DESPITE the ruthless barrage of criticism which hit the controversial “Pilipinas Kay Ganda” slogan campaign of the Department of Tourism, DOT Undersecretary Vicente Romano II’s resignation, surprisingly, incited positive feedback – both from the Aquino administration and from the general public.
Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said that “the President appreciated the act of Undersecretary Romano in admitting the mistakes. It was an honorable gesture on his part and in fact, he respected Undersecretary Romano for what he did.”
“Again, number one, we are all serving at the pleasure of the President. We bask in his trust and confidence and I think it behooves any Cabinet official and any government official to see that if he has become a liability then he should do the honorable thing as what Undersecretary Romano did,” he added.
But he said that they are not coerced to quit and that resignations should be of their own volition.
During a meeting between Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim, Romano and President Aquino, the three discussed the need for accountability which moved Romano to offer his resignation. Romano took full responsibility for the mistakes made and when and where they were committed.
Although reluctant, President Aquino accepted his resignation and thanked him for his efforts and honesty.
Because of this brave move, Malacañang has expressed that cabinet officials “who have become a liability to President Aquino” should follow suit.
“Basically, I think Undersecretary Romano has put up a standard of public service,” Lacierda said.
“It shows that this administration has the standards required of each public official – that of decency, accountability,” he further noted.
Mistakes are unavoidable, and public officials who commit them are judged the most – often in a hasty and painful manner. But admittedly, it was during these moments of weakness that Romano was able to show his utmost strength — his integrity and sense of delicadeza.

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