ACCORDING to the New York-based think tank, Global Source, resilient remittances and post-typhoon rebuilding efforts are sustaining the momentum for a rosier economy for the Philippines.

The report also stated that the two leading presidential candidates, (based on the latest popularity polls) Sen. Noynoy Aquino and Sen. Manny Villar are both capable of managing the economy competently.

“Prospects look particularly promising for 2010 when the country will be led by a new president brought peacefully to power while the world economy gains strength. Such would usher in continued remittances, export recovery, and a honeymoon period with a new leader that could only improve the environment for investments,” the report further elaborated.

“Growth drivers could also strengthen next year as overseas workers gain greater confidence with improvement in income prospects and especially with export recovery, additional activity from elections, and a potential honeymoon period of important economic sectors with a new president going through a smooth transfer of power,” said Global Source.

This is exceptional good news for Filipinos, especially with herculean efforts still being made to rebuild and rehabilitate the damages brought about the successive typhoons in the Philippines.

And with elections only a few months away, it is unavoidable for Filipinos to feel apprehensive in choosing the right candidate to become the country’s new chief executive. In the confusing world of variables, it is indeed, appeasing to know that our economy remains constantly resilient.

“The Philippine scenario does not look as bleak as one would expect after a great flood,” the report said. And though this may seem overly optimistic, the positive data and figures indicated on the report should be enough for us to see the silver lining. (AJPress) )
Published November 7, 2009 in Asian Journal Los Angeles p. A12 )

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