.
Guests started to arrive at 4pm with Venny’s co-workers and staff leading the group. Before 5, all expected guests were ushered in. There was non-stop dancing and socialized interaction. Food was as diverse as Venny’s party guests since it’s catered by four different restaurants: Italian, Thai, Chinese, and Korean. A veteran entertainer tirelessly led every activity on the dance floor that set the ambience in hyper party mood.
If there’s one thing that never failed to catch everyone’s attention that would be Venny’s birthday cake. Made from a blend of vanilla and chocolate in white fondant icing, the rectangular cake featured a pair of edible crimson red dancing shoes with matching purse and finished with lacey design motifs all over the edges and sides.
Like a young debutant just presented to society, Venny was a picture of a perfect celebrant and hostess as she tirelessly hopped from table to table making sure her guests were enjoying the party as she got involved with them occasionally to keep the conversational topics lively and engaging.
“I want to enjoy life and everything that gives me pleasure while I can still savor the moment of bliss and its very essence.” She said addressing a group of jubilant Latin ladies clad in body hugging party outfits. “What serves working hard and saving when senescence and related deteriorating physical and mental illnesses pin you down? I might as well take every available possibility while I still can!”
Just as what Satchel Paige, one of America’s all time greatest baseball players, once said: “Age is a case of mind and matter…if you don’t mind, it won’t matter!” And that was undeniably some kind of Venny’s unadulterated personal principle.
Time came to end the party but guests seemed to be enjoying the moment even more despite for some that had to go back to duty while others had to drive miles back home. By 9 PM, the area was back to its original form as if nothing ever transpired. That was undoubtedly one of the most sterling events in Venny’s life since it’s not every year that she pompously celebrates her birthday.
But I overheard her saying: “This is just a run-through… a rehearsal of sort. Come 2016, brace yourselves for a more spectacular celebration when I turn sixty!”
Knowing Venny up-close and personal
Born on January 23, 1956 under the 11th sun sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, Venny was named after her maternal grandmother, Silvina.
A woman of ferocious determination and far from being cantankerous unless provoked, Venny firmly holds onto what she believes in and no amount of persuasion or convincing power could move her stand. Although at times, in some rare times, she has a change of heart and bends her steel-like principle…and that’s only when she sees a clear evidence of truth and reality.
The second among the eight children of Braulio Dealca of Bacon, Sorsogon and the former Virginia Yatco of Biñan, Laguna, Venny obtained her BSN degree from the Philippine Women’s University (PWU) in 1977. After completing her practicum in her home province, she passed the Nursing Board exam on October 9 and a week later, October 16, another significant event happened when she entered into a lifetime commitment in an ostentatiously held nuptial celebration at the Top of the Hilton in Manila, Philippines.
Being an Aquarian-born makes Venny a true character of adaptability and originality and could actively seek out new experiences where she could thrive. Directly influenced by the element of air, Venny has that distinct personality that could be stubborn but determined. What she has established in her mind becomes a strong principle hard to control and change.
Venny doesn’t merely rely on snap judgment and life-altering decision but more on her mysterious instincts and the power of woman intuition.
Innately hyper-active and constantly on the go, Venny never imagined herself as a stay-at-home mom. She couldn’t just allow her talent and human potentials to be squandered and merely held at still and always at the mercy of her husband for financial dependency. The heavy turnout of nursing exodus overseas easily motivated her to take the risk of leaving home and in January of 1993, she finally left to seek for the proverbial greener pasture in the land of milk and honey.
The initial phase of her US stint made her missed home and family even more that she nearly gave up the opportunity on hand. It was a blessing that before she made a decision, she was able to petition her three sons and husband in 1996 who eventually joined her successively.
Her sons, Brian Harvey, John Cliff, and Kenneth Roy, who were from Ateneo, La Salle and Kostka, respectively, decided in unison to take up Nursing. Now, all married to a nurse and Physical Therapists, Venny enjoys the company of her five grandchildren especially during weekends when she’s off from work.
Fulfilled and contented, these are more than what she could have asked for. “I may neither be financially well-off nor living luxuriously in style but I’m definitely fulfilled having had attained what I aimed for and unquestionably contented with what life has provided me. There’s certainly a craving for some extra amenities but nothing too pushy for the universe has generously provided me with what could make me successful in life.” Venny says in jest.
Controlled yet spontaneous, this personal dissemination about Venny’s life isn’t an invasion of her privacy or getting too far in digging some personal facts about her private life. It just happens that this columnist is her husband and lifetime partner for more than 37 years who practically knows everything about Venny Dealca Yalong.
To my wife, my woman, my friend, and my number one critic, here’s wishing you nothing but only the best on your birthday. May you have multiple returns of this blissful day!
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