FINALLY, it’s signed.

Less than a month into his presidency, President Barack Obama achieved a huge victory when he signed into law the $787 billion stimulus package in the hope of reversing the country’s continuing downturn spiral into economic doom.

But the victory also has its reality check, as Obama noted that it is not an easy road to recovery. “None of this will be easy,” he said. “The road to recovery will not be straight. We will make progress, and there may be some slippage along the way.”

Still, he believes that this is the beginning of keeping the American dream alive, the first few steps to pull the country out of the crisis he inherited from Bush’s administration.

There is no guarantee that the economy will just suddenly turn around for the better or that Obama’s multi-pronged approach will produce jobs or bring prosperity, but one thing is certain—that the President is on track to boost a federal debt that now stands at $10.7 trillion.

The road to recovery may be bumpy and treacherous, but at least the country is moving on the right track. One day, after the long journey, we may find ourselves in the right destination. (AJPress) )
Published on February 18, 2009 in Asian Journal Los Angeles p. A8 )

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