THEY say that the only thing that remains constant is change, and yet most of the time, it is the thing that we could hardly do – and that is, change for the better.
In the running for the next president of the Philippines, many candidates have promised that they will bring change to the lives of the Filipinos. But just like as Bro. Eddie Villanueva has said, if our kababayans are not ready for change, then it is useless to want for it.
In the past, we have seen how choosing the wrong person to lead our country has made lives for our fellow Filipino hard and diffi cult. Every election, we ask for change, for something different and yet we usually end up with the same situation – corrupt leaders who only use their positions for their own interests, endless politicking and miserable conditions for our less fortunate brothers. Still, we look the other way and pretend that this is the change that we wanted.
It is not a matter of popularity, political clout or money in choosing the right leader. All candidates aspiring to lead the country will say that they would want that for the Philippines. But it is up to us to decide if we really want to embrace the change we have been praying for, and believe that we can.
Otherwise, our country will be stuck in the same cycle again – that is, always wanting for change to come, but never truly having it happen in our lives. )
Published on April 18, 2009 in Asian Journal Los Angeles p. A12 )

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