THE light at the end of the tunnel: Democracy will win! The Supreme Court of the Philippines will uphold the rule of law and allow due process to take its course by junking the quo warranto case filed by Solicitor General Jose Calida to shutdown ABS-CBN and will defer to the authority vested in Congress, pursuant to the rule of law, to decide either to grant or terminate the franchise of ABS-CBN. Congress will eventually renew the license.
There is no crystal ball nor insider information. Just look at the facts. Just read the provisions of the law. Just read between the lines of statements coming from Malacañang. Just hear the voice of the people crying, begging, fighting for their rights. Just witness the unfolding of the fight for democracy.
The spokesman of President Rodrigo Duterte Salvador Panelo gave a public statement that Duterte was just joking and that his words that he wanted to shutdown ABS-CBN should not be taken literally.
This gives affirmation to the Supreme Court that is is okay to uphold the rule of law and junk Calida’s case. After all, the honorable justices of the highest court in the nation want to be on the right side of history and leave behind a legacy of justice, fairness and independence as mandated by the Constitution.
After all, the Judiciary is a co-equal branch of government meant to fulfill the requirement of checks and balances required by the Constitution.
This gives cover to Duterte’s supporters to accept and respect the decision of the Supreme Court. After all, they believe Duterte’s heart is in the right place. They believe the President wants to protect democracy and respects the rights and will of the people.
This gives wiggle room to Duterte’s allies in Congress to assert the sole authority given to them to decide on the issuance of a franchise to broadcast organizations. They hear the sentiments of business entities that fuel the economy of the nation. They hear the voice of various organizations around the world whose advocacy includes fighting for human rights and the democratic principles.
They know it is wrong to think Duterte is moving toward authoritarianism as his critics allege. They know voting in favor of ABS—CBN franchise renewal means the president and his allies in Congress respect freedom and even dissent and criticism in a democracy pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution that they have sworn to uphold.
Like the Judiciary, they want to prove that the Legislature is a co-equal branch of government. The honorable men and women of Congress will do the right thing. They also want to prove that ABS-CBN does not have the monopoly on the goal to be of service to the Filipinos. This is their goal too when they ran for office. This is exactly what they want to achieve above anything else.
FINALLY, the Filipino people will again show the world that the Philippines is indeed a government of the people, by the people, for the people. They will be relentless, fearless, unstoppable in fighting for their rights, believing that the government will ultimately prove that such power to govern is in the Filipino people. They will uphold the democratic principle that the free and independent press’ role in a democracy is to serve the governed and not the governor.
On February 25, Filipinos will gather again not to honor the “yellow cult” as some call the supporters of the previous administration. Filipinos will be united — beyond party lines, political stripes and colors, socio-economic status, and personal selfish interests. They will be united by their shared principles of “bayanihan,” knowing we all love the Philippines and we can all work together rooted in what unites us, more than what divides us.
At the end of the day and moving forward to 2022, democracy will win. Believe. So help us God.
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Gel Santos Relos has been in news, talk, public service and educational broadcasting since 1989 with ABS-CBN and is now serving the Filipino audience using different platforms, including digital broadcasting, and print, and is working on a new public service program for the community. You may contact her through email at [email protected], or send her a message via Facebook at Facebook.com/Gel.Santos.Relos.