ONE of the best musicians of all time, Ludwig van Beethoven, once declared, “Music is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for mankind and makes them spiritually drunken.” And true enough, music has provided people inspiration throughout the years. It has been like wine flowing endlessly for everyone to enjoy and immerse themselves in.
Music might have evolved over time, and advances in technology has changed how we listen to music—from vinyl to CD to Ipod—our love for music has never wavered, and the fact that it is the one thing which binds us all regardless of our religious beliefs, our race, our nationality or our political beliefs. Collectively, we bop our heads to a catchy melody, we hum to a familiar tune, we bask in the triumph of a “nobody” turning into an “Idol,” we gasp in disbelief at a controversial lyric and we recall our fondest memories at the sound of a song from yesteryears. We may have our own preferences in terms of genres or types but every musical piece does not fail to resonate with us.
On May 17 at the Saban Theater in Wilshire Blvd., California, at 6pm, music will bring us together once again with the Gala Performance of the fi rst Filipino-American Symphony Orchestra (FASO). This is a historical event which would no doubt unveil the amazing musical talent of Filipinos. And though we may never always agree on the issues dealing with politics or religion or others, it is certain that on that day we will all be delighted and overwhelmed and can agree on one thing: Thank you for the music indeed. )
Published on May 16, 2009 in Asian Journal Los Angles p. A12 )

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